This is the nearest we will get to perfect symmetry on a date this year. The good news is that no more dead raptors have been found on the Black Isle and the better news is that a benefactor has doubled the reward to £10,000.00p for information leading to a conviction. The other good news is that the Badger Cull is not being extended. It is still going on in the pilot areas. I hope they mean the Pilot areas of Heathrow and Gatwick.
The bad news is that despite Dithery Dave saying he was going to be strict on crime and strict on the causes of crime Maria Miller has had her repayment of expenses reduced from £45,000.00p to £5,000.00p. She did have to apologise. She didn’t as that would be admitting she is a thieving cult-ure secretary. Dithery says this should be the end of the matter.
Had I submitted such exhorbitant inflated expenses claims to boat owners I would have been fish food. She should go to trial and be banged up for a hundred years. She is a liar and a thief.
There has to be a large element of trust involved between employee and employer. I never even inflated the cost of fuel oil and split the difference with the order clerk. This lot don’t know the meaning of honesty. They think they can play fast and loose with the privy purse, or exchequer or whatever they draw their wages from. Culture Secretary, a daft job if ever I heard of one. Makes me wonder even more about Dithery. I think Jeremy Hunt was a Culture Secretary. He is now in charge of the NHS. I guess he and Dithery thought being familiar with cults (is that how culnts is spelt?) was qualification enough.
It is damp, warm and rainy but with no wind. It has been for two days. Spring is yet to spring here.
The road bridge over Resipole Burn. The Otter comes down here evening and morning and if the rain would just give it a rest I’d go and camp out for a while with Bertha.
This is from a couple of days ago as well. The insulators on telegraph poles are a thing of the past. It’s, I hope, fibre optics that now enable communication.
This morning I thought I’d creep down to the wee bridge where the Grey Heron stands. I didn’t get anywhere close and it was away, Flapping off for all it was worth into the murk.
Have a good weekend. I suspect the weather here will be much the same.
PS. Post Script to the pope. The man in charge of paedophiles.
What is Queeny doing there accepting backhanders. Is she just thick or doesn't she give a flying fuck. She is supposed to be the head of the C of E. I’ll write a strict letter to His Wellersbyship. Daft buggers one and all. Be a waste of time. I shot gun might make them see sense.
I would still have questions about Maria Miller's parents and how she can "look after" them when she is performing her various tasks as "Culture Secretary". Besides, what is wrong with her feckin parents? Are they both destitute paraplegics? The arrogance of it all is breathtaking but I feel an acute sense of deja vu. As a teacher I sometimes had to use my car on school business and to reclaim petrol money was such a faff - with forms to fill and signatures to acquire and challenges to field, I gave up claiming in the end.
ReplyDeleteADRIAN4 April 2014 13:35
DeleteYP, you will know.You looked after children and dementia suffers are only big children. What is wrong with the IPC. It was set up and all the devious little bastards had to agree. They are not being professional, sorry a blip there, I meant prostitutionanal. I'm voting for UKIP. I hate what Farage stands for but the Labour party have let me down. Not Dennis Skinner, he is a true man, I don't belief ' The Beast' has it in him to be a crook.
We need folk that can live on over a hundred grand a year, don't feel the need to use tarts of either sex. I want a breath of fresh air. I don't want someone like your MP. Of course I don't. He is a total toss pot.
Maria should be locked away for a very long time.
I quite like the blind man that lives at Beeley in a favour house and I rate him. Good on the new duke for putting him up.
PS. I meant believe. You know what I meant but it does jar.
DeleteBlunk It! He's a turncoat. I met him a few times. He should live in Sheffield Brightside not on the estate of the dukes of Devonshire. That is hardly a socialist statement of values. Arrogant sod to converse with as well. He keeps jumping in when you haven't finished what you are saying. It's all "David knows best".
DeleteI have met him but he was a bit pissed and sociable.
DeleteHe got run over by a cow in Beeley.....I bet he didn't see that coming!!!!!
The next-to-last image of the road bathed in the light of sunset is so inviting. Would love to take a hike down it. The black and white images are super.
Mersad Donko Photography
Mersad, it is not good here at the minute, I drop a red filter on for sky and a blue one for landscape.
DeleteLovely selection Adrian.
ReplyDeleteAlmost good news about the cull. A shame they see fit to continue it in Gloucestershire and Somerset, despite it being a total waste of time and money. Still, I'm sure those naughty anti's will be out in force again this summer.
Come to think of it, maybe it would be a good time for some anarchy this year, to give this rabble in government, a good send off.
I suppose that's my ticket to the Tower sorted now.
I'm ready if you are. The trouble is with me is that I am a Pacifist. It's what the bent tossers rely on. Get Dithery brave enough to lead an army and I would take them on and die happy. He'll use the buzzies and whatever you may think most, are good.
DeleteHe only shoots deer if his back feels fine. No worries from Dithery then.
We could always sneak up on The Sheffield Estate. Piss on their parade.
A clique always protects it's own Adrian. If you or I got up to those sort of tricks they'd lock us up and throw away the key.
ReplyDeleteAs for the Badger cull, I guess they're only continuing in the pilot areas because to call a halt would mean admitting that they got it wrong and they wouldn't want to be doing that now, would they?
Good luck with the Otter (and the weather!)...[;o)
Trevor, the company used to give me access to unlimited funds to expedite a quick solution to a wee problem. After it was solved I used to be put through a real third degree.
DeleteThe Cunture Secruarty is guilty. Let her go to the courts if she thinks otherwise. We will probably be notified if Dithery has dithered there.
Keith, if it is bad anywhere what makes it better in the trial areas. Total gobbledygook from Owen Pissed appon in the brains queue.
ReplyDeleteTwelve MPs , two from Eton or Harrow four from us. Cut the national deficit in half it would. I'd get rid of all the sponging Royals. Let Queeny pay she has the the money to. They keep breeding near brain dead idiots let them pay for them
Couldn't agree more.
DeleteI'm sure there will be some sort of carrot dangled just before election time, and a lot of idiots will fall for it. Hopefully more won't, and this despicable bunch of lying cheating amoeba will get the heave ho.
Brilliant photos Adrian. The badgers are out in our region, that will not stop the the anti badger group, keep up the good work.
ReplyDeleteBob, I will cull animals like deer and wild pigs. They can get to be a pest like mice and rats. The fact is that few big raptors do anything but feed on carrion. They are , like me, lazy.
DeleteI love the B&W bridge. I admire your patience for following up on these environmental massacres. I usually lose my patience and get very upset about it. Particularly if the crime is left unsolved.
ReplyDeleteMaria, I quite like it here but on Monday I am heading south to tackle the Scottish Parliament on this issue. Our Queen mixes with a man who heads a church with dubious morals.
DeleteI'll go down and ask him. I'll let you know how I get on.
HI Adrian Love the B & W shot with the bridge and also love the path of seaweed in the next (4th) shot. Have a great weekend.
ReplyDeleteMargaret, the shots are there to please. I'm well pissed off with Cameron and our daft queen. She is a useless person, past her sell by date. The charitable interpretation on her visiting the pope is that she feels one ought to feel useful. The pope should have come here. She is a useless lady.
ReplyDeleteSo nice as aver!
ReplyDeleteThanks Laura.
DeleteThat bend looks a cracker in the second image, vroom vroom, tried it the camper van flat out yet :o)
ReplyDeleteI do like the first with the rocks in the foreground and the hills either side just about to kiss in the background.
You'd think those in Somerset would have something more important to do then slaughter badgers, perhaps we should all boycot the regions involved, what really gets me is the two cull zones are now going to be unmonitored and no report on wether the cull has had any effect or what's the point other then legalised badger baiting! As no-one will be watching dogs will be used as will gas! Sorry for the rant I'm really angry
Douglas, I don't take any corners round here at speed. A Caterham or Westfield would be fun early in a morning.
DeleteYes Defra go from bad to worse. It is for the RSPCA and the police wild life officers to police the job. So nothing will happen I suspect.
I don't understand your politics but I'm sure I'd agree with you about the badgers if we had badgers. The young royals arrive here on Monday. I figure NZ is not expected to perform very well at the Commonwealth Games so the PM came up with this idea to give the country a "warm, fuzzy" before the election later in the year. He must think we'll have forgotten about the cost by then.
ReplyDeleteI like your roads, they're the sort I like to travel.
Pauline, The roads are fun but this road was shut most of Wednesday as a Low loader got jammed on the bridge.
DeleteYou can keep the royals if they give you a warm feeling. They make me feel ill.
You're in a fine mood today with rants on weather, monarchy, politicians, crime and the pope.You should get riled up more often as you show some great photos. I hope your weather smartens up. Ours has finally warmed up with a high of 10 today.
ReplyDeleteRed, I could rant all day everyday but it isn't worth getting wound up.
DeleteAnd to think that my accountant informed me that my monthly phone bill may be £30 too high to claim as an expense. Although I think Mr Cameron is the best of a dodgy bunch, they should all be brought to account as far as their law breaking goes. As for the raptors, then whoever it is just needs blasting with a shotgun themselves, totally unforgiveable. No doubt the landowners 'haw haw' about all of the wonderful natural wildlife and one of their boozy soirees!
ReplyDeleteGary, fancy trying to claim an extra phone call or two.
DeleteIt amazes me that the perpetrator cannot be found. There can't be too many to choose from.
What amazes and amuses (ha, ha!) me is that had GB or I submitted one illegal expenses claim our jobs in local government would have been dead in the water. Should it be proven I would have been sacked. Had there been enough doubt I might only have found myself never going any further in my career and probably being put out to pasture in the refuse collection section... Perhaps that is where the politicians concerned should go - out with the trash!
ReplyDeleteJohn, I keep hoping that they have reached the nadir of the duplicity and dishonesty. NO. Not content with an 11% payrise they still have to threaten, lie and steal.
DeleteI like the idea of them emptying bins but it wouldn't be safe. I wouldn't want them wandering around folks gardens stealing and tampering with children.
Everywhere thieves taking advantage, Adrian. In Spain some are in jail, but there should be more!
ReplyDeleteNe like that bridge.
Have a good weekend.
a hug.
Laura, it is much the same the world over. The EEC has much to answer for. They get together and work these scams out between them.
DeleteHope you have had a good weekend Adrian. I am guest blogging for the Kambridges while they are in Australia. Thought you would be excited about that.
ReplyDeleteCarol. I'd do that if they promised to stay.
DeleteWhile you're on about politics, I'm sitting here wondering if anyone in these remote parts of the Kingdom cares about Scottish Independence or maybe 1745 is still ingrained in their culture up the road a bit in Glen Shiel.
ReplyDeleteJay, of the Scotts I would guess it is about 50/50. Some are very vociferous.