I live in a camper van with a West Highland Terrier for company.
My passion is creating images but it is a work in progress.
I am always willing to share what knowledge I have and can be contacted through the comments on this post or e-mail ADRIAN

Wednesday 27 November 2013

MIXED NEWS. (27/11/13)

Yesterday I got the van back but it has to go back. It passed it’s VOSA test but I wanted a load of work doing on it. The van deserves it. For a year now she has been losing coolant. Neither I nor the garage can find out where it is disappearing to. I want it sorting. I think it’s a drop the engine and transmission out job which sounds horrendous but will be quicker than trying to work on it in situ. Fiat electrics are also an on going problem. A new engine loom is the sensible option as is a clutch and cam belt. The van only does a few thousand miles a year so such things are to be expected. What I didn’t expect was another big vehicle coming onto the lift and having to stay on it while some esoteric parts arrive. I now have to wait a couple of weeks for a three day slot. Ho Hum.

I have plenty to keep me occupied, I have a new idea for the Christmas 3D video. It’s a virtual tree with real twinkling lights. Following an on-line tutorial I have got this far.

27-11-2013 14-26-58   This was all created from the default cube in Blender 3D. I now have to find a way of popping a little coloured emitter in the bulb bit and giving the bulb a glass material. I also have to suss array and mirror modifiers to get a string of them to follow a Path round a tree. This business is seriously in danger of putting me in the funny farm. The only bit I’m confident with is Paths and a cylindrical light emitter. I could limit myself to, in vogue, white twinklers but what the hell. I’ll try for the Full Monty, four. White bulb , red Bulb, green bulb, blue bulb. I know how to key frame so no problem there. HOPEFULLY! Panning the camera around the tree whilst snow falls from a particle emitter above and hopefully out of shot. It would be easier to just video a Christmas tree but I love getting lost, totally lost in 3D modelling. Blender doesn’t seem to have auto save so it is important to stop and save successes. They are few and far between for me.

Just in case the men in white coats arrive with the backward canvas jacket then here is an early card.

_MG_2350   Merry Christmas to you all.

I know it is nearly three weeks early. I’ll be sick of Christmas by the time it arrives but I am looking forward to the supermarkets drinks offers.

If it is anything but dull grey and misty I’ll get out  for some new pictures. The font is Celtic Garamon from Dafont. A great free font source. Easy to load as well.

Have fun.


  1. I must give Blender a go over the holidays, I am back teaching 3D Studio Max next year. I find 3D work challenging too ~ the kids love it.

    1. Forgot to ask where you will be at Christmas ~ home or you hitting the road before then?

    2. Carol,
      Auto Desk is the programme. If you just want still shots rendering from the time line then no real problem. Remember to look up baking for the physics bit first.
      I am just an old man messing.
      The wee cross raising from the sandy ground plane took eight hours to render. What am I doing wrong? The whole business of 3D is a real sack of spiders.

      I am back with she who must be obeyed on the eleventh of December for a few nights. Then I depart for Darlington to another she who must be obeyed; then I head for Garlieston in Scotland for Christmas and New Year. All on my own apart from two dogs.
      Nosey buggers are you Aussies. I hope I've satisfied your curiosity. If I've left anything out feel free to nosey further. If you fancy Christmas in Scotland then book your ticket and I'll find you a B&B.

    3. I will have to nickname you Rumpole ~ all men should have at least one She Who Must Be Obeyed. You are lucky to have two.

    4. I consider myself unfortunate.

  2. Hope the van doesn't need too much, money.

    1. Bob, it's my house so a grand every couple of years is okay. The big lift costs a tenner an hour mechanics around forty but while it sits they don't charge. I like it half right.

  3. Ah! Both of us having been doing Blender. I thought what I was doing was hard until I saw what you're doing. It looks like you are doing just fine. The Christmas card is great looking. I really like that font - didn't know there is a place you can download them. Is the card done in Blender? I haven't tried doing fonts in it yet.

    I think the wiring on your Christmas light needs to be smaller and the bulb bigger. I'm sorry. I'm too much of a critic of my friend's work and too little of my own. Sometime I'm going to post a picture of my house. Hope you will look at it critically.

    1. David, nothing is ever fine in 3D. There are more problems to shake a stick at than there are in Photoshop.
      There are several sites with free fonts. If you are on windows just find the font file and drag and drop them in. You will have to unzip them first. I found as a numpty that paying for Winzip was the cheaper option. If you can't find the fonts in Windows then e-mail me and I'll tell you how.
      You hopefully will never even notice the little things it is just a light string, I thought I was going mad pinching the bulb end in. I'll make the sodding wires thinner. Is it fine if I paint them black with a sub surface modifier or would you prefer blue and red? That would mean stating all over.
      The card was done in Photoshop CS6. Elements could have done it faster. I softened the edges as instructed.
      Critically?....I'll take endless pleasure in ripping it apart. Seriously. It is a difficult thing to master. I wish I knew more folk in our age bracket that are interested.

    2. It is going to be awhile before I need any fonts. I'm just filing this info away for future use. Appreciate the help; will holler if I can't find the fonts when needed.

      Didn't you select the vertices at the end of the bulb and do merge? I think smaller black wires is fine although you could make them the color of the tree - would be an improvement on the real world. I certainly would not start over again to do that.

      I like the softened edges of the card better. Hard edges are the bane of a canvas painter.

    3. Sorry, just realized that of course you couldn't just select the vertices and merge. Those lines would be straight. No idea how you did it but good job!

    4. David, never use the default font in Blender it's so easy to swap to anything that you have in Windows. I'm used to loading free stuff. I like free, I'm from Yorkshire. I reciprocate. All my pictures are free and the gibberish I write is.

      Yes I pressed E to extrude S to scale Z to scale on the axis left click to finish and then Ctrll F to fill. I think I did it took me an hour I felt pissed, one step forward then two back. I mostly work in object but switch to wire frame when I need to see in edit mode. I ditch the ground plane cos it confuses me. I bring it back before I pop the camera on. Bits off my creations often fall through the ground plane.
      You have a lot to answer for. Thanks. Even if I can never make blender sing to my tune it will have been fun trying.
      Ever thought of popping bones in your house and letting it sing along to 'This Old House".

    5. Adrian you are a hare except you don't dawdle around at the finish line but cross it. I'm a turtle. I seriously doubt I'll ever get to the finish line with as much goods as you've got. I've tried bones once...no luck. Will try again sometime maybe. Not sure if they will be in my bag when I cross the finish line.

    6. David if it is awful claggy weather tomorrow I'll post and show folk how to make the 'D' for David bounce. With bones. It's easy peasy. I Hope. One Bone is useless you have to link several together. Shit the letter 'D' isn't an easy one. I'll give it a whirl. Full 3D with lights.

    7. Not wishing claggy weather on you but would like to see a letter bounce with bones. Doesn't need to be a "D," can be an "I," that should be easier.

  4. Merry Christmas? Bah humbug! It's still November. Sorry to hear the love-mobile has got some health problems and my Christmas wish is that she's fixed up soon.

    1. Cheers YP, It's not often I'm welcomed back. While the little angel is in a good frame of mind it seemed churlish to not get the camper perfect.

  5. Well, I've seen the light Adrian!....but I'm afraid it didn't do me much good 'cause it's not very bright! Your words of excu...explanation didn't help to illuminate matters either!

    Sounds like some major work on the van, I hope it all goes well. ( I hope it's done in time to collect all that cheap booze?) Once it's all sorted though it should be good for a few years of happy motoring.

    Thanks for the card. Seasons greetings and I wish you a very merry (hic!) Christmas...[;o)

    1. Trevor, she has little money spent on her for years. The bill will be under £1.5k so not too bad including winter tyres.
      3D modelling is very hard. I watch tutorials and get lost. The young numpties fire stuff at me too fast. They zoom in and twist and turn. Zoom out again, switch windows.
      If they can do it. I'll be buggered if I can't.
      You are more than welcome to the card. Have a good one.

  6. Too bad about the vehicle but it must be fun to have the projects you pursue electronically. You're so creative.

    1. Hilary, it is just a bit of a cock up over the HGV lift. No real problem as I don't have to be anywhere till the 17th of next month.
      I love trying for the creation but am not artistic. Autistic perhaps.

  7. Adrian what a bad luck, hopefully ts bus quickly gemnaakt and drop the cost a little, otherwise you stand with the Christmas dry, thanks for your lovely Christmas card.

    1. Bas, thank you. All will be good. The cost is already decided.

  8. That bulb looks excellent, I'm never very good with curved bits in blender. Mind you it's amazing how far you can get with a whole bunch of cubes. The array modifier works well although there are a few issues with getting it to do just what you want -- which kind of sounds like most of the options in blender.

    1. Mark, I just pop a purple sub line or two in. And when I've got near enough by selecting it by pressing 'B' And select the vertices. Then I forgot how I made it work. The wires or one of them got inside out. To be honest I still have a string of unlit lights half the wires are grey outside and the other twist is visa versa. I think I know what's happened. I think I forgot to reverse Normals when I twisted the wire. Old story. Crap in...Crap out.
      I draw big and the this will be scaled down after. I also scroll around what I've done after I've done anything serious. I tend only to flick between views to check I've not put something silly when it should be elsewhere. Specially when I select the bulb and pop a wee emitter in......The software can do it but can I? Time will tell.

  9. HI Adrian To bad about the vanbut at least whenyou get it fixed it will last for a good long time adn you probably will feel safer. Many thanks for the very early Chritmas card. I am trying not to think of Christmas just yet!!

    1. Margaret, these jobs have been waiting for a while. It's not a problem.

  10. Argh, christmas; sick of it already.

    So, when the home is all sorted, will I have to pay an entrance fee next time I see you?

  11. I'm sure some of your followers benefit from all your knowledge and explanations, it's all lost of me, I'm really only interested in the result. Good luck with the van, having all that done to it would make me nervous.

    1. Pauline, it's okay what can't be avoided has to be endured.

  12. why not turn the van into Santa's Grotto, then charge all the little brats parents a good fee to come in. Then the money can go towards the repairs.......just a thought. Enjoy your time.

    1. What? Have children that close. I'd rather pay the bill.

  13. Sounds an expensive Christmas time Adrian. At least my old Mitsubishi has only needed a new battery so far this year. Wonder what they charge time wise up there - £40/hr here.

    1. John, Yes £40.00p an hour it is. Hopefully it will be sorted properly this time.

  14. Fiat and electrics are two words you don't put into a sentence along with Made In Birmingham

    1. Douglas, I suspect it's Italian and electrics. I had a friend with a Ducati. He was always frightened of rain or mist when we were out riding.

  15. The van mechanics sounds serious. It sounds like quite few pension checks may be used up!
    Are you sure you're not into the Christmas cheer when you're making up Christmas cards this early? So have some good down time.

    1. Red, these are jobs that have been waiting for a while.

  16. Lovely card, but I'd like to see a GIF file of your dogs. You have to cheer me up with those cute dogs of yours for X-mas; and do it with a GIF!!! At least three frames would be enough.

    1. Maria, I'll make a note and do one for you.

  17. It's sad when that happens (with the car) ... .thank for the chritsmas card.... Take care...

  18. The van must be cared for, it's your life :))
    Beware the men in white coats.
    Pretty card.
    a hug.

    1. Laura, how right you are and it is my life.
      I hate men and women in white coats. It usually means I have been silly.
