PORT MULGRAVE......At first sight this old Ironstone mine and dock does not seem the most auspicious of venues. Glad I went, a grey dawn and a steep descent yielded over two hours of happy snapping.
PORT MULGRAVE.......This picture is of the information board at the head of the path leading down to the sea. No dates are given but I would think the operation here finished in the early 1900s. The harbour was destroyed by our Royal Marines at the start of the second war, this to stop the Germans using it as a beach head. Ask me, they would have been welcome, they would have been half dead before reaching the cliff top, I was!
PANORAMA...... taken looking east to south from what remains of the old pier. This is a five stitch panorama with polarizer and a two stop neutral grey soft graduated filter. The smudging to the right is a recalcitrant rain drop, teach me to check..... Wee devil!
FISHERMENS SHEDS......I like these and they just get better. The following is on the roof of the first shed.
MORE SHEDS.......This will run and run, just hope it doesn't become tedious.
LOOKING EAST.......A short break from sheds.
THE BEST OF THE BEST.....Or maybe not,
THE PORCH......This could win it.
BULL RUSHES......There is so much here, haven't enjoyed myself as much in ages.
THEY ARE HERE AGAIN....... A brand new VW camper, miserable beggar who owned it seemed to know little about it and objected to photography. To keep the peace I have blanked the registration plate. For a consideration it could be made available. Probably away with somebody else's wife!
In defence of the Met Office; Is it possible that they were misquoted over their prediction for a BBQ summer? The local Outdoor Shop appeared to have a reasonable queue for Barbours.
Port Mulgrave is a favourite spot for ammonite hunters - the rocks are full of them. The only problem is hauling them back up that steep cliff path!