I live in a camper van with a West Highland Terrier for company.
My passion is creating images but it is a work in progress.
I am always willing to share what knowledge I have and can be contacted through the comments on this post or e-mail ADRIAN

Sunday 4 May 2014

GENESIS. (04/05/14)

It’s Sunday so I thought of the Bible and in particular Genesis. It goes something like this:

‘On the first day God created light and he saw that it was good so he also created dark.’….It begs the question. If light is so good why the dark?

I wish he had forgotten about the dark bit, come to think about it I also wish he had been a bit more circumspect on the sixth day when he created us, and the animals and birds. One bird in particular he ought to have deleted from his list. Every morning I see it in the gloom and every morning it flies away before I can creep up close enough._V0G8717  The Naughty Goosander. This foul up, fowl up or duck up turned out quite arty farty but it is a long way short of the result I was hoping for.

I am going into Inverness for some shopping or messages as they say here. This afternoon if it gets light enough I have some more publicity shots to do. God rested on the seventh day and I’ve got so much to do. Not to worry I’ll rest tomorrow.

Have a great week.


  1. Those Goosander are a sod to get close too, i spent hours walking around a pond just to get that bit closer to get a photo. Have a good week.


    1. Peter, it is far easier to sit down with a coffee and wait for them to come to you. Otters are worse. I've seen them three times but if I'm at one end of the flat bit of river they are at the other and visa versa. The fish van comes here but he is poorly so I can't even beg some fish heads to tempt them.

  2. Publicity shots? Will you be wearing your leopard skin thong or your Homer Simpson undershorts? Remember to oil your pectoral muscles and biceps for maximum effect if you are to secure the Freemans Catalogue contract. I assume you will have had your spray tan whilst in Inverness.

    1. YP, you have got the wrong idea. I have to take snaps of a sparling bright abulutions block. I do have a couple of models or did have they did the Loch Ness cycle race this morning and are too tired to pose in showers.
      I wouldn't need oil for a shoot I'd need a gentle application of powder to stop my tummy catching the light.

  3. I think he should have spent more time trying to perfect the human race, instead of fannying about with all that other stuff.

    I like arty farty. I like it a lot.

    1. Keith, I agree but he had a hell of a lot to get through in a short week.

      The arty farty is just a stop or two away. The damn bird has two heads. It has to fly down a narrowish corridor so is predictable. It would make a good panning shot I'll try #2 I.S. next time. and bump ISO to 800. It could also do with being to the right of the frame but that bit is not an insurmountable problem.

  4. If god existed, why did he invent the human race. I love your Goosander.

    1. Bob, he doesn't exist, don't be silly. I'm a fair weather Christian. If he does me proud then fair enough. I'll tolerate all the nonsense the priests preach.
      There are two of him which does detract from the image. I decided it was worth saving it is one of five and I almost binned the lot. Glad you have sorted your lens bt would like to know what the problem was.....left it on f2.8 did you?

  5. And so goeth the sermon of Rev. Adrian!! Now I think your duck probably was heavily influenced by evolution!

  6. You do arty farty very well, that is a lovely image. I like the bird's look of eagerness to escape. I don't get into religious discussions so no other comment. ( My daughter did have major surgery, and is still on rather strong drugs but refuses to stay in bed so she nods off at the strangest times.)

    1. Pauline, this is serendipity. I was trying for a crisp panning shot.
      Sorry i don't know where I got sister from. Wish your daughter well, if she can cope it is much nicer being out of bed.

  7. I'm really disconcerted now Adrian. All these years I've been taking images like this and it didn't dawn on me once that I might have been an artist?
    Now that you, we've, been enlightened maybe we should pool our talents and start a new school of artistry!
    I'm sure God has worked this revelation into his great scheme of things and was just waiting for the right time, and the right people...er?...artists, to launch it onto the ignorant masses?
    I like arty farty...[;o)

    1. Trevor, that is because you aren't an artist.
      It takes a special needs sort of person to declare an appalling image art. Or an artist.
      I took another one this morning but it is much more subtle.....I missed the bird completely but the blurry clouds have a certain appeal.

  8. Buena toma...la cogiste al vuelo.
    Un abrazo.

  9. I agree with what Bob says. And I'm a bit Darwinian about that, although Darwin didn't really get into this matter with us humans. Could it be that we are the 'mistake' in the evolutionary process? Nonsense, nevertheless it's something to think about. If our souls are in harmony, there's no such thing as a 'mistake', but achieving 'nirvana', or simply 'oneness' with our surroundings, seems to me the best recipe. This image is beautiful, and our life is so multifaceted. That's why I scolded you when you said you were not a photographer. Well, you are now. I don't care if you say you didn't take formal training. You are what you are, at the moment.

    1. Maria, I suspect he gave up when he got to me.
      I nearly always forget to switch the IS to (2). When I remember I then forget to switch it back again. I'm not very professional.
