I live in a camper van with a West Highland Terrier for company.
My passion is creating images but it is a work in progress.
I am always willing to share what knowledge I have and can be contacted through the comments on this post or e-mail ADRIAN

Monday, 23 August 2010

THE PURIST (23/08/10) PART 1

Yesterday was supposed to be a day of waterfalls, fast flowing streams and a trip out into the Yorkshire Dales for a look round Hawes. It was not a waterfall day, bright sun and lots of people about. We got to Hawes and while my companion did the important business of the day I mooched around.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA This post will be in four parts or four posts, neither of which quite sounds right but you get the idea. The second will be of this delightful if busy market town now tourist centre. A bit of a glue pot, it is difficult to get out of or would be on a quiet day.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA  The third part will be images from Wensleydale above and Swaledale.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA The fourth part will be Bolton Castle. This is not only well preserved but lacks the plague of notices, ramps and guard rails associated with similar properties when they are managed by the National Trust.

All pictures today are taken fully manual. Apart from RAW conversion, a bit of saturation and sharpening in PSE no other jiggery pokery. No comment necessary I was a purist yesterday and have already given the halo a good polish.

Parts two, three and four will follow throughout today. They will appear back to front or bottom to top. There is not much I can do about that.


  1. Beautiful area you are in Adrian.
    I'll look forward to 'castle part'.
    I love old ruins; being one myself ;)

  2. You are such a good boy, you! I love castle photos and, like holdingmoments, will look forward to those. I know you've already posted them but I am not there yet am I? lol

    Great shots! I am getting ready a series of unedited photos too. Does that mean I should bust out the halo? AKA try to knock the rust and mud off? lol

  3. Keith, I have a lot in common with ruins myself.

    Krista bet you read back to front. Ladies shouldn't have halos.........well a dirty one is OK I guess.
