Spring is sprung…The grass is ris………I wonder where them birdies is……The birdies on the wing…….That’s absurd…………..The wing is on the bird.
I could go on for ever, a stunning day, we have walked for hours. Not a marathon, just wandered…..got lost wandering. No worries. Got engrossed admiring frog spawn, a Crocus, sheep and light and cloud. So happy have I been I forgot to take pictures. Well there are a few…………….
A view over the very bottom of Eskdale. The gorse is flowering and the sun is shining.
A crocus is out sorry I was up to my boot tops in sludge and forgot to shove ISO so a wee bit blurry. Excited to see it I was!
Frog spawn laid in a tractor rut……………no chance….I moved a bit into a nearby pond. Funny it was below freezing here last night and I dredged with my hands around the pond edge but couldn’t find a frog.
This…..whatever it is…is in full bloom. The shrub is about twenty feet tall and the white flowers are chrysanthemum sized. Brilliant whatever it is.
Just in case you thought I had my sensible head on…………….scrap in the wood.
Have a good week. See you tomorrow.