I live in a camper van with a West Highland Terrier for company.
My passion is creating images but it is a work in progress.
I am always willing to share what knowledge I have and can be contacted through the comments on this post or e-mail ADRIAN

Monday 5 November 2012

A REAL TREAT. (05/11/12)

It was a touch chilly this morning but well worth going out.


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA   Stump Puffballs. They went down a treat for breakfast with an omelette and a couple of rashers of bacon. It’s rare to find them in such good condition.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA    Mr Great Spotted Woodpecker. There are either two families calling or two males and one female. I enjoy having them round but four fat balls and half a tube of peanuts a day is getting a touch expensive.

I deleted the last post as I went over the top. Sorry about that, just a touch of lunacy.

I will be glad when Obama is back in power. The BBC are driving me mad. Non-stop coverage of the election and what is worse they spend their time interviewing strident, squawking, whingeing, semi-literate American ladies. How anyone lives with them screeching away is beyond me. How the BBC find them is a mystery. I spent ten years, on and off, working in the States and never came across this breed……most spoke like Uma Thurman…….most had bigger bums but Wowee!  That accent…brilliant!

It matters little to me which way the Americans vote. Democrats always seem more moral and balanced but with the exception of Clinton hellish boring. I have a sneaking suspicion that Mitt Romney could provide the entertainment that has been lacking since Reagan and George W Bush ceased giving their hilarious speeches. Clinton was pretty good but his only contribution to idiocy was his famous Watch My Lips speech….we all knew he really meant watch Monica’s lips.

I thought we were in for a good thunderstorm tonight.

PB054601_2_3_4_5_tonemapped_edited-1 This cumulus Nimbus really grew fast But there must have a band of cool air which stopped it in it’s climb to the heavens.

hamhd0511 It just settled into a bit of a smudge……I’ve seen worse smudges.

I  really am ready to move on. Doing my head in here….it shouldn’t be long now till I’m back on the road.

I’m writing and rehearsing for a few hours a day. Adrian’s Images is slowly going to retrograde into a Slidey-Road-Show. I’ve got a 6x6 slide projector and anticipate doing a wee chat and a showing of my ‘oliday snaps. I still need a screen if anyone has a redundant one. Ideally it should be clean and white.  There is no rush but bear in mind I’m not in the first flush of youth!  It will be a good six months till I get enough slides together along with the prints to go with them. I’ll also need music….no bother I have a flute I’ve not played for a year.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA   It’s made by Boozy and Hawkes, it needs a polish and a blow or two but I’ll get up to speed……Should it be spelt Boosey and Hawkes?……I prefer Boozy!

Have a good week.


  1. Somehow with that flute I get an image of you in an Ian Anderson pose. Can your friend Glo do something with that?

    1. Monica, if I could play like Ian Anderson I would be more than happy.

  2. I am surprised that the USA's coming election is making so much news your way. I think that if you lived here you would NOT be happy to think of Obama's having another four years to further drain us of our constitutional rights. Besides voting, all I have left for hope is prayer.

    1. Norma, don't panic he can't even get a budget through without a struggle. Whoever is president he has no real power.

  3. Hi Adrian...I think the whole country will be glad to have this drama over...I don't know how Obama's became president in the first place..you can't even get a drivers licence without a birth certificate, yet he got to be president lol!!!
    All I know is there is nothing that can fix the devastation here in the New England states!!
    And by the way good point you made on your comment on my post..I didn't have to run the NY marathon and darn I was all prepared!! ; )

    You your mushrooms and mushroom like clouds are beauties,and your tales always make me laugh !!

    1. Grace, It will be repaired and back to normal.
      I have only been to New York twice and it was awful. Hot and humid in summer and freezing cold in winter.
      I didn't know Obama hadn't got a Birth Certificate....I suspect most of our lot would have difficulty identifying their parents.

  4. Having a good rant does relieve the spleen, doesn’t it.

    I want Obama, I dread what else but amuse Romney could do.

    Love your photos, great, as usual. You can’t go wrong, can you? I wish you’d post a dud, have you got one? Just as a favour?

    1. Friko, I suspect it will make little difference.
      You want to see some of the horrors I've taken....I bin them.

  5. Quite a post!
    You have a great breakfast and then tear a strip off American women!
    Must be nice to poke around a place and then move on to see something different.

    1. Red, Te Americans that our media find are at odds to the ones I have met.

  6. Ah, a nice crisp clear, with fluffy clouds, day! A striking woodpecker ~ but a greedy little beggar, eating you out of house and home. If that keeps up you'll be on a free mushroom only diet.

    As per the request above from DawnTreader....ahem... may I present...

    the flautist himself!

    1. Glo, this is the best yet....far better than my ability playing it. I'll give it pride of place on my next post.

  7. Those woody's certainly put a drain on finances Adrian.
    (I just re-read that, but I'll leave it anyway)

    The 'Slidey-Road-Show' sounds like a winner; I'd pay to see it.
    Didn't know you played the flute. A long, long time ago, I played a sax. Sadly I don't have it now.

    Saw Glo's link; an amazing likeness!
    I remember seeing them many years ago, when Mick Abrahams played with them. Mick lives in MK, and I get the occasional e-mail from him. Nice bloke.

    1. Keith, I think a steam driven photo show a bit of chat and a Q&A session could turn out to be entertaining.
      Glo is a star at these.
      My arthritic fingers are struggling with the flute. I was never any good to start with. I will settle on miming to Jethro Tull.

  8. I was wondering only last night as to how much the Beeb had spent covering the US election campaign. It's always the same. The Beeb gets a bee in its bonnet and coverage of any other news goes out the window.

    1. John, they drive me insane. It will be interesting to switch back to minor misdemeanours. I just hope they can out the Tory paedophiles in ten minutes and then move on.

  9. I love mushrooms but don't know nearly enough about them to go and pick them in the wild. My mouth is watering for that breakie

    1. Firefly, I don't know them all. Puff balls are safe in moderation.

  10. Big sky and clouds are grand! Enjoyed reading your views on the American election too! :)

    1. Daniel, many thanks.
      I hate the non stop sound bites of modern politics.

  11. I agree about the elections. Even in these far flung isles we've heard of little else. Goodness knows what our guys are getting up to while we are distracted. Like your clouds!

    1. Pauline, I dread to think what ours are up to. One is heading down to OZ to be a celebrity or a celibate or something. I am hoping it's the beginning of a much bigger trend.

  12. Why in the world do you have to suffer our election crap???!!!! Oh I feel sorry. Glad Obama is back....very happy about all of this but even happier that all the ads will disappear! I had to turn off the TV and Radio as it was all stressing me out. Hope you are well. Chris

    1. Chris, we are spared TV advertising. Last time I was on a Landline I did get a couple of calls and a door knocker....I treated the first to a diatribe on the greedy mothers that take money and then fail to run our country...After twenty minutes he was ready to go and my potatoes were cooked to perfection so, so was I.

  13. Is there no end to your talents? Identify fungi and play the flute! I can't even play a penny whistle. Mind you these days I don't suppose one can even buy a penny whistle. Every now and then we are all allowed an over-the-top rant (and I laughed at how over the top it was!). I'd never have the courage. At least we can rest a bit easier now that Obama is back in the White House. Hopefully the Republicans will not subject the world to the problems which will be generated if the US goes to or over the fiscal cliff. Experience would suggest though that when anything can happen the it probably will.

    1. Graham, I do know some fungi...I had never seen these with spikes on before. They were brand new ones. I ate a half of one cooked and it tasted like a puffball, smelt like a puffball....so I called back the following morning and picked half a dozen. I'm still here. I have had the odd tummy upset with fung. Horse mushrooms were the worst. I've also had the odd bad trip on liberty caps and fly agaric. Both these have to be dried and smoked. They will destroy your kidneys eaten raw. I'll leave you to decide whether there are long term psychological repercussions.

      I'll have another read at it and maybe reinstate it.

      I have a sneaking suspicion that the USA has already printed it's way into trouble. Ten or more years ago the third world were not accepting dollars pre 1979...then it got so they had to be less than fifties and in mint condition. Whatever they like to think I suspect China now owns them.

    2. Graham, they still make penny whistles. You can get them in any key. I used to have dozens and recorders. The latter an underrated instrument...it's a penny whistle with a couple of sharp and flat holes. Saves pinching. So does the flute it has keys for fingers I don't have.
      I used to knock about with a lass called Dorcus she could play anything at a hundred miles an hour. I used to sit in with the band and play the bits on the flute I could. After a beer or two she used to turn to me and mouth shut t' feck up!
      The flute is probably beyond my arthritic fingers. I'll keep trying it for a month.
      Jack of all...master of none! About sums me up.
