I live in a camper van with a West Highland Terrier for company.
My passion is creating images but it is a work in progress.
I am always willing to share what knowledge I have and can be contacted through the comments on this post or e-mail ADRIAN

Friday, 21 February 2014

PERFECT. (21/02/14)

Just up the path from the van is a wonderful shop, cafe and bar. _MG_2990_1_2_tonemapped

_MG_2993_4_5_tonemapped It sells all I need. The cafe does a good fried breakfast, the shop gets me a Telegraph to order and the bar sells beer. I enjoy the Telegraph crossword but I don’t like the news.

Dithery Dave has had a row with Vincent Nichols. The former is our unelected Prime Minister and the latter is the Catholic Archbishop of Westminster. It has provided a little light relief. Vincent has accused Dithery of decimating the welfare system. I suspect benefits have been cut by more than a tenth. Dithery has now got himself in a bit of a mess. Instead of keeping quiet he has said that paying poor people less will inspire them to work harder. Quite how this equates with his policy of paying the wealthy more to work harder I find a little confusing but I assume it makes sense to him.

It’s blowing a gale again. I’ll try and get out for some Reindeer pictures tomorrow but it is not looking good.

Have a great weekend.


  1. The all-encompassing Glenmore Shop sounds brilliant. Do they also do dog-grooming and funerals? Saves a lot of shoe leather

    1. YP, it is a blast from the past. It isn't too expensive either. They let dogs in but refuse to dry and brush them. I suspect if I turned my toes up in there they would drop me in the loch for the fishes.

  2. As she is suffering from too much sun at a swimming carnival today, she spots things that you would never see here in Cairns - bobsleds, skis for hire and firewood. I will keep my eye out for reindeer tomorrow too while I am gardening in the backyard. Have a great weekend A!

    1. Poor you. It is sunny here today but the wind is gusting 40mph and blowing snow from the mountain. The ski runs are shut again as it's too windy. More snow is forecast for this evening and tomorrow.

  3. I'm a new admirer of your photography and wonderful descriptions of the places you visit. Since retiring I am trying to improve my photography so will watch and learn from your site. Looking forward to some snowy scenes from you soon.

    1. Cath, good to see you here. Monday is looking good for snowy pictures. It's a very warm winter but there is plenty on the mountain.

  4. The one stop shop looks just the ticket Adrian, you could spend all day in there...breakfast, read the paper, re-provision and then stagger home after a skin full.

    Just thinking, how about hitching the dogs up to one of those sledges, they could then pull you around Aviemore in style as you throw a few regal waves to the masses!!...[;o)

    1. Trevor, it is an excellent shop.

      I wouldn't dare risk it. Heaven knows where I'd end up.

  5. Don't let the shop see your photos, Adrian - they'll want them for their advertisments, and I'm not sure they'd be willing to recompense you properly! Beautiful work as always, and I'm glad you've found a place that meets your needs.

    Like most Americans, I am largely ignorant of the political situation in other countries - and mine as well, probably! But I will say that the idea that paying people less to work more is alive and well in Alabama, where our governor (a physician and Southern Baptist) is hard at work fighting off the intrusiveness of the federal government, which has had the gall of working to provide food and medical benefits to those who need them most. But he is very proud of the new firearm factory that recently opened up shop; swords into ploughshares, indeed.

    1. Nathaniel, I'd take a beer or so for them.

      I suspect things a pretty much the same the world over.

    2. I'm not sure of the price of beer over there, but I would say you could definitely get a few "free" pints, at the least!

    3. Nathaniel, I am surprised that no one has given me grief over these images. If you look they are monotone with just selective colour showing.
      I get a few jobs a year but charge a lot of money for a day. Everything else including the images on this blog are free. It's my way of saying thanks to all the other folk that provide things for free and that includes Google.

  6. Dithery hasn't the foggiest which way is up or which century it is. He just does what his wealthy, funny handshake buddies tell him is best for them.

    Did you buy the pooches one of them there sleds for them to ride in and save their legs getting any shorter ;)

    Thought for a not too intrusive animation for your header - how about a small shooting star in the background?

    Forgot to mention - the second attempt with the snowing animation worked well.

    1. John, I'm afraid they just wind me up with their procrastination and lies.

      No I didn't. They need the exercise.

      I'll look into the shooting star.

      I didn't do the second snow. It is my image but it just arrived through Google. I don't know who did it.

  7. Adrian what a pretty amazing store, I love.

    1. Bas, I love it too. Not that it has any competition.

  8. Good store you found!!
    Politicians are the same everywhere, Adrian. Just look at their benefits.
    Have a good weekend.
    a hug.

  9. I love those shops, cafe, restaurant and bar, what else do you want.

  10. One-stop-shops are great! We have coffee shops here in town that sell also undies, jewellery, travels, mobile phone contracts and the gods know what else. Oh, and coffee.

    1. I forgot that they also sell lift passes and hire out skis. The coffee here is good but not brilliant.

  11. Love this kind of shop! -)) politicans... Omg... I am ashamed of Italian politicians in recent years ...

    1. Laura, at least we get a laugh from your politicians. Ours are just greedy good for nothings.

  12. No wonder they had to add an extension to the building. Open all hours?

    1. Pauline, no. It opens at 0830h and shuts when folk stop drinking. Usually around 2130h.

  13. For how long have you've been traveling? Do you have a gun with you? By the way, I'm a pacifist, so I'm not concerned with owning a gun at all, but I'm just curious as to how you protect yourself with all that traveling to so many far away places.

    1. Maria, about four years. I haven't a gun. In this country they are illegal. I don't often have any problems at all. If I do I'll get the dogs to lick them to death.

    2. Ha Adrian you're so funny. Pepper spray is excellent and it comes in different forms; some of them squirt the liquid and reach very long distances; some of them spray a mist.

  14. That looks like a cool little business. Real reindeer? I can't wait for tomorrow's post.

    1. Red, it is fantastic. It is raining and windy for the next two days. I'll wait for more clement weather for the Reindeer.

  15. Oh, it's Alice's restaurant. You know, "you can get anything you want at Alice's restaurant, 'cepting Alice."

    1. David, that brings back memories. Arlo Guthrie. A real blast from the past.

  16. I like Trevor's idea of hitching your dogs up to them sleds, they do it for real in Aviemore. Is the shop celebrating the curling I noticed the olympic rings.

  17. Naa! Curling is boring. Boarding, downhill and giant slalom are what it is about. All I see is bloody ponses chucking a rock then sweeping the ice clean. It is worse than watching darts or snooker.
    Cheap telly though!

  18. I'm rather surprised that no one has mentioned the inconsistency of a representative of a church (which is both immensely rich and relies on the poor being well paid enough to part with enough to keep it rich) not declaring his pecuniary interest in DD's actions. I wouldn't mention it of course because I can't stand controversy.

    1. Graham, the church do maintain some beautiful buildings. The church wouldn't dream of declaring an interest. They are so hypocritical that it wouldn't occur to them.

  19. A cooked breakfast ... the great antidote to everything :-)
