I live in a camper van with a West Highland Terrier for company.
My passion is creating images but it is a work in progress.
I am always willing to share what knowledge I have and can be contacted through the comments on this post or e-mail ADRIAN

Monday 16 September 2013

SO MUCH TO LEARN. (16/09/13)

I’m really suffering. This week I tried to make a short animated heading for my blog.

I wanted to have a pile of bits of letters crawl up  and merge into Adrian's Images.

I Have been at it all week. On and off. I got the fracture bit sorted. All the bits fell down flat. They didn’t fall down at all at first they just hung about in mid computer, I found a wee box that gives the virtual gravity. For those interested make sure it’s plus not minus. I quite liked them floating upwards and away.  I popped three little hemispheres on my ground plane and made them barriers. The bits of letters fell on them and piled up fine I don’t want an explosion effect. I want vertical slices, then to split them horizontally and randomly about three times.Then the hemispheres rendered. You Have to do sommit. Lord knows what but I’ve done it before.

I also wanted the inside faces of the lettering to be navy blue and the outside to be a neon blue. I’m along way from working that out. It is possible but it is desperately hard. I got as far as having the letters start to shatter as they hit the ground plane. I got further by selecting the top of the ‘S’ and pulling it out straight in four bits. It rendered four bits. I eventually solved that wee snag. I wish I could remember how. I started again with a ‘C’ . It worked. Again how I did it god only knows. Animation is not for the faint of heart.  I’ll get there by Christmas; if I don’t it will not be for want of trying.

I still can’t pan and zoom the camera which the animation needs….That will be easy peasy. I’m hoping a keyframe or two will sort it.  Then I have to reverse the rendered animation. I’m on with that now. I save all the frames as Pngs then instead of loading them into Photoshop as #1 first…. beggar me! Number one is last in Adobe. It is very hard to do but I intend to reverse the order of the frames and render. I’ll report whether my logic is a bit flawed at a future date.

I thought it would be easier to use a square text. Early on this morning I went to my font supplier Dafont They have lots of fonts. They are free and come as zipped files. I opened the Zip with 7-Zip, opened my windows folder found the font bit and dragged the file in….Computer she say no. After a couple or three goes and some rude words I purchased WinZip for the vast sum of TWENTY FIVE POONDS! It really made my day and it wasn’t even eight o’clock. Whilst paying this exhorbitant sum I asked to pay by debit card and it wanted an issue number. Debit cards haven’t had issue numbers in years. I pretended it was a credit card and their computer she say yes.

We went for a walk, by the time I retrieved the night camera I was spitting feathers. The dogs didn’t help by chasing a Hare through a hedge. It was freezing, Little devils did come back as they always do but only in their own good time.

I then popped this video together with a title and an end. I used the font that I got. I’m not sure why, it’s horrible.


I hope the week gets better as it progresses. I’m sure I will have a bit of Blendering to show you next week….It may only be one letter though.

Have fun, life is a trial but it is entertaining.


  1. I'm not sure my old brain could take in all that technical stuff, and I doubt I'd have the patience to attempt it all; but good luck with it.

    Doesn't Windows have a built in unzipper for zipped files? I double click on the folder, and it opens up to reveal the contents.

    Good to see the Badgers in the video.
    Have to agree about the font.

    1. Keith, Photoshop is hard enough for an artist with Piss in front and not RA behind.

      It's not through want of trying. I just can't remember what worked when I tried.

      It does Keith, I must enable Windows unzipper.

      The font is awful.

  2. I've never tried anything with animation. You are braver than I am. I bet you will be doing movies soon. I want a part. If it's a vampire movie I won't play a victim. Maybe I can be the local cop who stands around and scratches his head.

    1. David, you are to blame for my fixation with Blender.
      Don't worry I thank you.
      Send a full length photo next year and I'm sure I'll be able to make you play with yourself. They are called bones. I think it is what does that.

  3. Spot on Adrian, I agree with what you're saying 100%

    Pssst?...does anyone know what he's going on about?

    Lovely video of the Badgers, I guess If you tried baiting them a bit closer to the camera the light would burn them out?

    Oh!..Yeh! Shame about that font!...[;o)

    1. Trevor, Quite right too.

      Even I'm not sure what i'm going on about. I know i can't make it work right. That's a start.

      I've put a bit of black tape over the LCDs that has helped. Just popped it out on a tripod with no black tape so it's shinning downwards.

      I'll keep the font. If I select edges it could make a good neon font. It took me long enough to get so being a Yorkshireman I want to get my money back.

      I agree it is bloody awful.

  4. I was pleased to see this beauty in motion Adrian :))
    A hug.

    1. Laura, It's raining here but the camera is now on a tripod higher up. We'll see what tomorrow brings.

  5. prachtig om dit zo te kunnen volgen.Adrian het is genieten.

    1. Ik begreep niet al uw schrijven van. De Badger is geweldig

  6. I did not know that badgers could fade in and out like that... ;)

    1. Monica, I am the worst video editor it is possible to meet.
      It's only the first cross fade I messed up. I was just being trying then. The rest work like a dream. I bet you loved the titles. Perfect they are in execution. A hundred percent for effort. Zero for interpretation and artistic merit. I should have written Autistic......I bet I am autistic artist. You may have just put your finger on the problem.
      I'll have you Know....Cross fades are subtle and hard to do....So hard I can't do them every time.
      You spotted that....Good on you, I'll be more trying tomorrow.
      Have fun...I am.

    2. You could be the inventor of a new genre, Adrian. Ghost badgers might be just the thing when people start getting tired of werewolves and vampires. ;) (just teasing...)

    3. Monica if I had my finger slip every time I could.
      I'm just back from setting the camera up for tonights nocturnal wanderings.

    4. Monica if I had my finger slip every time I could.
      I'm just back from setting the camera up for tonights nocturnal wanderings.

    5. Monica if I had my finger slip every time I could.
      I'm just back from setting the camera up for tonights nocturnal wanderings.

  7. Yipee my net connection was fast enough to see the big ol'bruiser.
    I hate to say this but isn't winzip pre-installed on pc's/laptops running Windows 7 etc mine is?

    1. Douglas, yes WinZip is. I was a smart arse and didn't have any crap popped on the new machine.
      I've always used freeware but to day it failed. C.est la vie.
      I've raised the camera a bit more for tonight. There are three different Badgers wander through here. Bloody great they are. Inoculate cows. It must be easier than AI.

  8. I thought I was interested in technical things, but obviously I am not. I like looking at the pretty/interesting/funny pictures, but I care not one whit how they got that way. Perhaps there's a club nearby you could join to share all that technical mumbo-jumbo.

    Carry on, Adrian.

    1. Bob, they are circles within hemispheres. They are barking mad and all the bottom side of thirty annos.

      Terrifying they are.

      I'll keep pushing for a perfect graphic. It's like life. it's a challenge.

      The awful thing is it's not a new challenge. Not like Everest or Swimming the Atlantic.....I'll give up I'm too old for that nonsense.

      Recreating what posh folk do on a laptop is good. The process is a bit tedious for me.

      There has to be a story somewhere.

  9. It's interesting that you create in your head what you want and then you try to get the computer to make it. I know the experience of doing something once and then not knowing how to repeat it.

    1. Red, I write a story line then try bits of it. Hopefully it will then all come together one day. I find the tools available in Blender 3D hard to master.

  10. Neat video, A ... I saw a badger the other day on my 1/2 mile long driveway ... he trundled along in front of me for quite a while, then he stopped, turned towards me and showed me his (very scary) teeth ... thank goodness, I was safe in my car :)

    1. Cat..the ones here are very timid. I expect they would bite if cornered but they prefer to run away.

  11. Dammit, Adrian, I have enough trouble keeping up when you talk about photography but now you've started sprouting another language altogether. What's all this floating and rendering?? Oh, forget it, I'll just wait and see the new header.

    1. Pauline, 3D graphics involves a whole new language. That is half the trouble. It will pass a few dark nights on learning a little about it.

  12. Well I suppose it keeps you out of trouble. Sort of. And, yes, that font is horrible.

  13. Graham a disgusting font but having spent an hour unzipping it it seemed only reasonable to use it for something.
    Hey don't knock Blendering till you have tried it. It can keep one amused and frustrated for hours. Much like a lady. I worry about the young ones cos they can Blender.
