I live in a camper van with a West Highland Terrier for company.
My passion is creating images but it is a work in progress.
I am always willing to share what knowledge I have and can be contacted through the comments on this post or e-mail ADRIAN

Saturday 1 September 2012

WELL I’LL BE! (01/09/12)

I’m like a dog with two tails……Yesterdays trials and tribulations with the chain saw logging mill went fine. I got the Arduino to control a light. Could have done it quicker by touching it’s wires to a battery but that is not the point of this exercise. For those with time, electronic components are cheap as chips. I have time but don’t know a transistor from a resistor. I do know what folk charge for computers, intervalometers, weather stations. I have spent sixty pounds to learn. If I fail then I’ll leave it to the experts.

This morning was dull and damp but despite a two mile walk and failing on the crossword I’m happy. The damn crossword I'm not too happy about. I’ll have another go at that wee devil later!

The chainsaw logging mill turned out to be a fit for purpose.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThe first two slices.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA  The third is perfect.  If you look in the top left you can see Alf rolling in sawdust. Milling logs is about to become high on his entertainment agenda.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA     He has shaken most of it off. Still has a wee orange tint though!

Today we have replenished the camper gas…..I now have enough for months. We have been to the wholesale animal feed place and the dogs have enough for months. It comes in fifteen kilo sacks and is VAT free for working dogs…..Dogs Get Working!

First thing this morning I was listening to The Mitt Romney road show round up. It has been spectacularly lacking in the expected Republican humour. Apart from an early appearance of some dumb redneck chucking peanuts at someone it has either been saccharine sickening or boring as F..k as  only the right can be.(Okay I’ve had some tedious ones, I own up). All that changed with the geriatric Clint Eastwood abusing an empty chair. It is just brilliant. Look it up.

Well I’ll be buggered. Here is the tiny microprocessor blinking a light.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA    You may think this is easy…………..No way. Took me six hours to get this far and then it just isophased . I altered the code and it occulted. Gobsmacked! I am in control of a computer for the first time in sixty years. It’s easy peasy! I just typed in a number and clicked on the little arrow second left in the screen grab below. Away it went, what a star!

image  There. I made it do wHAt i waNted. Well worth the effort.

I shouldn’t advertise something I covet but I can’t afford it yet! Harrison Cameras in Sheffield have a Canon 400mm F2.8 lens in as new condition with a hard box and all the bells and whistles for six and a half grand. Get in there!!

Have a magical September.



  1. A useful website I've recently stumbled across for the Arduino is the Adafruit Learning system. It covers other things than Arduino but if you look at the components then as well as a description of what they are they nearly all explain how to use them with an arduino so you can build up from small examples to more complex circuits be combining a number of their examples. There are some interesting looking projects on there as well although I've not tried any of them.

    Of course it has a commercial aspect to it as well (each project gives the list of components that you can but from them), but most parts you can get from anywhere, which is good given that their delivery costs rules out buying from them unless you live in the US or fancy waiting a few months for surface mail.

    1. Cheers Mark, I have looked at that but am sticking with Jeremy Blum.

  2. Lovely sawdust for Alf, and what can do about Romney, ha ha, he's already done it.

    1. Bob, there will be hell up if they elect him. The world is just recovering from the last lot of Republicans.

  3. The great slabs of wood interest me. What kind of wood is it? Do you know what it's to be used for.
    Liking to do challenging things like crosswords and electronics keeps one very healthy in the head.

    1. Beech I think. That will be decided by the carpenter that buys it. My head is a mess.

  4. The saw does a fine job and Alfie obviously appreciates working machinery. One of those slices would be the start of a rustic table for my garden. It would fit nicely next to my dream hammock.
    Congratulations on your first working Arduino project. Nothing quite like a quick flash.

    1. John, I'm sure he'd sell you a piece. Sweet Chestnut would be good as it is rot proofish. E-mail if you want a slab.

  5. The Republicans are a dying breed only worshipped by the South, people who don't know any better, and people who'd like to relive the 50's. But the world is changing and if Eastwood is the best they can find.....then they are indeed in trouble as most people believe. I have to shut all this political stuff off....it's nonstop and driving me crazy. Our public radio play coverage from all the conventions....I can't wait until November is over with this stuff.
