Happy Birthday to Carole.
Now this is a very simple utilisation of animation nodes. The Happy Birthday bit is just normal animation. I do wonder if my mind is incapable of much more than this. I can sort of work multi track video but lack the dedication to make it perfect.
This is what the computer shows.
This is easy and if anyone is interested CHRIS PENNINGER can sort you out. If you get stuck with him then ask. He sorts me out.
I have dropped my following Blogger to about zero. I like the few lefty hypocrites like BeefPudding. The bloke is a source of endless entertainment. Thick as a pudding mind you. I enjoy MidmarshJohn for his programming expertise but he does tend to forsake this for plants. Boring things are someone else's plants.
I guess this will be the last post here.
I Like YouTube, I get response and I learn a lot from it. Such is life.
Now this is a very simple utilisation of animation nodes. The Happy Birthday bit is just normal animation. I do wonder if my mind is incapable of much more than this. I can sort of work multi track video but lack the dedication to make it perfect.
This is what the computer shows.
This is easy and if anyone is interested CHRIS PENNINGER can sort you out. If you get stuck with him then ask. He sorts me out.
I have dropped my following Blogger to about zero. I like the few lefty hypocrites like BeefPudding. The bloke is a source of endless entertainment. Thick as a pudding mind you. I enjoy MidmarshJohn for his programming expertise but he does tend to forsake this for plants. Boring things are someone else's plants.
I guess this will be the last post here.
I Like YouTube, I get response and I learn a lot from it. Such is life.