I live in a camper van with a West Highland Terrier for company.
My passion is creating images but it is a work in progress.
I am always willing to share what knowledge I have and can be contacted through the comments on this post or e-mail ADRIAN

Thursday 20 February 2014


_MG_2969Yesterday was awful first thing and we got wet again. It did brighten up but I didn’t. I have these short lived phases of ‘couldn’t care less’. I have to as the dogs do. A good walk usually sorts me out. Yesterday I decided to replace my blog header with a moving one.

  slowheader1   The original has been replaced. it was driving me mad.I have to get them down in size. We don’t all have superfast internet, otherwise, the little devils take ages to load. I suspect any file over 750KB is pushing things. I was after a slow scroll up with a fade in. I managed it but as you can see it’s very annoying. It looks fine as a video, it looks great over a couple of minutes. I suspect like me it doesn’t compress well. I gave the monitor a good slap and thumped the table. Hitting computers is counter productive and could prove expensive. I also found out that Picasa doesn’t accept GIF files. It doesn’t say it doesn’t but when one uploads one it just takes one frame. I joined Photobucket. I did get this to load into my test blog. There has got to be some way of keeping file size down and stretching the effect. I know there are other problems here. I like my header to fade round the edges. The drop shadow is running into the fade. It is pretty grim all round.

I have slept on this job, I’ve also learnt some things. The problem is; have I remembered what I discovered. I suspect not.

Life can be a real pain at times but at least I am lucky to have a big pork chop for supper.


  1. That is a really nice photo, the first one. Did you take it Adrian? LOL ~ I am having fun :). It reminds me of a lake on Fraser Island that I saw years ago.

    1. Carol, I see it every morning. It's a bare quarter of a mile away. I like to see it before breakfast.

      What am I doing wrong? Am I asking too much of GIF. A right royal pain in the bum it is.

      PS. Alf took it, I've not been that good for days.

  2. Adrian, the new header with the 3D font and colors is grand. So is the first picture. I'm sure the flashing font is not what you were aiming for. On my computer there are three images of the font. The top is most clear, the second less so and the third is barely visible. All three fonts are flashing rapidly and yes, I have to agree with you, it's annoying.

    1. David, I've changed it again. This is a much bigger file though it has loaded.

  3. I suffer from epilepsy, I know how it feels. Looks a bit too wierd for me!

  4. As far as I know, I'm not an epilectic, but the flittering title would make me go beserk if I looked at it for very long. Your first image is glorious.

    1. Norma, it was a bit silly. I've slowed it right down now.

  5. Not sure I could cope with being flashed at while reading your blog Adrian, but I do like the new static version (may be a touch too much distance on the drop shadow?)

    Super first image. It must be a pleasure to see every morning and I guess, dependent on the weather/light, it looks different every day?...[;o)

    1. Trevor, it wasn't one of my better ideas. I had that drop shadow all over the place. I think you are correct.
      Some days I can't see the loch at all. I like it here.

  6. HI Adrian I like the new header but do not like the flashing image. It would do my head in!!

    1. Margaret it did my head in.

    2. I Adrian No I still don't like it. The header that you have is great, don't spoil it! Have a great weekend and leave well alone!!

  7. Adrian what a nice header but he is moving very fast.

  8. I like the header, but I'm odd. Like the big reflection in the first image and is it low cloud along the top of the frame? Looks good to me.

    1. Douglas, thanks, it would be good to get a misty morning by the loch. It's not happened yet though.

  9. I hope my eyes don't hurt all day. That was a shock after the serenity of the new header and the first image. Have fun tweaking.

    1. Pauline, I'm sorry. If this wind would die down then I wouldn't have to play.

  10. I guess you've diagnosed my epilepsy becausethis drives me up the wall. I understand what you are trying to do and I hope you get there.

    1. Red, sorry to inflict my insanity on you. It is much slower now.

    2. Thanks so much! I feel much better.

  11. I like the new header as it is. But then I'm a simple soul.

    1. Graham, I just can't resist messing about. I've messed again and it is better.

  12. You may make me dizzy.. but you always make me smile.
    (You brightened up my doldrums)

    1. Laura, I was feeling a bit down and creating this didn't improve my temper.

  13. Had a look around but it seems that an animated GIF file size cannot be reduced. All you can do is reduce the number of colours from the standard 256 to 16 but don't ask me how. The only other thing determining file size is the pixel size of the animation.
    Personally I find large animations a real annoyance but it is a good technical exercise. I wonder if a flash animation would give a smaller size.

    1. John, thanks, I did think of converting it to 4bit but couldn't find out how. The previous GIF was really horrid but only 750KB. This one works resonably well but is 5.8MB.
      I was just a bit bored.
      CS6 has frame animation but this was done in the video timeline. if I key frame the first and last position PS fills in the inbetween ones.

    2. John, I'll try dropping the frame rate to 10fps.

  14. The new "Adrian's Images" header looks as if it should be on the cover of a Clannad album - with accompanying Celtic music and mournful singing in Gaelic. The "Adrian's Images" album would contain songs like "The Mermaid's Lament", "Oh, Adrian He Has Gone" and "Damn Those Bloody Dogs".

    1. YP, wrong country but yes it would. 'The Theme from Adrian's Game' by Clannad. I like that.

      The font is free from Dafont. I use it regularly at the moment. It's called Celtic Garamon.

  15. Adrian, I like the new font, and you are right - sometimes I take high speed internet for granted, which is odd, because over the course of a week, I habitually use six or seven computers at various locations, all with vastly different capabilities. The web application that my class uses to turn in their writing samples for me to grade works on some of these computers some of the time. As you might imagine, I am (as are my students) constantly consternated. Often, I throw up my hands and teach straight from the board, the book, and my head - if my students feel disenfranchised by my inability (or unwillingness) to grapple with technology, they have not complained yet.

    I have done little to alter the appearance of my blog, but as I do so, I will keep what you said in mind.

    1. Nathaniel, once you start playing with blog layouts you have to be careful that you don't introduce any large elements.

  16. I like remaining in the fixed header without moving.
    a kiss.

    1. Laura, so do I. It was just the challenge of making it move that attracted me.

  17. Maybe I like more the fixed header too as Laura M.
    Your pictures are so beautiful that the blog don't need other thing that attract attention

  18. Replies
    1. Laura, you are correct. Thank you I'll leave the header as a fixed one.
