I live in a camper van with a West Highland Terrier for company.
My passion is creating images but it is a work in progress.
I am always willing to share what knowledge I have and can be contacted through the comments on this post or e-mail ADRIAN

Sunday 27 January 2013

MOSES. (27/01/13)

We all got a bit damp on our walk this morning. The snow has all but thawed and been washed away.

I came back had a shower and decided to have another go with the MP-E 65mm lens. I can report a definite improvement. I hope you agree.

IMG_0004_edited-1      Cushion Moss at 1x

IMG_0005_edited-1    At 2x.

IMG_0006_edited-1      At 3x.

IMG_0007_edited-1      At 4x.

IMG_0008_edited-1    At 5x.

I am a bit confused this morning. The post should have been titled Mosses. Not being a Bryologist I went on the internet to determine what sort of cushion moss this is. I’m non the wiser as I got embroiled with photographs of Kate Moss. She polishes up very nicely. Wouldn’t mind popping her on the table and taking her picture.

Depth of field is much better today I used the old ring light, not the ring flash. I focussed using live view. All these are shot at f16. They are over lit A bit but that is just fine tuning. Non are cropped but they are sharpened a bit. I turned in camera sharpening off.

Tomorrow we head to the woolly wilds of Milton Keynes.

Have a good week.


  1. Apart from 5x they look great to me. DoF is obviously the problem at 5x.

    1. Minimum aperture at any magnification is f16....it's not bad though. I'll look for something flat to snap. I am trying to focus about a third of the way in but a bit of moss is only a couple of mm diameter.

  2. You're certainly getting to grips with this lens Adrian.
    Look forward to having a play.

    Have a safe trip down.

    1. I have learn't what it can't do Keith. It is good but doesn't let light in. I am happyish with these. Must try it with a 2x teleconverter on. Canon call them extenders. I will crack this faster than I'll crack birds in flight. I'll have a go at birds in boats first. See you tomorrow.

  3. I was expecting reeds, not moss! :)

    1. Monica, my brain gets tired. Moses is only a 'S' short of mosses. Kate Mosses was eye candy. Bad spelling sometimes produces unexpected results.

      Sorry to disappoint an Old Testament aficionado. Pray be kind...not much turning of cheeks in the Old Testament. I'm easily intimidated.

  4. Takes some discipline on your part to take the photo and record details on each one and then go back and analyze all the stuff. It's practice and more practice. I'm not that disciplined to keep my nose to the grindstone.

    1. Red, it is recorded automatically in the EXIF data. I'm not that disciplined.

    2. Of all the things I didn't know! That'll teach me for having the cheapest of the cheap for a camera.

  5. I missed seeing the light-colored title so I was not confused or expecting the great Moses. re: the moss: spectacular, Adrian! I have never seen such a plant. It's quite lovely.

    1. Norma. it is a small plant that usually grows on rock but this was growing on a tree. Mosses, Worts and Lichens are always worth a look.

  6. Wonderful photos, the exposure can be corrected in Photoshop. That's quite the lens.

  7. Horst the exposure, highlights and shadows look good on the histogram. The problem is getting some side light to increase contrast.
    I was pleased to be able to focus it.

  8. It's looking very good to me. Nice going.
