I live in a camper van with a West Highland Terrier for company.
My passion is creating images but it is a work in progress.
I am always willing to share what knowledge I have and can be contacted through the comments on this post or e-mail ADRIAN

Saturday, 2 May 2020


I suspect I may be turning into one of them. No not anything weird like a vegan or a tranny. I'm turning into something much worse, a Blender addict. I think after countless hours I may have cracked the fluid job. It's not perfect but not too shabby. You wouldn't believe the brain ache I've had. The old fluid simulator did leave a bit to be desired but it was, in all fairness, only a ten click job. Mantaflow requires a doctorate in fluid physics, not that I've ever had a doctorate in anything. I don't think doctoring lambs counts as anyone can do that.

This is just a visualiser but you can see that nothing is passing through the waterwheel bit. Unfortunately nothing is getting trapped in the paddles which is a bit of a sod. This wheel consists of lots of pieces at least twenty odd. I am wondering if I made it much wider then parented the paddles and the central drum to the outer flanges and spokes then applied two different collision interferences it might do the trick. I thought this would be a weeks worth of spare time but I've still not cracked it. At least the water coming in is doing what it oughter. The fluid going out is still building up a bit fast. My drains must be blocked. There must be at least 60% of Mantaflow settings I haven't played with yet. I'm sure the developers can make it work. In a year they will have got Wiki instructions out, ironed out the glitches and I will wonder at my stupidity. 
Not to worry it saves me thinking of another project for the coming week. Problems are opportunities in Adrian world. I wonder how anyone can program such stuff. It's amazing.

I have another problem, it's with RBS. The dishonest useless tossers that call themselves bankers or at least I think that's what the account manager said they were the last time I managed to get hold of the part time twat. Yesterday I logged in to transfer some money to a registered transfer account that is purported to be a click away and the buggers wanted another verification code which they would send to my mobile. My mobile doesn't work here, nor do I know where it is so I got my card reader out to give them a random number and the bastard batteries were flat. Can I buy a couple of CR2032 batteries at Sainsbury? Can I hell as like. They sell them in packs of six for ten pounds. I have a couple of camera gizmos that use CR2032s so it is not a total waste of a tenner. The fit, youngish lady in Sainsbury had a very fetching white tabard on it looked wonderful against her died white hair with blue bits on the ends. Unfortunately she had her usual clothes on underneath. The tabard was printed up with the following message. Sainsbury request you keep your distance. I asked her what she'd got and the cheeky minx said nothing you can catch unless you have a six foot willy. That was me told. She was an angel though and fetched me three tins of grapefruit from out the back. I don't know why folk are buying so much tinned fruit but they aren't buying peach slices, fruit salad or pears.
I do have some video but I will wait until I can see if I can get this to work then run a before and after.
Enjoy the coming week.

PS. Update on Sunday.

I think this is about sorted. The lumps 'A' are drains. They won't necessarily render. The wheel 'B' I've made see through and as you can see the mesh 'C' is now filling the paddles. Seems the job is a good un. Now all I have to do is build a bit of infrastructure and colour in and I'll call it job done. Maybe I'll shift the inflow left a bit and see if I can reduce the friction on the wheel a tad.


  1. I don't understand the difficulties with the water wheel so I can't really say anything except it would give me a headache trying to work out Blender. RBS are pretty difficult with sending these authorisation codes via mobile phone because I also don't have a mobile signal. For that reason I usually choose not to use my RBS account for any purchases from home unless I am caught out having forgotten and just as I think it has all gone through they tell me they are sending an authorisation code. Causes no end of problems.

    1. Rachel, I don't understand the difficulties either.
      RBS are a blasted pain. They are barely fit for purpose.

  2. 10 /10 for perseverance Adrian. Maybe water should drop more vertically into the topmost available bucket / paddle? Most seems to miss it at the moment. Just a thought from someone who has no idea how to start on a project like that.

    1. John, I gave up on Wednesday but decided to keep plugging away. It doesn't work quite as one would imagine. The wheel is animated to rotate as the water can't administer any force. The old system had two settings Convex Hull and Mesh for collision objects. This seems to act like the former. The best analogy is to imagine the wheel wrapped in cling film.

  3. I'm not sure how long we've known each other but it's many years even since we shared a bottle or three chez moi and I never ever cease to be amazed at your ability and tenacity and at how you manage to carry off so many outrageous comments without (usually) causing offence. Lang may yer lum reek.

    1. Graham, it's not tenacity it's stubbornness. Most folk I know give as good as they get it is just banter. I would hate to upset anyone unless they were a socialist, a politician or a banker and they are impossible to upset in any event.
      Yes it seems a lifetime ago since I was on Lewis. We sent a trailer up your way last week.

  4. Ok, its official. You are a blender addict. The codes are additional security enhancements, a necessary evil, Adrian. Cheers :)

    1. Only needed because they outsource stuff I will look at their business model and reject it if necessary. Don't want you to be unemployed. I certainly don't but nor do I want to have to jump here and there to access my money. They act like it is theirs and were it not for the UK government they would be bankrupt. Bloody RBS have no money.
