I live in a camper van with a West Highland Terrier for company.
My passion is creating images but it is a work in progress.
I am always willing to share what knowledge I have and can be contacted through the comments on this post or e-mail ADRIAN

Wednesday 27 July 2011


Now I wasn’t too optimistic when I decided to have a look at this place, it’s not half a mile from the M6 motorway. The view from the camper to my left looks out over a coal yard, the view forward is of a diminutive fell called Farleton Fell, the vista to my right provides a stunning view of caravans and the ablutions block. I’m having a wonderful time. I’m snapping away and just can’t keep up. It’s clouding over, it’s noon so I’m going to split todays post into as many as it takes. That way when you get fed up you can ignore the rest………..I’ll go into blogger and ask for a post a page.

Just the other side of the M6 is a truck stop which is open twenty four seven. I can get a paper early. Not that it’s helping with my ability to finish a crossword but it does give us a one mile stroll first thing.

Before I get going I’ll show you a smart camper…..screw your eyes up, put your sunglasses on……………………OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA It’s so shiny I’ve shown you both sides twice………………..Now all I have to find is a Girl Friday to keep it like this.

Back to the paper mission…………it takes ages for us to get anywhere. the first thing that caught my eye.


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERALords and Ladies……Tatty Lords and Ladies.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThere was a heavy dew last night, I noticed that only Stinging Nettles seemed to collect dew drops.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA      A family of Mute Swans…………this looks blown but by the skin of its bill it isn’t.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA      This one is blown…………..I prefer the term High Key………….I hate blow out in images.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA        The cygnets……………this pair have done well though they are not the most even tempered of birds. Alfie doesn’t help……………he’s found that barking under a bridge gives a most satisfying increase in volume. This was not appreciated by daddy swan…. All good fun at five thirty in the morning.

We were back out after breakfast and we were greeted by a little bird singing his heart out.


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAFor a tiny bird the volume it generates makes Alfie sound positively dumb……………I’m hoping it’s a Dunnock.

Back to editing some more snaps. see you later.


  1. Love the wedge shape van in the second. I bet that slices through the traffic. ;-)
    Dunnock it is. Great singers.

  2. Keith, it's a new design.......Hymer call it 'The Dogs Bollocks'.
    Am I glad it is a Dunnock. As you know I tend to pick ID's in a random fashion.

  3. Seems this morning was a get up early morning but I didn't start with whimsy. Whimsy it may be but I happen to find your camper pics the proverbial D's Bs. The Dunnock's not half bad either. A Good Day so far.

  4. Graham, thanks, I'm usually up at daybreak. This time of the year I have the world to myself. I'm glad I polished the van......I'm thinking of charging folk a shilling to look at it. The Dunnock is a little beauty a noisy little beauty.

    Horst, thank you.

  5. There are advantages living next to the M6. Never thought I'd see this amazing set.

  6. Jay, an unlikely place but really enjoyed it.
