I live in a camper van with a West Highland Terrier for company.
My passion is creating images but it is a work in progress.
I am always willing to share what knowledge I have and can be contacted through the comments on this post or e-mail ADRIAN

Saturday 30 April 2011


This morning we were out a sixish for a quick look round. Back for breakfast and then out again to look at what remains of Low Slit Mine. The wander took us alongside Middlehope Burn, along both sides actually as a pair of rather decrepit bridges switch the path between banks.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA       A calf enjoying his breakfast.

_4303649_50_51_52_53_tonemapped_edited-1     I’m hoping this derelict barn is at the delightfully named hamlet of Weed, just a few hundred yards from Westgate.  Round the back of this and into Middlehope valley.

_4303654_5_6_7_8_tonemapped_edited-1The early morning light catching a delightful cottage………bet it’s a dank dull place in winter………it looked really bonny this morning.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWaterfalls Middlehope Burn.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA      We could really do with some rain. The problem being that once it starts it doesn’t know when to stop.

_4303676_77_78_79_80_tonemapped_edited-1       This culvert at Low Slit mine is most unusual, how it supports itself is a mystery. The remains of this mine are being stabilised………..restored is overstating things. I’ll give it a proper go tomorrow. The mines shut over a hundred years ago. This mine is over six hundred feet deep and by the looks of things also processed lead ore from another mine higher up the valley. According to a chap I met on the way back down it was so hot  down there miners were working in their knickers. Them thats could afford knickers!

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAA style made from railway line….it is still possible to make out the track bed running down the valley. This is bull nosed rail. I noticed an old ore tub axle down the valley which was equipped with the much wider wheels designed to run on a wooden way.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThis is not a mine adit but a sough. Dug to drain a mine higher up the hill.

_4303705_6_7_8_9_tonemapped_edited-1 This is a mine tunnel or adit and is home to a pair of Swallows.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA      Here is one of them. If you would like to see the job done properly then have a look here CABINET OF CURIOSITIES. Thank you Phil it is a great place.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA      Finally a tree and a rock that caught my fancy.

I’m going back tomorrow with all the gubbins. A macro lens for the wonderful display of wild flowers. A tripod and a long lens for the Swallows. Knowing they have to fly in and out of the mine gives me a fighting chance of a picture. There are also Meadow Pipit and Oystercatchers. It looks as if it’s a flask and sandwich morning.

I’m sorry for the quality of todays pictures……….I thought I was doing okay. I’ll try harder tomorrow. I’ll also stink of garlic as the wild garlic is just out and is wonderful in salad.

Enjoy your weekend.


  1. Another wonderful place you're in Adrian.
    The light on that cottage is superb.

    Flask, sandwich and poncho day tomorrow, by the sound of it.

  2. Keith, it looks like a back to work day......Humping that lot up hill is work. Its shut half down for depth of field focus locked off. Pray and blast away. I'll get blurry photos of nowt. Pound to a penny!

  3. No need to apologise for the photos Adrian! I particularly like the last one, and the derelict farm.

  4. They all look pretty wonderful to me.. that golden sunlight is so lovely.

  5. At last I can say I've got a photo like one of yours - my swallows look just like that one of yours!!
    Looks like you had lovely light that day!

  6. George, I have days when I feel I should have done better.....the light seemed harsh but it was low and casting some great shadows.

    Hilary, thanks, it was better than I captured it. It's usually the other way round.

    John, it is cold but not wet. It's a good place.

    Pauline, The light was very harsh, perhaps we could start a joint blog......'SWALLOWS WHAT THEY IS SUPPOSED TO LOOK LIKE.'

  7. An impressive reportage! Congratulations!

    Have a lovely Sunday!

  8. Claudia. thanks.......I will.

  9. Horst, thank you and welcome to May.

  10. An interesting and varied set. Nice light on the house, tunnel entrance country and a great one to finish with.

  11. Jay, it is a grand place........until around half nine when it gets a a little too busy for me.

  12. Ha. I'll join 'SWALLOWS WHAT THEY IS SUPPOSED TO LOOK LIKE.' if you change the title to BIRDS etc. Mind you my posting today will give a lie to that (and be a first too!).

    As a country - ok, set of countries - we do have a penchant for old cottage and farm buildings, don't we. I wonder if that's a contributory factor to the huge number of photographers we have.
