I live in a camper van with a West Highland Terrier for company.
My passion is creating images but it is a work in progress.
I am always willing to share what knowledge I have and can be contacted through the comments on this post or e-mail ADRIAN

Tuesday 30 April 2013


I was out early this morning. It’s a perfect day, sunny, no wind but a bit of a nip in the air.

I really struggled with the light.  I tried a polariser and I tried without. The light was very harsh. I walked the mile or so to Loch Tay. 

IMG_0255_6_7_fused copy     The sun seemed to be everywhere…..I was beginning to think I was dealing with two suns.

IMG_0252_3_4_fused copy      This bit of the Loch is easy to get at but to get pictures up the length of the Loch will be an evening job.

I stumbled across a ruined castle hidden in trees.

IMG_0270_1_2_tonemapped    Finlarig Castle. The sign says it’s dangerous…..I thought it was long past being a threat..

IMG_0267_8_9_tonemapped copy

IMG_0264_5_6_tonemapped copy

IMG_0258_59_60_tonemapped copyThat is it for today. The weather is just brilliant.

I’m away to do my laundry now……Oh what fun.

Monday 29 April 2013



image   This morning I drove the sixty miles from Kinross to Killin. It was a wonderful run. The beauty of the UK but it’s mountainous regions in particular is that every five miles the view changes, not only the panorama but the ambience as well. I passed several places that were worth a good look. I could happily spend the rest of my life exploring the hidden corners of Scotland.

It snowed quite hard on the drive up from Gleneagles but then out popped the sun and all was well with the world. I had a near miss with a dustbin lorry………sorry Environmental Vehicle, whatever they are, they empty folks bins. I was following it and all of a sudden he slammed his brakes on and reversed onto a farm track. I was just CD changing at the time and lighting a fag and driving. good job I can multi-task. Good job I’ve had the brakes done. The truck is going like a dream sixty miles an hour up hill and down glen. I am a convert to posh diesel. It costs more but is more economical. I’m getting about 28 mpg as opposed to 23mpg on cheap……hark at me!….we don’t have cheap fuel. We do have fuel that is up to ten  pence a litre cheaper than the dear stuff.

I got parked up and had a fifteen minute wander into town. We were lucky we only suffered a couple of soakings. I purchased a map. Our Ordnance Survey maps are printed on both sides and, as always seems to be the case, I am right on the edge. I will have to get a cheapo printer and download the bits I want. Save turning acres of paper this way and the other…………….Bet you think I didn’t get any pictures? I did!

IMG_0246_7_8_tonemapped The Falls of Dochert and….I hope Ben Lawer. I spent an hour here but only got two snaps I was happy with. They are more like rapids than a waterfall but they are wonderful. I’m here for a week this time so will hump a tripod and the filters to try and get them in all their glory.

IMG_0243_4_5_tonemapped Looking upstream. These are HDR but with the water replaced. I have found another advantage of CS6 you can load TIFF files into the RAW converter. It is wonderful……these aren’t because I had a senior moment and edited them with my sunglasses on. I went into the supermarket a couple of weeks ago and complained that it seemed a bit dark. The young lass was very restrained and politely pointed out that I was wearing shades. I must try harder to be sensible.

IMG_0249_50_51_tonemapped copy A Wriggly Tin Church…..It is……No. I daren’t try and spell it…..okay here goes…Killin Episcopalian Church and all are welcome it says on the sign. Google sorted it for me…..I have faith I have faith in spill chucker. I really like wriggly tin buildings.

I’m away to get tea started, I was given a rainbow trout the size of half a salmon yesterday. I took a fillet off one side for Carol and the rest is mine.

I’ll look at my new map now and plan a wander for tomorrow………….Have fun.

Sunday 28 April 2013

SHEEP AND SHEEP. (28/04/13)


_V0G6196 copy Every morning when I walk the dogs I’m mobbed by sheep. I like sheep but they are daft beggars. If it’s not sheep it’s horses. They are much the same but bigger.

Alf was a town dog so until I got him he had never seen a sheep, a hen or any other farm animal. He chased the sheep this morning and got his bottom well slapped. For the last year he has wandered through flocks and totally ignored them. Naughty boy! These are all whethers so apart from their dropping a bit of weight no harm was done, he didn’t chase the whole flock of a hundred or more just half a dozen. Bad dog!

_V0G6200 A year ago he thought these might be fun. The gander chased him pecking at his arse.  Now he doesn’t bother with hens, ducks or geese. He knows they are not up for a game of chase. These have just started laying so it has been goose egg for lunch, breakfast and tea. I have four to take away with me, My sister raids their nests…..I’m too wimpy. I’m like Alf. Geese are fierce birds. Moll has never bothered but it reminds me of the day I lost her when she was a wee pup. She had joined the goslings under the gooses wing. It was a chilly day so good on her and good on the goose.

IMG_0204_5_6_tonemapped   This afternoon I went down to Loch Leven. Photography is a solitary pastime so I have to be quick. It is a bit annoying to ones company. It’s a trifle aggravating for me on my own.

lleven413 Loch Leven in Perthshire. It looks good weather but it is blowing half a gale and the rain gauge has recorded 3.3mm of hail stones. It really isn’t shorts weather. This panorama was stitched in CS6. The stitcher in Elements is better for a quick job. PTGui is the best yet but awfully RAM hungry. Getting all posh software and learning Canon has given me a new lease on life. I like Canon now but it has taken four months for me to fall in love. I am looking for a (35mm) full frame lens of around 25mm. I am using a 17-40mm zoom. I don’t like it. I don’t like these pictures but I am growing up and am learning full PS. So much to play with it’s hard to stop playing. I dropped this into the new crop tool. brilliant it is but Toshiba said no halfway through. Little tinker. I’ll clean her up and retire her gracefully.

IMG_0222_3_4_tonemapped   This is the last from here, St Mary’s Gate. I love simple iron gates and this, to me, is in perfect proportion. The best gate in the world?… I would say so. It’s supporting pillars are the worst. Ignore them if you can.

Tomorrow we are off to Killin. Internet maybe it will or maybe not but I will write as the mood takes me and the muse grabs me and post when I can. I’m then away to Glencoe and then back here to pick up the new super computer in a fortnight from now. I’ll miss this abused Toshiba but the poor old machine just can’t cope with Photoshop, PTGui, Helicons stacker, Deep sky stacker and I may start on 3D video…I know how she feels! I feel tired at the thought of it

Have a great week.

Friday 26 April 2013

APRIL SHOWERS. (26/04/13)

I arrived at my sisters farm near Kinross to find that the kitchen is a building site. That’s fine and for twenty years it has been asking for a good seeing to.

I am on the edge of the central belt of Scotland. It’s very much like home in Derbyshire but worse, it’s colder.

What were once thriving mining communities with agriculture and heavy industry mixed in are now pretty grim. Since Thatcher politicians have been frightened of artisans. Prior to her, most appreciated skill as opposed to cunning. No good having a cunning mason or carpenter. Your roof depended on their skill. Look what has happened to her dream…..a crook for a son. She bred a whole country on devious morals. It has collapsed , the big bang in the City, cheap mortgages that were not cheap. To be fair I don’t think she intended it to be this way but her family got her stuck away free.

It’s all made worse by wind farms. Wind farms are an eyesore and I’m yet to be convinced that one big coal fired power station with gas scrubbers or a nuclear reactor with provision for using both the enriched and depleted uranium would not be more acceptable…….Are there any wind farms in the home counties? I know that there are no nuclear plants. To those buggers down there  the rest of the country is a resource,  pillage it is!  They need demolishing and fast….. both the buggers down there and the wind farms. Both have proved their worth or lack of it.

The economy is in tatters yet it is the odd wee lass that has a kid out of wedlock that causes the depletion of national wealth…..Greedy buggers are living on millions of pounds worth of ill gotten gains, millionaires get interred for nowt and they blame  young girls, irresponsible lads, cripples and the mentally handicapped for the countries demise.

Irresponsible politicians, bankers and fiscal crooks walk free….Free….they get multimillion pound bonuses for failure. Multimillion pound funerals free. Whilst having the bare faced cheek to call normal folk scroungers.

I seem to have had wandering fingers. It just all pours out.

There are few pictures so far.  I arrived here and we set off to look for floor tiles…..I think we went to Dunfermline…..they have a bankrupt football club…Oh Dear!….. This building was the best I could find.

IMG_0195_6_7_tonemapped    The Clinic opposite the Tile Warehouse. In the vernacular…..Nooo a bad Building.

This morning I got a lift into Kinross.

IMG_0201_2_3_tonemapped  It’s not a bad place but it is a bit dour. The ladies jacket brings to a dull ,  freezing, windy and haily day a splash of colour.

Back to my sisters and the dogs had settled.

IMG_0198_199_200_tonemapped     Alf has got a proper seat. The dog to his left is Rosa. Zoe, Rosa’s Mum is out of shot as is the Alsatian Myra. Molly had the settee to herself. Good to know that my dogs are properly socialised…They can mix with posh dogs....There was a clump of Molly fur on the floor but she manages okay without me.

Episode two will follow tomorrow. Alf being good with a hundred sheep but annoying two big horses. The swallows arrived a couple of days ago. Poor wee mites dodging hailstones and looking for midges! Great to see them, they are like the sun rising. It reassures one that all is well.

Have a really good weekend.

Wednesday 24 April 2013

NICE AFTERNOON. (24/04/13)

It was raining on our walk first thing so we all got wet. I went for a shower and came back to find Alfie dryish, I’d given them a desultory rub with a towel but should have spent more time. I now have a damp duvet but a dry dog.

I went into Leith for a quick chat and returned….the beauty of cities is that you can get around on busses. I usually get on the wrong bus so find that the £3.55p all day ticket works out cheaper. I excelled myself this morning and actually caught a bus going in the wrong direction………I really will have to investigate carers…..I blame one way traffic systems.

This afternoon I went macroing in the woods. I saw a Tree Creeper so returned the few hundred yards for Bertha. Tree Creepers don’t as a rule move far. I never saw it again, despite sitting in the sunshine for the best part of an hour.

I went back to macro and as spring is springing took a few snaps.

IMG_0188 I think this is a Beech leaf.

IMG_0189          These are Ivy flowers or flower buds…..strange plant is Ivy.

IMG_0192           This is Hawthorn. Hawthorn and Blackthorn look very similar to me in winter. It is only in spring, summer and autumn I can tell them apart. Hawthorn has leaves then flowers and Blackthorn visa versa. I don’t know why.

IMG_0193            I took several of this but couldn’t avoid a bit of blow out. I thought at the time it was a Horse Chestnut but now I’m inclined to pop it into the I don’t Knows. It looks more like one of the Acers. All these will enlarge with a click they are 1:1 Macro.

I wonder if anyone can help?

I am now using Bridge and CS6 Extended. The work flow I have developed is to download into Bridge…dump the rubbish, not that there are many truly bad shots I hope you realise. Then I pop the keepers into Collections and open the Collection select the ones to edit and pop them through the RAW converter and PS. After I’ve got them perfect or near enough I save them as TIFF or JPEG depending on what they will be used for. They don’t always appear back in Bridge Collections so I have to go to favourites> find the file date> and drop the relevant files across. I think I have the Meta Data all set up but maybe not. It also asks when I close PS editor if I want to save the PDS file….I say forget it but do I really mean it? There are so many choices. It reminds me of a song by Harry Nielson About pointless forests. “All the trees have points and all the leaves have points but a point in every direction is the same as no point at all.”

Last night the laptop threw a right paddy….it’s toys were out of the van never mind it’s cot. I was playing with 3D and trying to get letters to spiral away in video animation. I then got ambitious and added a shadow. I never realised how cross a computer can get……I’ll be glad when the new one arrives. The processor is i7, 16GB of ram two SSD hard drives and a middle of the range Graphics card. The latter was quite pricy. The company I picked seem great. I’ll give them a plug when it arrives. It was much cheaper than PC World and I can talk to a bloke who knows what’s what. Wish I did. It will not come loaded with no end of crap either. I can load crap on my own. I have started hunting down all my verification codes and just dread loading the software. It takes forever whilst all I’m wanting to do is forever play.

Have fun, tomorrow I’m away to Kinross for a long weekend with my sister and then I’ll go scenery hunting on the edge of the Trossachs… I’m sure I’ve spelt that wrong. Then back to Kinross to pick up the new laptop with Artic Paste cooling….that cost a pound or two more. He who knows sold it me but saved me a fortune on Graphics Cards. Apparently the really posh ones are for Gamers….and I’m only a Player.

PS I Notice that Dutch Nik’s blog only accepts comments from subscribers to Google+. it may be his decision but I don’t Facebook, Bimbo. Tweet or Google+. I hope that Google are not being naughty again.

Tuesday 23 April 2013


Yesterday I left the Tibbie Shiels Hotel and had a pleasant and uneventful journey on the old A7 to Edinburgh. This morning I caught the bus into the city centre and then lost the will to live. I did manage to buy a pair of trousers but never got the camera out of it’s bag.

The following are the last of the images from Cappercleuch.

IMG_0178_79_80_tonemapped     Sunlight before the rain. This is HDR except for the running sheep. I had to pop her back in from a single exposure. Pity I forgot about her shadow. Another example of my Muppetry.

IMG_0185An old Automobile Association Box on the A780 just along the road from where I was staying. It could do with a coat of paint.

_V0G6164       The bridge that carries the road to Tibbie Shiels.

TShielspan A stitched HDR panorama. It was very windy and despite a four stop ND filter I couldn’t flatten the water. Never mind, St Mary’s Loch is a grand place and I’ll definitely be back.

Tomorrow I have a meeting in town but will have time for a wander along the Firth of Forth before I go.

Have fun.

Saturday 20 April 2013

THE MAN ON THE HILL. (20/04/13)

First , I apologise for not replying to blog comments…..my dongle doesn’t work….and the WI-FI here is fine when it works which in my limited experience of it is for about an hour a day. I know it is free but half internet access is somehow worse than no access at all.

This morning was bitter cold. Half a gale blowing from the north, cloudy and dark but no rain, sleet or snow._V0G6154  This is the Tibbie Shiels Inn. It is named after Tibbie Shiels who died a hundred and odd years ago. She was host to Walter Scott and Thomas Carlyle. Having read Carlyle it must have been a bundle of laughs back then. Things have improved. It’s fine now, a bit sheepy but even sheep are a breath of fresh air compared to Carlyle. There is no mention of Robert Burns, Robert the Bruce or Alex Salmond. How they missed the place when I have found it I can’t imagine. Bonnie Prince Charlie must have been here but he was probably doing his drag act and was overlooked.

_V0G6178 The view from the van and the man on the hill.

_V0G6162A closer view. Same lens, I walked.

_V0G6156       And walked closer. This is the Ettrick Shepherd……James Hogg…he did bloody awful poetry from what I have seen of it…..He was a friend of Walter Scott's…….That was no surprise to me either.

_V0G6163        This is a disaster…..worse than earthquakes…Tsunamis…..The Boston bombings. I can’t get to Moffat nor can I get to the Grey mares Tail which is a big waterfall. Every cloud has a silver lining. At the bar I only had to listen to five minutes of debate about sheep and lambs, then it was back to rain and landslips. I am a bit disappointed this disaster never made the national news when a sprinkle of snow at Heathrow or Katie Kambridge forgetting to take precautions does.

I still have three bars showing so will stop whilst the going is good and try and post this drivel.

Have fun.

Friday 19 April 2013

TIBBIE SHIELS. (19/04/13)


image       We are here in a pub car park between St Mary’s Loch and the Loch of Lowes. It is a beautiful place. Plenty of local dogs for my two to play with. There was a bit of snapping and snarling when we first arrived but they are happily chasing each other , sniffing sniffs and sampling the Loch water now. The Tibbie Shiels seems, on first acquaintance, to be fine. It sells beer and is reasonably priced. There is a wedding on the shore of the Loch tomorrow, a stag party here tonight and a Motorcycle Club are just arriving. The Landlord requested that I keep the dogs in the van between two and four. He is stressed, half his camping field is flooded there is only one road in. He has five dogs whose whereabouts vary. I can envisage all five arriving to see a lass in a posh white frock!

 I’m not sure how long I’m going to stop here and less convinced this weather will hold so I thought I'd better get a couple of shots in the bag. Not an arduous task it was all of a couple of hundred yards. The dogs don’t need a walk having had an hour chasing round with the local canines they are sleeping.

IMG_0149_50_51_tonemapped           St Mary’s Loch. It has flooded, the jetty has all but disappeared. These pictures are HDR but could have done with a two stop filter and a tripod. They didn’t get it.

IMG_0155_6_7_tonemapped            Loch of the Lowes.

I had a senior moment today and forgot to stop in Selkirk for money, food, fags and Bells. There were diversion signs everywhere as the A780…I think it is…..Is closed by a landslip or flood between here and Moffat. No Toffees for Mark this trip. It’s a forty mile round trip to Selkirk for me in the morning. I’ll have to get used to Scotland again. Make lists and remember what I have done with the list.

Have a great weekend. I’ll do my best.

A FUNNY OLD WEEK. (18/04 /13)

I have been a bit backward this week. The weather has been much milder but with winds blowing at 25 MPH+ it didn’t feel much warmer. I’m back in Sheriff Hutton. The countryside is a bit boring and flat but I’ve met so many millionaires that are entertaining……they are barking mad, fun with it. Alcohol consumption has been at the upper end of my tolerance levels but then I’m only a middle class piss artist. I haven’t fallen over but it has been a close call on a couple of occasions.

It’s not been wine women and song all week. It’s been beer and song. I really did try for a lady, the same one three times. I can take a hint……Fuck Off! Trimmed my beard…Fuck Off! Ladies come up chatting then are rude. I’d be better off heading south. Funny beggars are Northern ladies.

I’ve taken pictures of vintage cars, tractors, and ladies….all for insurance companies……I did not use PS enhancement on anything but the latter. I have been fortunate enough to have two wives…..insuring them would have really depressed me..

I look out of the van every morning with eyelids squittered to diffuse the light, take an aspirin or five with my coffee and watch the Hares foraging. I am sorry not to have got a snap or two of my eyes or the Hares for you. Maybe next time.

I’m off to Scotland tomorrow so internet will be intermittent…..much like our weather and this blog.

I have sussed Bridge and CS6. the latter only for straight editing, It is fantastic, I’ve used it all week but it is buggering up my laptop. I’m having a new one custom built for less than PC World charged me for this one three years ago. I’ll take loads of piccies of it when I get it……I’ll also try not to blow cigarette smoke on the screen. It should be so fast that I haven’t got time to light up.  I’m not dissatisfied with the Toshiba but I don’t love it like I loved the Old HP that Alfie jumped on. I managed , nearly all on my own, to double it’s RAM and install two new Hard drives, take it from that Windows XP crap to Windows 7. Hard work that was. Installing operating systems is not for the faint of heart. it takes the thick end of a day and I am daft enough to watch.

When Alf hit it it’s letters flew everywhere. I did manage to restore some but not in the right order. I was still four spaces missing four letters, he must have eaten them. There has been no long term damage to Alf ……I wasn’t going to look for them. I keep the lid on the laptop shut now if the dogs are alone in the van. I do, if I remember.

A snappers life is not all fun.

IMG_0134_5_6_tonemapped         The ablutions block.

image             Inside……Brilliant……This is the men end. These have all got to be done again with soft box lights. There is flash bounce on the tiles….I missed it…. I’m damn chuffed that neither the camera nor I were featuring in the mirrors.

imageThe shower bit. Heated floors the works.Again flash flair on the tiles. Not quite straight either. It’s a three man job shooting a Karzi.

IMG_0140_1_2_tonemapped    I never am totally sure why I do what I do or come to think, when I’m doing it or why . I came here because the dogs love Purdy and I have met a kindred spirit in her owner. Purdy is in this snap. She is bigger than Alf and Moll but Moll is the boss. Moll tells me what to do.

The front page of todays Telegraph was a full page picture of The deceased on a cart with soldiers and a band. Their caption……..Crowds Cheered As Lady Thatcher's Cortege made it’s way to St Pauls!………Brilliant!…..Couldn’t have put it better myself. Would have been ecstatic had it been thirty years earlier.

I hope it doesn’t become the norm to cheer, clap and wave flags at funerals or play tracks from musicals. Undignified it is but I am old.

Have a great weekend. 


Monday 15 April 2013

TWO WEEKS IN. (15/04/13)

Photoshop CS6….Notice. No abbreviations from me I do like ADOBE but my head aches.

It’s my sons birthday in four days and I decided to make a wee GIFF card. CS6 supports multi layer video and in any format I know so stills Text files and Tiffs are no worries and in addition to these layers one can pop scrolling text at any speed, With flashing lights on the text, you have to do the flashing seperate if one is an animal like what I am. I am an animal. I dropped the test into 3D inverted it and popped my lights on but bugger me I had to go to ….Smart layers and Rastorization, I got lost. I got lost in the infinite sub menus. They are available at the click of a button. It makes a difference but I’ll be blowed if I know what the difference is. I have yet to learn how to switch it on or off. I get presented with screens like this…………….I wasn’t even working the owl…he’s supposed to pop on at the end. I was hoping to just pop him on a mask and delete the background. Bless My Tiny Soul! The job went belly up.image

I must admit I’m easily impressed. The Eagle Owl I have saved He is supposed to go into a Pattern layer that has been distorted and flows behind him. I did it, lovely little lozenges they were, with a gradient and distorted with a distorting tool, I’ve forgotten which one. They flowed like dream left to right even matching the medium tones from him. I’m afraid I don’t know where they went.  The happy birthday bit is in 3D and bangs in on top. Don’t know where that went either. I can shift the layers up and down and somewhere else ..It’s the somewhere else that has much to answer for…. It can be next years card. I’ve lost the plot. This unsuccessful creation was only ten seconds long. It’s already been over five hours in creation. Bet it’s not me….I guess all fillums are the same. I bet some take longer.

Somehow I think I have bitten off more than I can swallow. At least more than I can work in a week. Bloody programme does basic and posh editing to a ‘T’. It’s great fun…..What the little preview panel is doing I can’t explain. It wasn’t there when I started…Happen I pressed a button by mistake! Or clicked in error. I usually use a graphics tablet for editing and I know PS Elements backwards going forwards; this is ten times the price and stunning. Well worth ten times the money. I’m back to my mouse. I will get to appreciate it’s power even if it means a new laptop.

I have had enough for one day so will pop tea on and have a drink.

Horst why isn’t there a quick keyboard for Flatten Layers? I am not knocking ADOBE just asking. I tried to assign one but it wouldn’t have it. It is a command I use a lot, only CTRL+ SHIFT + ALT…stamp visible do I use more.

Tell you something all this makes a wee Toshiba hum. Good job I’m backed up.

Enjoy the rest of your week.

Think of Bob He is interring his dad tomorrow.


Sunday 14 April 2013

I GET DAFTER. (14/04/13)

I have had a busy week. Last Tuesday I went to the bird place and on the way we passed Maplin. I wanted a pack or two of their AA batteries, the batteries are cheap but very good. I also wanted a pack of those thin wires with alligator clips on. I forgot the latter but did end up getting a weather centre. I was going to make one with the Arduino but they had one for £39.95p…..I could see me buying all the bits and then it failing so I succumbed to temptation.

I have spent an interesting couple of hours sorting it all out. It’s a grand bit of kit.IMG_0117 copy    It works. The pressure needs setting but that will be easy for me as I have to go back to Darlington for three wheel bearings. The truck had her service, a bit of exhaust and one bearing but I couldn’t find the other three….they are on order. I will park next to the airport and ask him in the control tower for the pressure. This is a wireless display. I’m impressed I got it going with only a few …..WELL I’LL BE BLOWED!s…I usually have to swear at such things for hours. P.Shop CS6 is now starting to behave. I’m going to love it.

 IMG_0115 copy     Here it is doing what it is supposed to. I will have to remember to take it down when I move. The bit of black stick is part of an old bird feeder I found. I am impressed with it. They do a much posher one that will talk to the laptop but that is the thick end of £100.00p. I can buy a few notebooks and pencils for £60.00p.

IMG_0097_edited-1  I came back to Sheriff Hutton because a fellow Old Age Traveller has just acquired this fine MG Midget. It is a beauty and the chap he got it from will store it with his car collection in the winter.

I’m waiting for rain to see if the rain gauge works and the wind to die down then I’ll go back to Duncombe Park this week for more bird pictures. By next weekend I should be in Scotland for the summer.

Yesterday’s paper was wall to wall Lady Thatcher. I wish I hadn’t bought it……I couldn’t finish the crossword but did manage the Sudukos so it wasn’t a total waste of a couple of pounds.

I did get a sympathetic e-mail regarding the demise of Maggie the Witch.


Have a good week.

Saturday 13 April 2013

CASTLES IN THE AIR. (13/04/13)

I have done a very stupid thing. I have purchased a full version of Photoshop CS6. Can I work it? Can I hell as like!

I blame Margaret Thatcher….but that is unfair……I spend a small fortune on lenses and bits so it seemed daft not to spend this week learning proper Photoshop….It’s going to take years not weeks. I wish I’d never started, I am up all hours of the day and night trying to make it do what I want.

Margaret is dead and I really haven’t had any interest in her since she was booted out of office. I just can’t stand buying papers that Ignore missiles in Korea and put out endless fiction about a Prime Minister who, though good for one term, was then useless.  I just pray that the youth of today accept the State Funeral because if they don’t then normal working people will get hurt. Let us hope it a cold rainy day.

I wonder who decided on a State Funeral? I just hope it wasn’t Dithery Dave…..Poor old lass will be left for the crows when he changes his mind.

On To The Castles.



IMG_0112_3_4_tonemapped   The castle or the ruins there of. Snapped this morning and processed to my current skill level. I did manage to get them from PS Bridge to the RAW converter, through the editor and back to Bridge and into this Blog…..Come on give me a little clap…..I meant a round of applause. I can only imagine what you are thinking but I do not like ladies carrying STDs.

I have a few head shots from last week.

_V0G6144_edited-1    I hope this is a Fish Eagle. it wasn’t overjoyed to see me but it didn’t matter as it doesn’t eat people and there are bars between me and it.

_V0G6149_edited-1    This is a turkey Vulture….I just wanted it to be a she because it is so pretty. It’s a him. She was sitting on eggs. I can’t imagine a bloke doing that.

_V0G6130_edited-1  No idea what he is but I include him as a feather on the netting is casting on his chest. it could be a she for all I know. I suspect it is, it has an attitude problem. As a male chauvinist pig I decide it was PMT.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.