It is still beautifully warm here. Last night I was woken at just gone midnight by the gentle patter of rain drops. I fell asleep again but the dogs were shuffling about. I asked them to lie down and go to sleep or words to that effect.
By one the van was swaying gently in a thirty mile an hour breeze…….then ten minutes later the rain drops sounded as big as golf balls. Two inches of rain fell before dawn that’s in about three hours up here.
There was no chance of anymore sleep. How do dogs know there is serious weather about? Horses and cattle do. Why am I so stupid?….I feel thick, surely I must be more intelligent than an animal; even sheep can remember members of a flock they were in two years after they were separated from it as lambs. They run to greet cousins and anyone else they recognise. I’ll not dwell on this as I could turn into a Vogan or summat else strange.
I was speaking to a chap this morning who I borrowed some extension tubes from, that was only a year ago. I couldn’t recall him at all. I could be going demented. I’ll look on the bright side. I can still half learn new tricks and can still finish a Telegraph Cryptic Crossword in under the two hours I allow myself. They aren’t always done completely but it is always a couple of ridiculous four letter words that I am short of. Words that only lexitographfers and English teachers would know.
I only get the Telegraph on a Friday these days as I am sick and tired of them ‘Salmond Bashing.’ Dithery does it a bit but only in fits and starts. He has enthusiasms, they are like the vapours in Victorian ladies… Nowt to worry about as they don’t last long.
No matter which way the vote goes it will still mean that Scotland is linked to England and by default the pound. They already have funny looking promissory notes so I couldn’t care less. If Dithery says they have to have their own currency which they already have then the money markets will decide on a rate so what the hell, bugger all Dithery can do about it. He is one of the most stupid men I have never met.
I spent thirty years travelling the northern Hemisphere. US Dollars I tended to avoid as they are easily copied and also a bit daft as they are all the same size. Euros, pounds were fine as were Francs and Pesetas before them. I just used to divide by ten for most of them. That’s what I couldn’t understand about the Euro. It seemed linked to the US Dollar which surely couldn’t be right. It has proved to be a bit of a fiasco.
I waited till the rain had stopped then took the dogs a walk. It was a self imposed halfway mark. I got soaking on the way back but only on my legs. I did take a good jacket. The jeans needed a wash and it was only a twenty minute walk back. By hell did it piss down again.
The waves were not that impressive so I was idle and just took a few from the cliff top.

Waves at Durness. They were loud but not serious. I’ll have to come back here in the late autumn or winter for serious waves.
I must thank MARIA who lives in the tropics and is into plants and lizards for giving me so many links to video heads. It passed the small hours on. But I have just purchased a Manfrotto MVH 502.summat. It was under £150.00p by a long chalk as it’s been used on demo. I can chop it in for a ball based one but will have to pay £70.00p to get a bowl for the Gitzo and another seventy pounds for the ball on the head. This is bottom to middling end video gear why is it so expensive? The ball cup is half the price of the video head. For Christ sake get real you folk.
It doesn’t cost pennies more to make a good one or a bad one. I like Benro, I love Gitzo but I do tend to trash Manfrotto. All sound like coffees or ice creams. I’ll confuse the baristas in Starbucks when I insist on a Manfrotto or a Gitzo. I’ll try it next time I go to a big city. Last time they mis-spelled Adrian when they wrote it on the carton I got another one free. They are rip off merchants….. Costa Coffee are worse nine pounds for what is a thin and long cheese toastie…makes camera gear look cheap.
Have fun.