I live in a camper van with a West Highland Terrier for company.
My passion is creating images but it is a work in progress.
I am always willing to share what knowledge I have and can be contacted through the comments on this post or e-mail ADRIAN

Tuesday 12 March 2019


I am still plugging away at my new video title. I like the concept but often thank heaven I'm not artistic......more spastic if I'm honest.
 I have this wonderful transparency on the globe but would like to see it's edges as it rotates. I looked the problem up and found a tutorial where he introduced a copy of his sphere. He duplicated his world and changed it to wire frame. Brilliant for him, not for me. He must have eight fingers to click with and a ten finger keyboard. One of those very clever offspring of a close family coupling I suspect. Maybe it could be me being thick. My primary school teacher always said I'd end up a bin man. Ignoramus he was it's Bin Person. I'm not that non PC.
 It's funny how productive Blogger can be, I have tried dropping the ocean mask into Photoshop and converting the white bits to 10% grey. No joy at all. As I write this I have had another thought wire frame a duplicate and pop on a mask the opposite to the one that creates this,  I need to reverse it's mask. The mask I had to reverse not two days ago....I'm sure I saved it but where. I initially thought of green for the land bit but it looks awful so I'm sticking with a bluish colour.

 We have acres of Gorse left. This was cleared four years ago. Bastard stuff grows faster than fire.
Lots of gorse left. Three years ago cattle grazed here. Anyway this one is for Trevor.
The latest video title on acres of bloody Gorse.

Tonight we will find out if it's worth voting in the UK. I doubt it is for folk that like independence. For once I was in the majority. Government is crap here. They abdicate responsibility to a referendum and then look for a deal. We didn't vote for a deal. One can't deal with the 
French and Germans. We keep trying but they don't act normal like us. They understand force. The Germans should have been subjugated after their last effort and their country split into it's Fifedoms. Forced to pay reparation. They got away scott freeish. This is how they repay our generosity. Evil sods.
There are some funny folk here. Most employed by the state on flextime. With a telephonist working to the same global time scale. Impossible to find the same contact twice. Most would struggle to get the minimum wage in my real world. Why do we have a minimum wage? I am happy to work an hour for a two dog clip. Cheaper than chips I am.

 The dogs are squinting a bit because they can see. I am poorer by a couple of hours.
Have fun.


  1. Bit chilly for the dogs to be sheared shurely? Or is it Shirley or surely?

    1. Graham, Moll is fine but Alf has a jacket on cold wet days.

  2. I see what you're saying Adrian, looks like you've got more than enough Gorse to go around!
    The gang do look a bit chilly, maybe a couple of nice new tartan jackets would keep the chill out!...perhaps you should put in for a pay rise?....[;o)

    1. Trevor, it's taking over the top of the glen as well. I have looked at the stuff when out macroing but it produces lean pickings.
      Alf has a jacket if he feels cold Molly doesn't seem to notice and both are happy to play in the sea at any time of the year. Where there's no sense there's no feeling.

  3. Gorse was introduced to New Zealand by settlers ostensibly for grazing (??). Anyway it became a massive nuisance and led to the use of, I think, what was called Agent Orange, in Vietnam. It is still a massive problem and, of course, so were the additional problems that came with using that herbicide.

    1. Graham, they are considering building a 600HP gorse masher. Mashing season is so short as you aren't allowed to burn it or mulch it from now until October. The stuff grows so fast.
