I live in a camper van with a West Highland Terrier for company.
My passion is creating images but it is a work in progress.
I am always willing to share what knowledge I have and can be contacted through the comments on this post or e-mail ADRIAN

Tuesday 2 December 2014

A GRAND DAY. (02/12/14)

It has been bright sunny and cool with barely a breath of wind from dawn till dusk. An excellent day.

This morning I took the dogs a walk. The horses were acting the fool in the crisp frosty air, galloping around us and kicking and bucking. I think they thought spring had sprung; I hope they still have all their shoes on as the ground is very soft. I’ll no doubt hear if they’ve shed any. It will, without doubt, be my fault.

I then had a couple of hours trying to create 3D light swirls in Blender 3D so that I can animate them for a posh Christmas card. I can get them to grow along a path and taper as they grow so the job went better than I expected. I’ll try and get a shape I like tomorrow and save it. If I try and do a couple of hours a day then after a fortnight I should have enough artwork to build a reasonably interesting card.

During Marlboro breaks I took a snap or two of birds enjoying the sunshine._MG_1019

_MG_1026 The light, when it appears, is beautiful at this time of year. This Robin is a bit naughty, I was trying to get a picture of a Sparrow when the view finder went all blurry. It was him pecking his reflection in the lens. Bad bird has no comprehension of the cost of a 400mm front element.

After lunch I decided to forego my siesta and have a wander along the shore of Loch Leven. There is an RSPB reserve here called Vane Farm. I searched in vain for anything other than Mallard and Mute Swans. The Geese had left for the day. They have just completed a path that circumnavigates the Loch but it is too far for me to walk. I did a few miles then turned round and retraced my steps. It looks as if it will be a really good place in a few years as the path is a few hundred yards from the loch and they have left the strip with a few scrapes dug out protected by windbreaks and deer fence with fine steel net at the bottom. That should stop Mink, Stoats and rats from bothering the nesting birds.

_MG_1038     I don’t know what this is. I assume it is for something to nest in as behind the boards is a bank of logs and earth.

I got back to the car park just as thee sun set.

_MG_1039       Loch Leven.

A  perfect end to a perfect day.


  1. I agree about the light ~ I thought you might have filled those two of the birds with a flash at first. Good luck with the Christmas card!

    1. Carol, diffused flash would do it. Easier to have the sun do it. I spot meter of green and then I'm away. just a bit of colour correction to lift the job.

      The card will be down to perseverance. I hope I have it in bundles.

  2. You can't beat it, the sun while sitting on the banks of Loch Leven. Ah, those were the days.

    1. Bob, it is usually misty and damp but it was beautiful today.

  3. The Robin and Blackbird look great in the sunlight. The third image is most definitely for birds, nesting holes high enough to prevent predation. Possibly Goldeneye as they nest in holes in trees trunks, I'd have said Sandmartins but the log pile doesn't fit in, maybe Shelduck too

    1. Douglas, the holes are only about an inch diameter. I thought they were for Sandmartins but the log bit confused me.

  4. I wish more people would get out and walk until dark. The world would be better off. Just think if all politicians walked every day how much better off we'd be. Then if somebody walks with a camera it would be a bonus.

    1. Red, it is rare for the weather to be nice enough. It's turned cool here. Not your cool but it is jacket weather.

  5. Buen paseo Adrian. Se fue el sol y salió la luna.
    Gracias por el tracductor, ahora mejor:))
    Un abrazo.

    1. Laura, una hermosa tarde.
      Estoy feliz de que el traductor está trabajando

  6. Sounds like there's a lot of hard (brain?) work going into that Christmas card Adrian? I'm looking forward to seeing the results!
    I reckon that wooden structure, given that the holes are on the small side for birds, is a rather fancy bee/bug hotel. I hope it does what it's meant to do as it looks like there's been a lot of effort put into it... it would be interesting to find out what it is?....[;o)

    1. Trevor, it is always one step forward and two back with me. This time I am organised, I have a note book and pencil and am writing down what I've pressed and what I've saved stuff as.
      It could be for bees. I'll ask at Vane Farm next time I'm there.

    2. Adrian, I've just done a little research and.....Vane Farm is home to the world's first Bumblebee sanctuary. In the summer the specially planted wild flower meadows hold many different species of Bumblebee including the rare Blaeberry Bumblebee. So, I guess I guessed right?...[;o)

    3. Trevor, I'm sorry. I asked this morning in the garage and was told that's what it was by the lad working on my van. I should have e-mailed you straight away. It is as you say a Bumble Bee Hotel.

  7. HI Adrian Sorry pressed wrong button!! Yes I thought Sand Martin possibly however if the holes are really small then Trevor could well be correct. Now we all want to know!

    1. Margaret, I'll have to go down to the RSPB shed and ask what it is for.

  8. The bold Robin's antics made me laugh. You always wanted to get close in to photograph the birds.

    1. John, it is very tame as it lives in the garden here. I felt it land in the lens hood. Little devil.

  9. Adriaan what a wonderful atmosphere.

  10. A prefect day....you can't have better than that, Adrian.

    1. Frances, one can't and the horses were all still shod when they came in in the evening.

  11. pretty sunset. Glad you had a nice day. Say hi to Alf and Mol

  12. Very nice day! Have a great week Adrian!

  13. And now I know what a bumble bee hotel looks like. I have to add my lavender bushes do the same job and are a lot more attractive. Like your evening shot.

    1. Pauline, it does seem a little excessive but I assume the conservation folk know what they are doing.
