I live in a camper van with a West Highland Terrier for company.
My passion is creating images but it is a work in progress.
I am always willing to share what knowledge I have and can be contacted through the comments on this post or e-mail ADRIAN

Monday, 27 January 2014

PICK OF THE WEEK. (26/01/14)

Carol in Cairns is back in BLOGLAND. She was enthused by Australia Day; not once but twice. I suspect she meant Burns Night but I’ll skip that conundrum………Can you hear the fanfare? Can you hear the cymbals clashing? Can you hear the drum roll? Guess what she wears for Australia Day? She and all Aussie girls wear a DOUBLE PLUGGED THONG, must make buying a lass a tinny or two a waste of time.

It makes my problems with a bit of video pale into insignificance. I like a challenge but have cuckooed. I spent over an hour shooting my footage or secondage. I was ruthless and ditched all the crap. I didn’t have anything to edit so started all over again. I saved stuff into the timeline I was dubious of.

After recent problems I also dropped the native camera format whilst shooting. I thought smaller is better , big mistake. I shot at 480. That’s 640x480p and 25fps. I set middling for quality and left the other dozen things I didn’t understand at default. I still lock the camera to 1/50s, drop sharpness and contrast to zero. That does stop chopping with the 5DII.  Codec is H264 or summat like that. I would have tried another one as John suggested but got confused. Sorry John. I forgot. As I write this the video is uploading. Only another three hours to go. I’ve started treating video like a Sunday Roast. Do all the preparation and sit back with a bottle of wine. Go to the pub, go for a shower, look for Michaela dressed in black with camo paint on in a freezing wood in the dark. Anything to pass a couple or five hours on. I wish YouTube could appreciate that we of advanced years haven’t got all day to wait.

Here is my best yet. It is hard talking whilst filming, whilst focusing, whilst exposuring, whilst panning, whilst stopping two dogs mugging anything within a hundred yards. I am far from happy with this on YouTube. I’ll have another go at it on Vimeo, it looks reasonable on Media player.

         Have a good week.


  1. Brilliant! Those pooches sure posed for you and I could really get a picture of where you're at. This is a beautiful place. I also liked the music. Those pooches are the stars though.

    1. Maria, I curse them but wouldn't be without them. They are generally good in pubs and when a camera is set up. They know not to get between the boss and his passions. The music plus video may be deleted. I was supposed to credit it in an official way but after editing three video and two sound tracks forgot how. I'll keep trying with video. It is one hell of a challenge.

  2. You are so naughty Adrian. Can't see your video on my iPad, so I will have to check it out tomorrow on the laptop. Already in bed ~ some of us have work tomorrow.

    1. That's cos it was made by Apple. They don't allow posh stuff made by peasants on cheap stuff. They are frightened that it might catch on.
      Sleep tight. I hope you took your flipflops off.

  3. Enjoyed the video especially the part where you say - presumably to Michaela Strachan - "Will you be quiet? Get down!" By the way, I've checked my own copy of the Kama Sutra and can't find the "double-plugged thong" anywhere. What page is it on?

    1. Actually, I am impressed that he was able to play the fiddle all the way through too. Multi-talented dog trainer.

    2. YP, No the dogs went to greet a lass half her age and a quarter as attractive. She was friendly if not photogenic. We could have made an item had she stayed a while.
      It isn't in the Kama Sutra, it's in Anne Summers page 18 and over.
      Thanks for putting me right over 'V' by Tony Harrison. That's two poets I have to reacquaint myself with.

    3. Carol, I thought you had gone to sleep. We were talking about you not to you.

  4. I'm going to have to come back and check the video, my broadband width has dropped, again! Amazing how we can send and recieve a signal from that Rosetta Satelite millions of miles away yet a change in weather drops my broadband speed.

    1. Try uploading the bugger. I hear Dithery called out the electric men to reset his earth leakage trip on New years Day. What a tosser.

  5. You just make me laugh! Ask Graham - that is not always easy!!

    1. Spesh. I don't have to ask Graham. Just laugh at my ineptitude.

  6. Lovely! And I'm not a dog person, but yours are gorgeous, Adrian. What breed are they?

    1. Francis, West Highland Terrors. It doesn't matter they are my family.

  7. After reading your write-up I was expecting to politely avoid any comment about the video. Was I surprised! It is better than the previous ones, great picture, very smooth. Most of the time if you laid a level on the horizon, the bubble would be perfectly centered. And I loved the dogs. They are great!

    1. David, you asked for dogs. I'm here to please. It's easy to get almost straight there is a little bubble in the tripod head as a guide. I then have a grid in live view. I think I could work at this. Thanks.

  8. Adrian, he's great. Dogs may still be more prominent in the picture.

    1. Bas, the dogs rule my life. Please, don't encourage them.

  9. We work so hard and then somebody drags all the fun out of things.

  10. I Adrian. I am pleased to tell you that I also am back in BLOGGLAND. Hurray! I loved your video and the dogs. I see you use YouTube, same as me to up load. how to you get music on and still keep your voice? I can only get one or the other on at one time. hope you got out of there before the storm.

    1. Margaret,I used CS6 for this. I can have as many audio and video tracks as I like. Lightworks is free and works much the same. It is limited on the Codecs it will accept.

  11. Impressed with the video Adrian; and your fiddling.
    Nice one.

    1. Keith, I have half sussed the job. I am still not enamoured of YouTube. I guess a bad workman will always try and pass the buck.

    2. PS. Thanks once again for inspiring me to have the confidence to talk live on video. I know it can make one look a twat but it does make them more human.

    3. The more you do it Adrian, the easier it becomes.
      I just say what I see, and what I think. Why worry what others think. It's your platform.

  12. A quiet and beautiful place to rest. The dogs had fun.
    I liked ADRIAN
    a hug.

    1. Laura, I will have to take more video. One day I may get some good at it.
