I live in a camper van with a West Highland Terrier for company.
My passion is creating images but it is a work in progress.
I am always willing to share what knowledge I have and can be contacted through the comments on this post or e-mail ADRIAN

Sunday 4 September 2011

JAY WALKING (04/09/11)

I was out first thing to give the dogs an airing and heard a Jay on the old railway. I couldn’t find it but decided to go for another look after breakfast.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA      It had rained during the night but the morning dawned sunny and bright, a lovely day.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA    This bridge used to carry the Darlington to Tebay Railway. The same one that I was on last Monday at Smardale but some thirty miles to the east.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA    The track bed…………..the jay is somewhere around. They are illusive birds and should be easy to spot as they are very brightly coloured. I did spot it eventually but it was shy and I never got a picture. I got plenty of images and had a grand couple of hours.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA   This, I hope is Prickly Sow-Thistle. It is the correct colour and definitely prickly.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA   As is this much adulterated Rose………….I should have got the graphics tablet out and spent a bit more time. I quite like the effect though so will rework it.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA  Again a Rose………….I have never seen these galls before. There were a dozen or more scattered on this Dog Rose. I’ve seen the one that explodes in red hairs. Amazing what there is to see. It would be even more amazing if I could tell you what I’d seen.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA  I am attracted to these seed heads and love playing with the light on them. I call them Hogweed but as usual I may be fibbing.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThis is the western abutment of what used to be the viaduct carrying the railway over the Tees.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA It’s eastern counterpart…………….I don’t know why they demolished it. What’s left looks well enough built. This line was closed in 1962. I ought to have gone down to the river to see if it had collapsed into it. The going was soft and slippery and I was idle so it can wait for another day.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThis rather poor image is I think a Brown Roll Rim. A particularly nasty fungus. It causes your red blood corpuscles to explode……….it’s not good for you! Stands to reason, one wouldn’t be feeling all bright eyed and bushy tailed with red blood cells going pop left right and centre.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA     This is Fly Agaric………….a proper toadstool. It has hallucinogenic properties. Viking warriors were purported to take advantage of it prior to battle. It also kills flies……..I expect they just fly away, dip their tiny feet in paint……..and produce art. Then die prematurely.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA   Does my bum look big in this?…………………Nooo! Or ought that to be Neigh! This horse sits like this for ages but will never face me, if I move round so does he, with a peculiar shuffling motion. Nothing wrong with it it just seems to enjoy sitting……………..Daft horse!

Have a good week, all the best.


  1. Lovely shots Adrian of beautiful Mother Nature!
    After the rain...very peaceful and relaxing!
    A good Sunday to you. :)

  2. Hi Adrian...I really liked these...thought provoking and curiosity..come to mind.
    Most curiosity over why that horse likes to sit on it butt...lol
    I like you red mushroom ...no.. not to indulge in, but the look of it!!
    The gall of those galls on the rose leaves is amazing! They are also very pretty...look like beads!!
    Have a good one yourself!

  3. Great images Adrian, like the third one,thats my sort of terrain!

    I've never seen a horse behave like that before!.....is it an ex performing horse, maybe?

    The rose gall is the Smooth Pea Gall, try this link for more info. http://hedgerowmobile.com/Diplolepisnervosaeglante.html ......[;o)

  4. What a Very Peculiar Horse. Perhaps its legs were tired. Perhaps it had worms. But why would it keep its back to you. Ah. Camera shy. I should have thought of that.

    It's the second Fly Agaric photo I've seen this afternoon. Seem to be all the rage. Or season. The last was in Sweden though.

  5. That last pictures made me laugh, I don't think I've ever seen a horse sitting before!
    In case you're wondering about the Swedish fly agaric, Adrian, it can be seen here :)

  6. Wonderful horse, he doesn't care what he looks like. And the Fly Agaric? So the Vikings had it, no wonder they didn't win.

  7. Bob: But when they didn't win they didn't care!

  8. A lovely read Adrian.. all that effort and info about the fungi and railway... but for me the horse image wins the day... made me smile.

  9. I agree, the horse pic is something else. I've never seen a horse sit, and avoid eye contact.
    Really wonderful images!

  10. well! I've never ever seen a horse sit!
    your post title threw me- jay walking in the US is crossing against the red light. :)
    I have no idea if we have Fly Agaric here, but it is colorful!

  11. Dee Bee, thanks a grand wander we had.

    Grace, this is one daft horse. It's why it has such a posh jacket. Saves no end of brushing. It also lies on it's back.

    Trevor, it's good level walking. Thanks for the link and the ID. I should have looked for the spiky version under the leaves.

    Graham, I've never seen one sit before but have had plenty that roll around a lot. Takes hours to clean them up. The canvas coat is a good idea.

    Monica, I've signed up to your other blog. Had I realised the horse was such a hit I'd have spent time recording it's full repertoire.

    Bob, they won plenty of battles up here in the north. Not in autumn perhaps.

    Andrew, many thanks. Fancy all that research and my thunder stolen by a horse with a screw loose.

    Laura, thanks.......I never cease to vbe amazed at what comes my way. I'll have to dig out the Hells Angel Dogs and pop the horse with them.

    Norma, Jay walking is similar here..........walking without due care and attention. Now don't get excited by the thought of Fly Agaric......stick to Liberty Caps.

  12. That's a great ramble. Your horse makes me laugh. I see a lot of them out here but I've never seen one sit like that.

  13. JoLynne, I'm sorry for the delay in replying. Missed your comment somehow. He's the first I've seen. Nowt as queer as horses.

  14. You certainly know how to make a walk in the woods look interesting. Wow, I've never seen a horse sitting like that ... looks like something that you would see sitting at the bus stop !

  15. Jay, I walk slowly........it's a stroll not a forced March. I used to jog/walk the long distant footpaths. No time for seeing anything in those far off days.
