I live in a camper van with a West Highland Terrier for company.
My passion is creating images but it is a work in progress.
I am always willing to share what knowledge I have and can be contacted through the comments on this post or e-mail ADRIAN

Wednesday 16 October 2013


I wasn’t going to even bother posting this video but I put it together and my mate Bob said.

“What’s wrong with that. It is streets ahead of the Wildcam Badger footage. That was crap.”

Last night I set the Whatever, Trailcam, Dorrcam mine is the latter. I put nuts on the floor on the Badger run and all I got was a Crow eating peanuts. If I’d known all I was going to attract was a Crow I’d have used bread. Peanuts are expensive. Posh bread is cheap at 50p a loaf. Most supermarkets sell ‘Sell By’ bread for fifty pence a loaf and if you are lucky it is Hovis Wholemeal. Nothing wrong with it as far as I can tell.

I hope you find this video amusing. I found it embarrassing. Hard as it may be for you to believe, I have aspirations to be a sophisticate. I do my best whilst narrating to use my posh voice. Then I forget the camera is running and start chatting to folk wandering past. If I ever find out how to talk whilst a video is in edit mode I’ll do a posh commentary. Really posh, like the Royals? Our Queen has an appalling voice…..Prince Charles does too…Perhaps I won’t. Happen mine is okay but listening to me, I feel, a little, no, I feel a lot demeaned. I’ll just have to get used to what I sound like. I sound better than Queeny, Miiliband and Dithery. I know I do.

I had no bother at Tees Cottage, folk are interested in posh cameras not interested in relieving me of them. I spent ages explaining what I was trying to do with the Speedlite, flash, strobe. They could see the difference in the images with and without flash and I enjoy treating folk to the benefit of my ignorance.  It’s a different story if I hit the middle of town. Little sods would take your shoes and socks given a quarter of a chance.

Enough procrastination Adrian. Just load the bloody video. Fine. Here it is. Have a tiddle first, I’m not responsible for laundry.

Pauline I know the building is showing an antipodean tilt. This is down to a little lad who wanted to film his sister. I didn’t check after he had finished. I quite like this view of the world. Antipodean, from the Greek, it means feet pointing in opposite directions. You keep on as you are. Nothing wrong with stuff sliding down hill, as long as your feet are fine.

Tomorrow it’s fancy cars and Saturday I’ve borrowed a microlite flexy wing for some looky down views through the rain. I’m hopeless as a bird man so a proper bird man is taking me for a ride…Is he. He wants £95.00p/hour. Wanting and getting are disparate objectives. We will see.

The Pocket Wizards are all synced up and are working like a dream so tomorrows car shoot will be like a walk in the park. I seem to recall having heard that before.  



  1. Adrian the picture quality of the video is really good. I agree with your assessment of the Queen's voice. I heard it once on TV. Your voice is good. You need an assistant. A very authoritarian type with a booming voice who can say things like, "we are making a video, quiet and stay back please."

    Your write up is very good and very funny. I liked it a lot. The video was good too. I especially liked the sound of the little engine.

    1. David, it still skips a bit but doesn't chop. I have the Canon 5DII set to full manual 1/50s and dial in aperture to get exposure. It is not easy for me as focus is also manual or looky seey. Not easy to use but the quality is getting better.
      It doesn't help with folk wanting a go with your camera. Of course folk are welcome but I do lose the plot after teaching children everything about what I don't know what I'm doing. There is always a silver lining to a cloud. I had to send two video clips that children had taken to mummy. One mummy was very nice.
      I have to laugh at life. Everyone laughs at me. They thought I was part of the entertainment.

  2. Great video clip Adrian, well put together.........your voice............dont change it, if people dont like it.....Tough.


    1. Peter, I wish I could change my voice. It is hard listening to myself. I think I will practise the David Attenborough whisper job. Keith can do voice over and shoot. It is an amazing skill he has. Were there any justice he should be on prime time TV.

  3. geweldig mooi en het werkt allemaal nog ook wat een werk maar wel heel mooi.

  4. Hi Adrian... How wonderful it is to be able to do comment again!!
    The cow eating peanuts has to be the best of this post !! You always give me a good laugh , which I usually need!!
    I do rather like your voice, I think you should keep it!! LOL!!
    I wish it was possible to hear you saying what you write , I think I would just pee myself laughing!! Well you are serious too of course! ; )!!!


    1. Grace, it was a CROW not a COW. had it been the latter I would have posted the video.
      I don't have much choice about the voice. It is hard listening to yourself though.
      It is possible. I could read my posts and publish as an MP3 file. I'll give it whirl sometime.

    2. LOL... now that made me laugh until the tears flowed , nothing like laughing at yourself !!! I think I need to have a new prescription for my glasses!!
      Ya it is always a stunner when you hear your own voice...like" I sound like that"??

  5. Everybody hates their own voice, yours is a peach, soft and gentle and friendly. Nothing wrong with it at all. Now I don’t have to imagine it when I read your posts.

    1. Friko, I've heard mine a few times. it always comes as a surprise.

  6. Wonderful Adrian... a fantastic post and my god you really do sound quite posh.

    1. Andrew, it would have been good to get a bit more video but there were too many folk wandering about.

  7. These guys look like they're enjoying their time with the miniature steam engines. If it's like here they put in many volunteer hours to make something and the icing on the cake is to run it and show it off.

    1. Red, some build their own and some have them built. It is good to see them having fun.

  8. That little lad sure gets around, doesn't he? I like 'antipodean tilt', sounds so much better than crooked. You sound just fine to me and your good humour comes across. I heard a recording of my voice last week and stopped to listen, wondering who that Australian was, for a minute I thought it was my sister, it didn't sound like me at all.

    1. Pauline my good humour would not have lasted. I could have done with a platform above the people. If I ever start to enjoy making videos I'll get a seperate recorder or a proper microphone for the camera.

  9. I thought that was your posh voice Adrian. Anyway just be thankful you don't have to live with my voice: the legacy of having elocution lessons from a French mistress at prep school. You've heard it so you'll know what I mean.

    1. Graham, it is my best voice. Your voice is fine. It could be a whole lot worse coming from where you come from.

    2. Thanks Adrian. However if I did have the accent from my birth city tharrud be dead fashionabul now like lad. It is, after all, a lot better than a Brummie accent.

    3. Graham, not better but different. I hate Cilla Black's accent but find Jasper Carrot's acceptable, as is Ringo's. I suspect Cilla Black would be a right royal pain wherever she had been born

  10. HI Adrian I have looked at the post I have missed over the past week since my friend Eileen came. I enjoyed all the parts of the Tee Cottage series and you voice is OK on this video. You are who you are! Stop worrying about it!! Love your new jumper. Don't like the art photo of the Black headed gulls. It just looks like it's out of focus! Only my opinion!

    1. Margaret, I don't like the shallow DOF on the Gulls either but I was short of pictures.

  11. Adrian, you sound like you are commenting on the golf ~ here we are at Tees Cottage waiting for everything to kick off :)

    1. Carol, I know nothing about Golf but I'm pretty sure they don't kick off. Football I think you meant but I know little about that either.

  12. Nothing 'wrong' with the commentary. Perfectly clear and understandable. I don't think anyone likes to listen to a recording of their own voice. What is 'natural' anyway. As a youngster the family moved around the country. Moving from Lincs to London other kids said I had a northern accent. After a while living near a US air base I had a US twang. Eventually moving back to Lincs I was told I had a southern accent. Now, which was the real me ;)

    1. John be careful. Any more polite comments and I may be tempted to do another video.

  13. Replies
    1. That is good to hear. Stay happy. Love A.
