I live in a camper van with a West Highland Terrier for company.
My passion is creating images but it is a work in progress.
I am always willing to share what knowledge I have and can be contacted through the comments on this post or e-mail ADRIAN

Friday 30 September 2011

ANYBODY’S GUESS? (30/09/11)

My brain has turned to fungus. We were up early this morning but though there was mist it was no better than yesterday.

I’ve been busy………….walked down to the lake…….walked back and took no end of snaps, banged my head on a branch as I’m looking at my feet for mushrooms. If you are the slightest bit bored by fungi I suggest you click out now. I love them……..so much entertainment to be had from these wonderful forms of life…………perhaps it’s about time I got a life? I’ll be away to buy an anorak with a fur trimmed hood if I’m not careful.

I have joined a wonderful and helpful community called Wild About Britain. It seems the ‘Dogs Bollocks’. I upload a piccy,  type help and within an hour I get a guess. Lovely folk.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThis I posted yesterday. It’s a baby Psathyrella. Cos it’s got a scaly stem I’m going to call it a young Scaly Brittle Head…………..Ta Peter.


At the lake Mr and Mrs Tufted duck…………Shot through my Macro lens.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA A Common Hawker…….little beast wouldn’t settle. Patience is a virtue…………his wings got tired before I got sick of waiting. My first Dragonfly of the year. He’s a belter but was soon away to gobble up some poor fly.

From now on it’s all fungi………..we are enjoying an Indian Summer……..Indian as in curry not Indian as in tomahawk. Not sure why it is termed an Indian summer, if I were to be totally honest….. This is summer!

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA     I found the first Puff Balls of my year. Common Puff Ball. These taste superb. The smaller the better.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA  False Chantrelle. …….Hey! Mark me out of ten………….I’ll be a misogamist shortly!


Porcelain Cap………………I hope! I had to crouch right down for the right hand one. It is white and shiny and I didn’t do it justice.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA    Sulphur Caps…………….keep marking.

Now if you could be so kind stop marking.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA    I have no idea………….not the name of the fungus . I haven’t got a clue what it is.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA    I’m going for Giant Funnel Cap………..it’s big and whiteish. You mustn't eat it. The pound coin is 7/8ths of an inch in diameter……………it’s mine.


This is growing on a dead Beech……………..smelled of Marlboro………..it would…….I’d just put a fag out. I haven’t got a clue so nothing new here then. It is a pretty thing. I’ll upload to wildaboutbritain.

That’s my day……………marinating veg now for an other unexpected BBQ. Wonderful is our climate.

Have a really great weekend. I’m sorry I only take snaps and can’t tell you more about what I’ve snapped.

Thursday 29 September 2011

DAWN (29/09/11)

The weather is perfect, it’s the first time this summer that I’ve had all the van windows open all night. We were out to see what the first rays of the sun produced. I think it produced a show worth getting up and out for._9297941_2_3_4_5_tonemapped_edited-1


_9297966_67_68_69_70_tonemapped_edited-1    Worth getting my knees wet.

_9297996_7997_7998_7999_8000_tonemapped_edited-1 Lime Tree Avenue. Now were I in charge of the atmosphere I would have introduced a bit more mist. I’ll go down to the lake tomorrow and see what that produces. All the above are HDR and shot full manual with cable release and a tripod.  A most enjoyable hour and a half.

Now a post of mine would not be complete without a fungus or two………………………


This is Tinder Fungus…………….A new one for me……….This is growing on a fallen Silver Birch.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThese exquisite little fungi are, I’m afraid, unidentifiable by me. I at first thought they were all a type of Bonnet Cap in various stages of development. I don’t think they are as the ones in the middle have a scaly stem. My book is wearing out. I’m just wearing.

All images will enlarge with a click.

Have a great day……………time for me to read the paper then polish up the BBQ.


Wednesday 28 September 2011

THE PARK BENCH (28/09/11)

The weather we have been promised has finally arrived……….a stunning morning. I missed it as I had to get to Sainsbury's before the car park got blocked up. It’s not a very big car park at their Worksop branch. Driving the five miles I almost stopped as a low mist was writhing through the forest with the first rays of sunlight filtering through it………….magical!

Tomorrow will be better, so an easy day today and up before the Lark tomorrow. I’m gearing myself up for a mega day out….. You’ve heard that before!

We were back and out for a walk at just the back of nine. The Fungi are everywhere, unfortunately so are the slugs and Corvi. It was a Magpie I saw pecking them this morning. They don’t appear to eat them, they just pull bits off and throw them around. I’ve never seen them doing it before.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA  These are everywhere. Growing in pine forest. Their numbers vary from two to a dozen or more and they rot to a grey/brown mush. I’ll send some snaps to Wildaboutengland. I’ve always thought they were Honey Fungus but now I suspect not.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA    My first Earth Ball of the year………just the one. These are poisonous and have a truffle like taste. A nibble doesn’t hurt. I’m still trying to find Puff Balls.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA    I think this could be The Blusher……….again a No! No!

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA     Common Veiled Fairy Cake……….possibly………..the nearest match I found.

I’ve finished the Cryptic crossword, walked the dogs and persuaded a fellow Old Age Traveller to pop up. He arrives with his truck and an insatiable appetite for fungi tomorrow. He knows much more than I. He sniffs, and tastes a bit………if it tastes nasty it probably is and why eat nasty ones anyway. I eat what he has cooked and ingested a day later!

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Another patch of sunlight and woodland. In the style of Michael Orton.

To finish up todays post, the park benches taken over the past five days. I’m still chasing Tree Creepers, Jays and Hawfinches. Plenty to do but plenty of time to do it in. No panic.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA These are a pair…………..the stone is, I suspect, Portland. The inlay is polished granite and Mosaic. Posh for a park bench.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA They are sited at the top of the steps.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA This is one on it’s own……..I suspect it had a twin but it was probably sold when the estate was broken up. The Inlay is polished granite.


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA So much work for a bench…………………I love it.

If you are not into fungi or seats I apologise…………..I’ll show a different day tomorrow. I’ll have to it will be a new day……..I’ll call it Thursday.

Have fun.

Tuesday 27 September 2011


It’s been a day of mixed weather so far. First light this morning the sky was clear, it was chilly but no frost. I took the dogs out and lost the wee devils. Well I Knew where they were, they were squirreling. I could here the little darlings yipping away. Get near enough! No chance! Fifty yards of bramble betwixt they and me! I am still suffering from yesterdays tumble but kept my cool………….If I lose it and start F…ing and Blinding at them…. I've learnt. It’s counter productive! Saying I’m going this way and wandering off works better.  I wander fifty yards and wait……ten minutes later they arrive… A fraught ten minutes!…..what obedience!

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA     I shifted the van because the birds weren’t getting a look in at the feeder. First to arrive after the move was this little charmer. I thought it was eating meal worms, thought of buying a gun…….No, a sunflower seed. It was worth moving I’m down to two of these now. Before, six to ten of them at a time.

Back to today.

I then ran out of gas………..(cooking gas) so waited till nine to replenish it. Then we were off out with a bag full of gear to look inside the church.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA    I got inside but there was organ music playing. It stopped and a sepulchres voice started reciting some liturgy I’ve long forgotten. I did consider tapping the lady on the shoulder and enquiring…….in a whisper. ‘ Are you going to be long?’ ………..Even I have some standards so retreated and went mushrooming. Wish I had waited I love her in this light.

I rounded a corner in the path and caught my Fly Agaric vandal………..A crow……..ripping bits out of them and chucking the pieces left, right and centre. Little black demon.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA   They are doing fine despite the Crows attention.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA   A real beauty is this one.

It was by now misty and cold so seeking further amusement I headed for Ash Wood. The person that christened it must have been a man after my own heart………….or thick! There isn’t an Ash tree in it! What there is………..


Alder Catkins and Cones…………….I’ve seen one or the other but never both together before.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA  The leaves are falling fast this morning……..what a snapper I am………………….No! If you look carefully this leave is suspended from a bit of spider silk.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA     Not a clue………….it is fun rummaging about in the leaf litter…….amazing what I find.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA    I can’t even hazard a guess……………Help, please?

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA  Common White Fibre Cap…………..Not very white it could be the Charcoal Burner. I should have eaten one. If I had and die tomorrow then it’s the former.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA  I even switched to live view for a close up……………Whatever it is it’s gorgeous. Whilst I was taking this a ‘Please Miss’ turned up with half dozen children in tow. ‘Look children, what’s this?…’ ‘ Please Miss, It’s an old man lying down Miss.’….’Is he all right Miss?’…………..’Please Miss. It’s a tree stump Miss.’…………..’Please Miss It’s dead leaves Miss.’….’ Please Miss. Can I stroke the dogs Miss, pleeese can  I Miss?’  I looked up from my labour and thought ………….wouldn’t mind ten minutes on the forest floor with this Please Miss. Why do ‘Please Misses’ always have loads of children as chaperones?

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA  This I’m going to call a Milk Cap or Russule………It’s perfect whatever it is. So much entertainment to be had from fungi……..Taking their picture, editing, pouring through the fungi book and then guessing. Passes a day on wonderfully. 

Now tomorrow I must get some food and fags in……….I have food but no cigarettes, not had a beer since Saturday………..life can be grim on the road. I may also call in the opticians…….on the way back I spotted a Tree Creeper.   The three of us sat down whilst it did it’s vertical spiral up the tree. I shot plenty of tree but no creeper then I caught a blur as it flew away and stopped…………..Gotcha!

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Unfortunately not…………..the Gotcha I got was a Nuthatch……………Specsavers for me!

A good day……..I hope yours has been, will be or is.

Monday 26 September 2011

WHAT A MORNING (26/09/11)

I was up and feeling on top form this morning. Did a ‘SEEING TO PICTURES’, took the dogs out and came back for breakfast.

I decided to move the van. I have semi automatic steps so as soon as I engage a gear they retract. I’d forgotten my door mat……I’d also forgotten I’d engaged reverse gear, the steps are not so automatic that they wiz out when one selects neutral………..obvious really. I’d for ever be denting cars and tripping up cyclists were they fully automated. Went out for the mat and missed the two steps that weren’t there. now it’s only a matter of a couple of feet…………………landed on my bum and shook myself up…………………You laugh……..the man next door did! No I hadn’t got the camera at the time so you will just have to use your imagination.

The upshot is that I’m walking down the lake and having a look at the chapel interior tomorrow. Today is laundry and van clean day.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA  It’s also a lovely day…….a little grey to start but I think the Indian Summer has arrived now. This is a fish eye view of the dogs walk. Their walk my hobble.

If anyone has the time, the inclination, the software then I would appreciate an editor on the Seeing to Pictures. Just wander down the side bar till you come to ‘My other Blogs’ and click. I find it difficult to know whether I'm making sense in these How I Do It’s…………..I have trouble with steps so little wonder!

Why did I move the van a hundred yards?…………..I was feeding half they Grey Squirrels in Clumber Park………that’s why…….Serves me right for being mean!

Have a brilliant week.


Sunday 25 September 2011

IN A MUDDLE (25/09/11)

You are going to have to love me after this. I went out this morning in drizzle. I could see blue sky upwind so I ignored the misty rain and carried on. It’s a twenty minutes brisk walk down to Clumber Park Lake. I have yet to do it in under thirty five minutes. So much to see, I’m easily distracted.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAIt was gloomy so I spent five minutes shooting these Hair Bells. No Flash the light is Photoshop. The time was spent waiting for the wind to drop. Possibly the last of these for this year so worth a snap.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAA heavy Saturday night for two of the Mallard. One is dead to the world the other is showing signs of life. Why do they stand up before having a look round?

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Even the Blackheaded Gulls were quiet.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA The view down the lake…………….for those that know the area…………I flipped this image. A lead from right to left is easier on my eye.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI diverted to check on, what I regard as, my Fly Agarics. They are doing fine.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Who did this…………Slug damage I can tolerate but desecration sticks in my throat. I hope the bugger ate it, hallucinated and mistook the bus stop for the bus.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA A brand new one next door. They are really doing well this year.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA This is fun but frustrating………….Weeping Fairy Cake I think…………It’s about five inches across. Not edible but handsome.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA What a gate. I’m surprised that when the House was demolished this wasn’t sold as most of the masonry was. It is a real gem.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Victorian but still every stone is a credit to the Mason. Masons now work in Banks and Government, many as Police Inspectors, about time they learnt a skill. Whoever carved this was a true artisan and worthy of the title. Bet he didn’t run around dressed in a maid’s pinney with one trouser leg rolled up.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWhilst wandering through the woods I was under fire. This is the culprit. Raining Sweet Chestnuts as were it’s relations. Raining water as well we are soaking!……….My fault, it’s warm so I opted for a fleece jacket. The sleeves are down round my knees and I can’t find my hands.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA No Chestnut roasting for me…………these are a disgrace………..not filled out at all. I hope they are Sweet Chestnuts?…………..As always I may need correction.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI’ve missed out quite a bit but it’s time to move on. I got to the Chapel. I couldn’t get in. Just as well flashing in a chapel would not be a good idea on a Sunday…….folk singing and praying………….the last thing they want is a flasher. It’s Harvest Festival here today so it should be looking at it’s best. I’ll have another look tomorrow.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA A couple of days ago I posted a snap of Yew berries…………In common with some of yew (sorry) I’d never seen one. Now every other Yew tree has them.


I've booked in here for another week. I feel I’m missing things….Apart from brain cells!

Tomorrow is forecast to be brilliant………….so was today. Daft buggers they are at the weather guessing centre. I lugged the big lens and tripod for six miles today. It barely got light till ten o’clock.

Things may get repetitive if they do, shout out.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Me!……………Repetitive? …………..Away and wash your mouths out with carbolic soap.

Have a great week. I’ll try…………..I’ll try to make it insufferable!