I live in a camper van with a West Highland Terrier for company.
My passion is creating images but it is a work in progress.
I am always willing to share what knowledge I have and can be contacted through the comments on this post or e-mail ADRIAN

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

THE STATUS QUO. (11/02/15)

I read a couple of posts this morning both were critical of government. I passed on addressing their problems seriously. They both had serious concerns but different problems. Neither poster would accept a radical solution, like me they are too old to want to change the status quo.

It was cool last night at – 7oC much as it has been for the last glorious week. Clear skies, daytime temperatures hitting 7o C.

I think the government are against me. I feel as rough as a Badgers bum. The sinusitis is back but only one sinus is blocked’ the one under my left eyebrow. I can’t get out for long to enjoy the weather and as Dithery seems to think he is in charge of everything then he must be to blame. It’s similar to how I think about religion. If you accept the good that a god has created then you also have to acknowledge that it is responsible for the bad, like insects biting African kids and blinding them.  Like the Queen honouring Jimmy Saville. It’s easier to accept that like her, her children grandsons and great grandsons are a bit weird. It’s a different matter to ask me to feel subservient to the barmy royal nursery which seems to be expanding in an exponential fashion or a god._MG_2621  A frozen Loch Morlich at dawn.

I was honoured to have been let loose with a sixty grand ENG camera last year. They are hard to work as like any movie camera you can’t control capture speed once you have started. You dial in aperture and when the histogram is not peaking at the edges.  They say Okay. I say near enough. I then have to manually focus and zoom. The zoom bit they can work from the van as I am connected by wires; l love the geared focus knob. All I hear is the produceress saying push, pan and pull focus, they are silky smooth are the controls. Esoteric or erotic, I don’t know words but I did know the camera was a beauty. It’s a young persons game. It weighed a ton or tonne in metric.

Canon have brought out a better lens than their ENG* series it is for old men.It weighs 2kg It’s called the CN7x17 KAS.  It’s a snip at £27K. Next month I can have a go with it and sinusitis or not I can’t resist. Why? Just because it is new. I haven’t the computer power to edit an F1 or cricket stump lipstick camera, let alone 6K video. Nor could I if I had. Things are moving so fast in movies. I bet both gods and Dithery feel the same…..Hopefully they will be in the wilderness this time next year. Unfortunately the queen will still be here.

Have fun.

*ENG…..don’t ask me why it’s what they called half a ton of camera and cable It stands for Electronic News gathering.


  1. That's a lovely photo. I hope you're feeling better before too long.

  2. Gotta be getting you down! Hope you're better soon. Love the mountains over the loch...

  3. Grrr.....I'm looking at new cameras and I wish I had the money to upgrade. For now, I'll use what I have. Stay warm!

    1. Chris, I suspect most top end cameras are leased. They are too expensive for me and become obsolete too quickly.

  4. Oh Adrian, so sorry to hear about sinusitis, i have hat it too in this time but just in a little form.
    Your pics are wonderful as ever Adrian!
    Have you used the nose spray before sinusitis? they are finally not good

  5. Hope you're feeling better soon. I don't want to even think about how cold it must be there but it sure does make a pretty scene.

    1. Pauline it isn't very cold as there is little wind. It has been gloves and hat weather but I enjoy winter.

  6. That is a painful condition so I hope it goes away soon.

    1. Margaret, it is getting better or I am becoming used to it.

  7. I'm not sure if the sinusitis is worse or the politicians. I hope your sinus clears up so that life can go on. I'd hate to miss any movies.

    1. Red, politicians are much worse. There is a short abstract movie in production as I type this.

  8. "The geared focus knob" is one of the best knobs you can have. Far superior to "The flippy floppy Osborne knob" or "The miniature Dithery Eton knob" but the best knob you can get is of course "The Yorkshire mill chimney knob". Try one!

    1. YP, I promise to keep an eye out. Not many mills left these days.

  9. Speaking of being too old to want to change the status quo, how can you be so sure that the queen will still be here this time next year?

    "as rough as a badger's bum" is the best simile I have heard in many a year, although I have no idea just how rough a badger's bum is.

    1. Bob, I can't be sure I will either. I can say categorically that the monarchy will be.

    2. The monarchy, I agree. But QE2 specifically?

    3. Bob, you are correct I was confusing the person with the institution.

  10. I have to try to keep my blood pressure under control every time one party or another announces yet another jam tomorrow election bribe.

    1. John, so do I. They aren't promises but just suggestions.

  11. These days I try and ignore politics, religion, faith, camera technicals and just about everything else really. I've become so boring I even bore myself. But then I don't have sinusitis to make me miserable.

    1. Graham, I selected a modifier in Blender the other day. It was the wrong one but I'm glad as it has kept me amused for hours. I can think of no sensible use for it but am still playing and hope to have an abstract video out soon.
      I'm easily amused.

  12. It sounds like you'll be happy, woopee.

  13. Adrian, if we don't have the queen, we have Dithery. Take your pick!

    I hope you feel much better soon.

    1. Frances, I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place but I would have to settle for Dithery. The people decided or a few of them did.

      If we kept the monarchy a little as a compromise Air miles Andy could be Vice President.

  14. Preciosa vista tienes, amigo...y cuídate esa sisusitis que es muy molesta;)
    Un abrazo.

  15. You are a genuine curmudgeon. Gotta love it.

    Your rantings about religious belief are right on, but I have to pass on your British politics -- too uninformed.

    Good luck with the sinuses.

    1. John, I rarely give religion a thought but recent events and making the mistake of reading a newspaper just wound me up.

  16. I hope the cold has subsided by now. Love the frozen lake. How early did you get up to take the shot?

    Mersad Donko Photography

    1. Not that early Mersad. It was around dawn so that is about 0730h.

  17. I've tended to stay away from replying to controversial topics for a few reasons. An artist friend got me to explore pinterest although I've no idea what it's meant to do but came across this appropriate thought provoking moment recently ...
