I live in a camper van with a West Highland Terrier for company.
My passion is creating images but it is a work in progress.
I am always willing to share what knowledge I have and can be contacted through the comments on this post or e-mail ADRIAN

Monday 28 February 2011


Spring is sprung…The grass is ris………I wonder where them birdies is……The birdies on the wing…….That’s absurd…………..The wing is on the bird.

I could go on for ever, a stunning day, we have walked for hours. Not a marathon, just wandered…..got lost wandering. No worries. Got engrossed admiring frog spawn, a Crocus, sheep and light and cloud. So happy have I been I forgot to take pictures. Well there are a few…………….

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA A view over the very bottom of Eskdale. The gorse is flowering and the sun is shining.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA    A crocus is out sorry I was up to my boot tops in sludge and forgot to shove ISO so a wee bit blurry. Excited to see it I was!

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA     Frog spawn laid in a tractor rut……………no chance….I moved a bit into a nearby pond. Funny it was below freezing here last night and I dredged with my hands around the pond edge but couldn’t find a frog.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThis…..whatever it is…is in full bloom. The shrub is about twenty feet tall and the white flowers are chrysanthemum sized. Brilliant whatever it is.

 OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA     Just in case you thought I had my sensible head on…………….scrap in the wood.

Have a good week. See you tomorrow.



  1. It will be nice to have such a day. Soon I hope? And, why bother with a sinsible head, you can't imiprove on perfection can you?

  2. Really good blog, nobody does them like you can.

  3. Lovely read as usual. The first picture is lovely...what a wonderful view.

  4. Oh, I love LOVE the trailer shot at the end. This is really a great piece of art!

    I watched your birdie vid too and it was so fun! Looking forward to the next one. :o)

  5. Sunlight. A real treat, and a lovely view in the first.

    A shame those frogs missed the pond :(

  6. The last shot is superb with the mixture of colours and light. It's poignant that there is an autumn feel around the cart.

  7. Yes. I have reports of sun in Scotland (Lewis and Glasgow!)and now Eskdale. Still don't know if it was sunny on The Wirral.

    Love frogspawn because of its promise of new life but it also reminds me of sago pudding which, as a result, I can't eat.

    The last shot is right up my street though.

  8. That is a great last shot. A real richness and depth of colour and a nice composition to boot. I wouldn't expect less Adrian.

  9. Dale, I wish you some of our weather. Still freezing at night but the days are grand.

    Bob, cheers.

    Monica, it is heart lifting to see some colour.

    Trevor, as you know we are right on the edge of the fells but I enjoy this area.

    Ms Funk, wash your keyboard out with soap. That last image is straight off camera. The videos are the very devil to do.

    Keith, probably for the best. we'd end up with a world full of dim frogs. If they can't tell a pothole from a pond.

    Jay, I'll post the original today........nothing special about that.

    Graham, sago brings back memories of school....Tuesday was sago day if I recall correctly. The last process is easy to do. Ask if you want to have a go.

    Trevor, it passes the time......an approximation of the Michael Orton style.
