I live in a camper van with a West Highland Terrier for company.
My passion is creating images but it is a work in progress.
I am always willing to share what knowledge I have and can be contacted through the comments on this post or e-mail ADRIAN

Tuesday 8 April 2014


I am not sure if I’ll manage to post this as I’m running on BT Fon. I should know better as it works fine whilst it takes my money then almost immediately resorts to a speed the Royal Mail would find slow.

I’m in a village called Strontian. I am going back to Resipole for a few days and will do catching up there as the internet is more than adequate and better still it’s free.

I had a wonderful time this morning. It was much cooler but not appreciably drier. It was worth a bit of wind and rain though as the views over Loch Sunart towards Beinn Ladain were fast changing and  totally absorbing. I’m getting used to being absorbing.

  _V0G8418  Beinn Ladain and Meall A’ Choise in the sun.

_V0G8420_1_2_fused   Still sunny but getting very dark as the rain sweeps in.

_V0G8426_7_8_fused   The rain arrived and with it a bit of a rainbow.

I took lot’s of pictures this morning. They were all bracket shot at +/- 2.3 stops and given a good seeing to in both Photomatix and Photoshop. Other than that they are straight out of camera.

I’ll catch up tomorrow.


  1. Three stunning shots Adrian, especially the third one with the rain over the mountain. Well worth the time and money spend extracting them from the camera!...[;o)

    1. Trevor, I could have done with the rainbow in the second image which is my favourite. Things went a bit tits up when the dogs chased after spaniel and they all got stuck in the swamp. The dogs are fine but I have very muddy feet and need a shower. Should have put my feet under the tap with the daft dogs.
      I can't see the point of getting dull images. I should post the 0EV shot. But it isn't what the eye sees, it's lazy and processing is so fast and cheap with computers. I've done some bracket shots on film but they will have to be mind blowing to justify paying for developing masking and printing then I can ask for a high resolution scan. For a bit of Photoshop. Then it has to go for print and colour correction. Not much change out of seventy quid.

  2. Carol, is that an okay 2/10 on an okay dokey 5/10? The printers go mad. I rely on the RGB histogram and look for spikes. It is hard losing ones colour editor to a born again man. I thought I was born again. I cook and made a real effort to discus matters after. I tried for five minutes and then fell asleep.

    1. The okey dokey was for the last bit "I will catch up tomorrow". I gave up critiquing your photos ages ago. I hate marking kids' work ~ why would I mark your work A? I do like the texture effect though.
      Why do people feel compelled to sway other's beliefs?

    2. Why do people feel compelled to sway other's beliefs?
      In my case, Carol, because I know I'm always right. (Takes tongue out of cheek.)

  3. Three very different results from one view. Amazing what light and a shove can do.
    I must say I prefer the third. Seems to have a lot more going on.

    1. Keith I moved about. I moved from the Post Office and filling station to the Strontian Hotel then the bad dogs buggered off. I struggle to capture anything with the evil buggers. I must do a video of how hard it is.

  4. Adrian what is it there are beautiful, wonderful pictures, especially at third

  5. Bas it is wet and windy. It is beautiful but only for a moment. How is Cobie? I hope she will get well soon.

  6. Beautiful reflective images. I could use a rainy day at some point:)

    1. Chris, i would gladly lend you a dozen of my rainy days.

  7. Great all! Such a nice capture of the rainbow... Such a beautiful place

    1. Laura, I have no real desire to be anywhere else.

  8. Adrian, it looks just marvellous. What a location to be in!

    1. Frances, yes I am the lucky one. I have now got as far as Trench Knee.

  9. I really like the second image Adrian with the rain sweeping in and the reflection in the foreground.

    1. Douglas, it is my favourite. I'll see what it looks like without HDR.

  10. You hit the jack pot today. You had some great sunlight and clouds. Yes, the clouds moved quickly and you had something different every few minutes.
    Could I ask what landscape is in the front of the photos.

    1. Red,yes lucky today.
      It is salt marsh. Loch Sunart is a sea loch so is tidal.

  11. Terrific place, the middle hill looks so different to the others. I really like the colours in the last shot.

    1. Pauline, it is not the most photogenic of villages but the surroundings can be beautiful.

  12. Pronounce the Gaelic Beinn Ladain with a Kiwi accent and that explains where Bin Laden got his name from. Despite the 'seeing to' or perhaps because of it although you know I'd never admit that, those are real crackers.

    1. Graham, I have noticed your images getting some treatment now and again. It raises my spirits when i see light in the murk.

  13. The landscapes are terrific, the colours are happening only once.

    1. Bob, yes you have to be quick and you have to be there.

  14. Great scenery, love the light and reflections,

  15. Essentially the same view but the three pictures are so very different from each other. Well captured Adrian or may I call you Ade for short? Like Adrian Edmondson.

    1. YP, you can call me whatever you like.
      Yes all taken within quarter of a mile of each other looking west from the Strontian Hotel. There is a bench hidden behind the petrol pumps which gives a place to sit. I should have taken it's picture as it was donated by the Srontian Aerobics Society. My sort of aerobics.

  16. Some nice variations on a theme here from a remote place. Not many have had the opportunity of travelling to here including myself.

  17. Jay, the area is good but the village is nothing to get excited about.
