These are welcome immigrants. It is years since I have seen one and this morning there were dozens of them. These were feeding on Privet but I saw others eating Thistles.
I hope that these are Painted Ladies. They are backlit by the early sun and whatever they are they are more than welcome.
A great find for me. Made my day.
PS. I missed one and don't want to waste it. Had to bin three blurry ones. After all these years I still think in film count.
I see the Greata Thunderbird is sailing to the climate symposium in America. Hows she coming home? That should be fun as it's a fast yacht made of Carbon and Kevlar, it relies on Satellites for navigation and communication; that with it's manufacture probably put slightly less obnoxious gas into the air than she does. Still never miss an opportunity to virtue signal, it's what leftards do. She looks a bit Special to me, a younger version of that nasty twat Jared O'Mara. Not to worry she gives the snowflakes and soy boys someone to drool over. I hope they don't find a hurricane. They can be a bit naughty for a greenhorn sailor. No problem if she's a vegan what comes up will be difficult to distinguish from what went down. Like my dogs she will just lap it up.
Have fun.
I hope that these are Painted Ladies. They are backlit by the early sun and whatever they are they are more than welcome.
A great find for me. Made my day.
PS. I missed one and don't want to waste it. Had to bin three blurry ones. After all these years I still think in film count.
Have fun.