I live in a camper van with a West Highland Terrier for company.
My passion is creating images but it is a work in progress.
I am always willing to share what knowledge I have and can be contacted through the comments on this post or e-mail ADRIAN

Monday 15 April 2013

TWO WEEKS IN. (15/04/13)

Photoshop CS6….Notice. No abbreviations from me I do like ADOBE but my head aches.

It’s my sons birthday in four days and I decided to make a wee GIFF card. CS6 supports multi layer video and in any format I know so stills Text files and Tiffs are no worries and in addition to these layers one can pop scrolling text at any speed, With flashing lights on the text, you have to do the flashing seperate if one is an animal like what I am. I am an animal. I dropped the test into 3D inverted it and popped my lights on but bugger me I had to go to ….Smart layers and Rastorization, I got lost. I got lost in the infinite sub menus. They are available at the click of a button. It makes a difference but I’ll be blowed if I know what the difference is. I have yet to learn how to switch it on or off. I get presented with screens like this…………….I wasn’t even working the owl…he’s supposed to pop on at the end. I was hoping to just pop him on a mask and delete the background. Bless My Tiny Soul! The job went belly up.image

I must admit I’m easily impressed. The Eagle Owl I have saved He is supposed to go into a Pattern layer that has been distorted and flows behind him. I did it, lovely little lozenges they were, with a gradient and distorted with a distorting tool, I’ve forgotten which one. They flowed like dream left to right even matching the medium tones from him. I’m afraid I don’t know where they went.  The happy birthday bit is in 3D and bangs in on top. Don’t know where that went either. I can shift the layers up and down and somewhere else ..It’s the somewhere else that has much to answer for…. It can be next years card. I’ve lost the plot. This unsuccessful creation was only ten seconds long. It’s already been over five hours in creation. Bet it’s not me….I guess all fillums are the same. I bet some take longer.

Somehow I think I have bitten off more than I can swallow. At least more than I can work in a week. Bloody programme does basic and posh editing to a ‘T’. It’s great fun…..What the little preview panel is doing I can’t explain. It wasn’t there when I started…Happen I pressed a button by mistake! Or clicked in error. I usually use a graphics tablet for editing and I know PS Elements backwards going forwards; this is ten times the price and stunning. Well worth ten times the money. I’m back to my mouse. I will get to appreciate it’s power even if it means a new laptop.

I have had enough for one day so will pop tea on and have a drink.

Horst why isn’t there a quick keyboard for Flatten Layers? I am not knocking ADOBE just asking. I tried to assign one but it wouldn’t have it. It is a command I use a lot, only CTRL+ SHIFT + ALT…stamp visible do I use more.

Tell you something all this makes a wee Toshiba hum. Good job I’m backed up.

Enjoy the rest of your week.

Think of Bob He is interring his dad tomorrow.



  1. I haven't got photoshop elements together, it is hard for me.
    Thanks for thinking of me.

    1. I, too, will be thinking of you tomorrow Bob.

    2. You are in my thoughts.

  2. I'm sorry Adrian but, although I read all the words until the end of the post, my comprehension level graph fell through the baseaxis after line 6 or so.

    1. Graham, I get in a terrible muddle. I have photo editing pretty much sorted now. I still use Elements if I'm in a rush.

    2. There are times when GB and I do think like brothers and this is one of them. Only my response is a bit more common and vaguely Scouse - Yerrwha?

  3. Hi Adrian, you will find, I'm sure, that not all the keyboard shortcuts are the same as Elements, in Photoshop CS6. There are many differences in CS6. So maybe the downloading of the keyboard shortcuts are needed. I will check with my CS3 version.

    1. Horst, I remember the ones I use regularly. I'm modifying a couple CTRL P have now assigned to print with preview as I always use the preview.

  4. Hi Adrian, well I couldn't find a shortcut in my CS3 version so I went on Adobe and had a look at the keyboard shortcut page and couldn't find it there so I guess there in non. You'll have to use your mouse to do that. Have fun, I know you will.

  5. Hey Adrian, try Ctrl + Alt + Shift + 0 This is what it is in CS3. Hope it hasn't changed. Give it a try.

    1. I'll give it a whirl. If it works then I can change it.

      Thanks for your help.

    2. Horst, you must have assigned that command. I've sorted it now thanks to Katherine. Her help is in this set of comments.

      Many thanks for your patience.

  6. Your stories of challenging computer programs are always interesting.
    The rest of us are too stubborn to admit that we have the same problems. The thing is with you you solve it sooner or later.

    1. Red, I bit off more than I could chew. I got as far as creating a pattern and warping it then the job went belly up.

  7. I found this page. I only have CS4 so I couldn't check it out for myself but it looks like this might be your solution.


    1. Thank you Hilary.....I'll have a look. I wake early so have plenty of time.

    2. Hilary, I had a look and it is about right. Thanks. Katherine wins this weeks cuddle. Her instructions are spot on.

  8. Could you not create a sequence?

    Or, I found this online on some forum. Haven't the time at the mo to check it out but this is it:

    "This is the perfect example of when the ability to create custom keyboard shortcuts is valuable. Simply select Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts, set the “Shortcuts For” pull-down menu to Application Menus, Click the disclosure triangle for “Layers” and add your own custom shortcut."

    1. Katherine, yes I could and it is how I used to do it. Using multiple timelines is much more flexible and the file when rendered runs seamlessly.....Or so Adobe say.

      Thanks for the Shortcuts advice. All help is gratefully accepted.

    2. Katherine, what a star you are. A pretty face as well. Don't start to get Diva syndrome.

      I now have CTRL+Shift+F.....It did say it was already assigned to something else but as I'd never heard of the something else I decided that it would be more use here.

      I suspect Adobe just didn't assign a short cut to it to make dumb clucks like me ask and through asking learn. Very public spirited of them. I remember when Elements didn't have layer masks....took me a year to realize that it did they are attached to all adjustment layers......Little tinkers are that lot at Adobe.

  9. So you got the CS6 extended?

    1. Yes I did Maria...I'm just thankful that I had the restraint to not order Illustrator.

  10. I must admit to finding any photoshop package mind boggling. I can't understand why it is in this day and age that there can't be a screen on the left, and just a clearly marked set of 'effects' buttons on the right. All these sub menus just make my head spin.

    1. Gary, it is a historical thing that goes way back. They kept adding features and then couldn't really move them too much as the experts would get lost.
      I just love all the facilities it offers.
      You can always just use Elements quick Edit.
      It makes my head spin and I suspect we are far from alone.

  11. Well..er? That's as clear as mud then! I've read it over a couple of times and even had a go at reading it backwards, just in case you were playing a game with us, and then the penny finally dropped....Yep! I haven't understood a thing of what you're banging on about.

    I'm fibbing really I did understand the gist of it...honest!

    I see from the comments that you've managed to get a few pointers to move you in the right direction. Good luck, I hope you've got a good supply of that special soothing liquid to ease that aching brain?...[;o)

  12. Trevor, I get a bit too ambitious. I shall try walking before I run.

    I've run out of the amber nectar.

  13. Like that image, I am interested to see what you do with it.

    1. Gillian. I am struggling....It is, if all goes to plan going to sit on a moving background then spiral away to nothing.

      A rather ambitious project for me but I keep plugging away and will get there.

  14. I have done this sort of thing in powerpoint but never tried photoshop. I tried to make a movie after reading your post and can't see any difference in the effects at all.

    1. Stack your frames Ruby then select all> save for web> save as GIFF. If you are using video editing select each frame and drop a Key Frame in to the Time Line to lock it. You probably know more than I do.
