I live in a camper van with a West Highland Terrier for company.
My passion is creating images but it is a work in progress.
I am always willing to share what knowledge I have and can be contacted through the comments on this post or e-mail ADRIAN

Tuesday 4 September 2012

THE LIGHT. (04/09/12)

I was up before dawn as usual, I listen to Radio 4 most mornings, it starts out fine with the Shipping forecast, a quick news round up, farming today and then proceeds to a current affairs discussion programme. This is good as the latter being three hours long repeats itself every thirty minutes or so. I can get on with life.

Two items this morning gave me pause for thought. The first was a story about four Christians who had been ill used by our and the European government. Two had been fired for wearing a cross to work. Now unless it was of such dimensions that it interfered with their duties or they were wearing it on their backs with their appendages nailed to it I can’t see it is worth taking up court time discussing. Let them wear a wee cross round their necks. If the size needs regulating then just say crosses under an inch tall are fine. That’s that sorted.

The other two, one a registrar of births, deaths and marriages, the second a sexual relationship councillor were dismissed for being homophobic. The former deserved the bullet you can’t be e registrar and refuse to deal with gays. When they are born how can one tell, when they are dead it no longer matters and if they want to get married then fair enough. I have some sympathy for the councillor. Getting practical experience of homosexual sexual sexual practices is just going too far. Unless the job description specified that only experienced bi-sexual people should apply.

The second was the speculation surrounding Dithery Dave’s cabinet reshuffle. No he is not rearranging furniture, I don’t think he is, but sacking and promoting various members of our government. It’s his first such exercise so perhaps it should be called a shuffle. Shuffle is an odd term to use for a process which in this case one would hope was a carefully considered exercise and not a method of determining a cabinet by random selection. Not let’s dwell on such things. The outcome will be much the same. As in any card game if one starts with an adulterated pack then the results of the subsequent deal are bound to be suspect and definitely unfit for purpose.

The day did not start with any great promise…………………………….

Untitled_Panorama1 A below average dawn. Fifteen minute later the world changed…………………

dawn2 049

dawn3 It stayed changed for long enough to shoot two series of images one in portrait and one in landscape. These are all HDR and then stitched panoramas from three, four and three images. respectively.

Yesterday I had to go into town.

P9033520_1_2_3_4_tonemapped_edited-1This is the best shot of the Market Hall tower in Darlington that I’ve achieved. I have shot it in the morning, afternoon and evening. Morning is best but I’m shooting straight into the sun. Any other time it’s boring as it is on cloudy days. I’m going to give up with this one. It is an image that I'm not going to master.

I’m hoping that they are going to combine some wheat today so that will give me something to snap.

Summer is here at long last.

Have a good day.


  1. I don't think I will bother to listen to Radio 4 in future....I will just check out your blog and read your review and everything will be sorted Adrian..

  2. You better keep listening my regurgitation of current affairs may not always be accurate.

  3. Beautiful skies, that's what I think.

  4. The older I get the more I think the stuff they make a big deal out of is a non issue. Let them babble.
    Awesome morning sky.

  5. I very much enjoyed your rant at the beginning of the post. People do get worked about things that could so easily be settled by not looking for trouble in the first place.

    As for Dave, let's hope we can shuffle him out of a job at the next election.

  6. Me again. I must be getting senile. I also meant to say that I love your dawn pictures.

  7. breathtaking shots!
    as for your ranting, I just did that toward a young man (granddaughter's boyfriend); then I went back to him, apologize and explained why I ranted in the first place. He'll probably be dreading the next time we're together in person.

  8. Wow, those are incredible shots..the warm sunsets..the skies are reaching out like angelic arms...the bottom tower is gorgeous in all its detail..well done Adrian, as I enjoy your thoughts , like reading a good book, cheers!!

  9. Great pictures of the early morning sky and glad to hear that you have some summer like weather at last.

  10. I'm a devotee of early morning R4 also. Re shuffling, not much point when all you've got is a hand full of jokers.
    Stunning Sunrise there Adrian. Breathtaking.

  11. Beautiful skies....REALLY!!! And a little controversy:) Or is it? Things are becoming robotic. In many ways, freedoms are disappearing that were once enjoyed in the workplace. Sadly it's not getting any better. I therefore escape to the skies and nature to keep those idiotic things out of my head.

  12. I love your pictures of the skies, beautiful. And the writing, there is shuffling and, their word it reminds of, no chance!!!!!!!!!!

  13. I love your pictures of the skies, beautiful. And the writing, there is shuffling and, their word it reminds of, no chance!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Top drawer cloud shots. My eyes have been drawn to the skies in recent times although I have to stick with the wide angle at the moment ... I'm a simple creature ... although I have been trying complex cloning last week.

  15. Great comment by Midmarsh John!

    As a person with no belief in a deity I would defend the right of a person to wear a Latin Cross or a Star of David or whatever other religions wear or the A of a atheist. The Swastika is a cross too but I might have difficulty with that so where does one draw the lion? The problem is not the discrete symbol but the proselytising or the intolerance which come with extremism and that is rarely worn on a chain around the neck.
