I’m back at Lowthrop Fell…..you remember pie country from a couple of weeks ago.
I have to sort out my finances, pay my bills, get paid or not, spend time studying new investments like the National Lottery. The latter have actually lost far less on my pound a week investment than the Royal Bank Of Scotland. I’m twenty two pounds fifty pence in front. Not six grand behind. Bastards….Fat bastards. And bugger all dividend. Fatter fat bastards!
I wonder if Her majesty the Queen has ever considered her liability here. She wanders about sniffing fresh paint but to some of us ‘Royal’ means something…..I have never been sure what the something is…..I suspect it’s something I don’t understand. A bit like religion…it gives solace if one doesn’t question ones betters.
On no account give them money. Back your local crack dealer. It’s the way forward……financially.
The Americas (far north to far south) seem pleased to see Royals. They’d be on the streets and punching or worse if such a figure appeared in their democracies, plutocracies/ plutarchies and in odd cases, juntas and out and out dictatorships. I suspect we live and try to survive in the penultimate two categories…… I’m not sure. No choice is there? The fat cats always get fatter, fact of life!
Now I’ve had a couple of comments about comments or to be precise lack of them or the ability to post them. Fair enough!…..You are all blogging because you find satisfaction in doing so. Google do their best. I think they are doing nine out of ten best.
First, any problems read Blogger Buzz. If you are anything like me you will find it unintelligible. Second download Google Chrome, it’s free gives them some money, more than Queeny does, it helps to keep Blogger free. Not just financially free but really free….like pubs used to be…a state of mind free.
Most of us sort of blundered our way in, some had help setting up their blog.
Keep abreast of what is what and embrace change or discard it as I do…..I suspect it’s why you were in Blogland to start with. Go back to your roots and expect a bit of work for your pleasure. I want to keep my blog pure and simple. I don’t want flash backs or anything else. Background images, the awful new blog interface that takes ten minutes to load. I want it there and in my face. No pissing about. DeeBee are you listening?
When all that fails go to MARK AT CODE FOR COFFEE DRINKERS. (It’s something along those lines). He can sort stuff ‘quick sticks’ and even I can understand what he’s saying. It always works but I never trust myself, I copy my current template to my desktop prior to arsing about….Arsing about means messing in the gobbledegook of advanced settings it involves HTML or Java Script. I suspect they may be one and the same. Most likely the same as Geordie, Erse and Scots is to the pinched bum language HRH Queeny speaks I find them all equally unintelligible.
Don’t panic! Leave that to me!
……last January I recalled being a great month…..I've just gone through my pictures …..it was just as bad as this one.

The most famous lake in the Lakes….. Windermere.
The dogs had had a hair cut.
Today they are scruffy mutts. Funny how a year on it’s still Moll who is ready to escape and Alf who follows. They are away to Keswick next week for a haircut. I’ve now got them trained. No matter what they are doing I whistle and they come back……when they have finished what they were doing!
You will find, if you fancy commenting that comments fly up in a pop up menu. I like embedded comments so enjoy luditeville whilst you can. I will go back to embedded a week from now. Remember, I don’t ever ask you to type daft words. I appreciate the daft words you have typed, I hope we have a reciprocal policy here!
I do have odd problems with funny folk. The majority I delete. The minority of the head bangers are good. I reply. It takes all sorts to make a world.
Have fun,