I live in a camper van with a West Highland Terrier for company.
My passion is creating images but it is a work in progress.
I am always willing to share what knowledge I have and can be contacted through the comments on this post or e-mail ADRIAN

Thursday 23 August 2012

THINK FIRST. (23/08/12)

I enjoyed a lovely sunny evening yesterday so the last walk with the dogs was a real pleasure. The last of the swallows were still chasing flies, the wind had dropped to a fresh breeze. All was well with the world.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA This reed bed is just in front of the van. It is a rush bed as these are Bull Rushes. I expected to find some dragonflies but didn’t. I bet the bloody swallows have eaten them all. On we went for a bit and I noticed some water meadow. I thought first but not enough. The only rain free day for ages and I still got wet up to my knees. Deceptively deep is water meadow……

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA I didn’t know what this was but found it in the book. Common Bistort…..everything I find starts with Common. It is a local plant and mostly seen in NE England. It also grows in wet marshy places. Thanks book! I’d already worked that out for myself.

I got back to the camper, popped the kettle on, dried the dogs and changed my shoes, socks and trousers. I then decided to have an hour practising with computer code. I found a superb set of video tutorials by a young American called Jeremy Blum. They can be accessed here at JEREMY BLUM.COM. I was considering starting another blog for such things but now will just warn folk with the heading ARDUINO……. This way I won’t be adding to the vast amount of information readily available on the internet and boring folk to death with my inaccurate gobbledygook. I thought first this time.

Quite how I got from tutorials on YouTube to a Lily Allen video I don’t quite recollect but I found it very amusing. Don’t follow this link if you are easily shocked by profanities or sexual innuendo. LILY AND ALFIE. I just loved it.

Untitled-1 This morning I flung open the van door to be greeted by another fine morning. Good job I’m in a field all on my own as I was doing my best Prince Harry impersonation but unlike him I was not fondling my crown jewels. I could write more on the silly man but will leave it to others. Spoilt overindulged and over indulging hoorays are best ignored or thumped hard.

I chucked on wet trousers, wet socks and wet shoes, finished my coffee, woke the dogs and set off on the mile wander to the supermarket to get some milk, tobacco and a paper. I arrived to find it shut. All that way for nothing. I should learn to tell the time and think first. It was only six thirty and supermarkets need a rest like anyone else. I’ll go again tomorrow……..a bit later in the day.

P8233240_1_2_3_4_tonemapped_edited-1 Early sun and a ploughed field.

P8233245_6_7_8_9_tonemapped_edited-1 The Stockton to Darlington Railway. This was the first passenger carrying railway in the world. I think! It was going to be built in London but folk were worried it would cause earthquakes or plagues of frogs or some such catastrophe so decided to test it in the North. Nothing much changes.

That’s about all for today. I’ll leave you with……………………………..

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA   A Teasel and blue sky from yesterday. It’s drizzling here again.

Have fun. 


  1. I'm really jealous that you are able to wake up so early in the mornings. Loved the sunrise picture! Cheers, Ruby

  2. Oh the field and train track shots are wonderful.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Great, the sun in the morning, the swallows, fields full of things to do, and the harry in a bit of bovver, hee hee. Amazing photos.

    1. Cheers Bob, daft bat he is. Good job he isn't a rugby player, he would be sacked.

  5. I could never get up that early, but then I like to watch TV till midnight. If I was in a field like you, then I might wake up that early as well. Great photo Adrian. :-)

    1. Horst I don't even have a TV. I have IPlayer on the computer if i really want to watch something.

  6. Looks like you've made a really nice move. I was thinking more about your RV fun...and it sounds like it's always fun giving you a change of pace. It would be great to not have to be weighed down by the whole "settling down, getting a job, buying a house bit". I'm a bit of a nomad/gypsy at heart:)

    1. Like all life it has it's pros and it's cons but on balance I prefer the wandering life.

  7. The golden sun shots are excellent Adrian.
    Can't think of many things better than getting up early to enjoy the best part of the day.

    The plant is interesting. I found some growing at a local reservoir the other day. The book I had, named it as Amphibious Bistort. Looking on the net, it appears to be one and the same plant; just the prefix is different.

    Enjoyed that video. My type of humour at times .......... basic. :-)

    1. Keith, ta.
      Amphibious Bistort has bigger flatter leaves on a water lily stamp. This one has thin leaves.
      The video is worth a look or two.

  8. The ploughed field at Sunrise turned out well. Interesting textures.
    Have bookmarked the link to the Arduino tutorials/ It's been a while since I tinkered with mine - Arduino I mean.

    1. Ta John. I think I understood most of what he says. American text books are often better than ours. They are good at explaining things to dumb clucks like me.

  9. The Welsh in me wants to claim the Mumbles railway as the first passenger train. The Liverpool in me wants to claim the Liverpool and Manchester service - for a scheduled service it was. Both were firsts in their own way but I'd have to Google it to be reminded exactly why. I'm not a railway enthusiast as such but, having been born a couple of hundred yards from The Rocket (which was so named because it was where Stevenson's Rocket disposed of William Huskisson), I have always had a certain proprietorial interest in that particular railway. So my vote for your photo offerings on this post go to the railway line.

    1. It was opened in 1875. It was not the first railway but the first passenger carrying railway. I seem to remember the first loco was Locomotion. Much posher than the Rocket and it had a boiler test certificate.
      The Scousers most likely kept pinching bits.
