I live in a camper van with a West Highland Terrier for company.
My passion is creating images but it is a work in progress.
I am always willing to share what knowledge I have and can be contacted through the comments on this post or e-mail ADRIAN

Wednesday 26 September 2012

ALL IS WELL. (26/09/12)

The rain stopped raining at around midnight…..the day started well, welling with water. It’s still awful damp but the sun is out. I hope all the people with proper houses further down the Tees are insured. Nobody drowned or got their tits out so no front page coverage in the Telegraph.

Yesterday I mentioned that we could have had three feet of rain……I’m mad, Take everything I say with a large pinch of salt. I was trying to give a personal impression of how it felt. Two to three inches would be more accurate.

I have two or three weather sites running….Weather used to be important when I was working at sea….In retrospect I don’t know why I bothered or continue to bother. Bugger all one can do about it, on land or at sea. A law unto itself is weather. I’m still scrolling through the sites to find out how much water we had. I suspect I have to pay for rain gauge information.

  I also hope that before a new Thames Barrier is financed they give priority to all the plebeians that live in the North.

I am a Daily Telegraph reader. Page four it is before the inundated folk of the North  get a mention. I used to read the Guardian but found the cryptic crossword solvable. So switched to the Telegraph some twenty years ago. On a good week I finish it twice. I enjoy the challenge, okay I’m also a bit thick.!

The Telegraph used to have good sports coverage…..I have realised that niche sport reportage is now a thing of the past in the Telegraph. So from tomorrow it’s back to the Grauniad for me. Awful spelling and not broad sheet but I’ll retromorphise……..I’ll get uesd to the canhge. PHIL  writes all about things living in it so it can’t be taht bad.

I had to go for another shop today……..Have I got Alzheimer's?  No!  I remembered the question mark. Forgot some messages yesterday though. That’s not dementia unless all politicians have it. There was no rush  so I conducted myself with decorum in the store. Didn’t cause a fuss or mess up the auto checkout…… I went through a regular till. Didn’t call the check out girl a F…ing pleb. Good as gold I was.

Please Dithery can I have a job with you? If I mess it up I get mega bucks for life…..be great for me….and prove you are into expanding society. I am also aware that it’s naughty and counter productive to swear at Busies…..they hit one….hard!… It takes an haristocrat to swear at a man in body armour carrying a big stick…….or an idiot,  I’m only a bit daft…

What’s the difference between a policeman’s truncheon and a magician’s wand?

The latter is for Cunning Stunts!

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA   An upside down triptych of the sun. I made a bit of an effort to welcome it back….Arty Farty or what?

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA    The dogs run through every bit of flood water. Covered in sh…..water they are.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA      The camera finds some colour……it also found some blow out. I always bracket with digital but unfortunately not this time.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA   The trailers are safe.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Water everywhere. The building in the background is Cleveland Bridge and Engineering. They have built lots of posh bridges all over the world…..a wonderful company for both purchasers and users of bridges. They guarantee to keep your feet dry.

I hope you are all well and not too damp.



  1. Looks like you have done a grand job hogging the rain and keeping it away from me ;)

    Why has nobody told the insurance companies that if they want less flood damage losses +they+ should put up money towards new defences. Makes sense in the long run to me.

    1. John...Unless London or the home counties suffer then nowt will happen. Shift Parliament to Manchester keep costs down and let the daft buggers see reality. I notice the BBC are creeping back south to happy England.

  2. I think that we ought to speak to Venetians about living with water, I'm sure they will tell us.

  3. :) I think you were drenched. Everytime I read your posts I have a good laugh. But you got some amazing pics of all the water puddling. I'd hate to be downhill from all of this. You could start your own Noah's Ark where you're at....and the dogs:) Hahaha!!! You gotta love it.

    1. Ark building should be a national industry.

  4. Not a nice time for you with all the rain. Here, we could use some moisture although the farmers still need a week or two to finish harvest.

    1. We were lucky here. The harvest is all but over.

  5. Water, water everywhere and ........... Love the triptych and the dogs racing through the water. Hope your weather improves.

  6. Impressive images, Adrian. I regret that in the UK there are floods.

    Have a lovely day.

  7. No wonder the sun has flipped over such a watery state of affairs! Perhaps the highest pub that you go to is somewhere to consider in the near future:) Your photos show vividly the effect of the weather conditions. A very reflective post ;)

    1. I'm stuck down here for the next few weeks. I'll call at Tan Hill soon.

  8. I stopped buying newspapers years ago. Ignorance of world affairs is sheer bliss at times. And today, the sun shone. Well, after a heavy downpour that lasted till mid day. :-)

    1. These short six hour showers are pretty common.

  9. A big smile on my face.... thanks for that.

  10. So sad to hear about the floods. I can see why you're running out of dry cloths indeed.

    Your images reflect your reality.

    1. Daniel, all is drying out now.....till next time.

  11. A really cracking post again.

    I stopped getting the Grauniad when it reported the arrival of Dag Hammarskjöld and the speech he was supposed to have made but, of course, didn't because he was dead and never arrived. I never forgave them. Then when I was re-considering they lambasted a Times leader for the inclusion of a single word ('not') which did rather alter the meaning of a speech and which was in the press release but not actually said. No I can't go back to The Grauniad.

  12. I tried it yesterday....I'm sticking with the Telegraph.
