I live in a camper van with a West Highland Terrier for company.
My passion is creating images but it is a work in progress.
I am always willing to share what knowledge I have and can be contacted through the comments on this post or e-mail ADRIAN

Sunday 6 April 2014

WET AND WET FISH. (06/04/14)

It has been a bit damp and dismal for the last three days. Nothing to show for our wanders.

Thursday afternoon the Wet Fish van called and I made a bit of a whale of myself.

_MG_3333      From left to right, a Haddock fillet, Arbroath Smokie, this is also Haddock. Scallops with roe. Thursday I had the scallops lightly steamed on a bed of brown rice flavoured with coriander, ginger and lemon zest. Friday it was the turn of the Haddock, grilled with mashed potato and Brocolli. The Smokie I had with bread and butter for breakfast yesterday. I should be bouncing around full of health and vitality but I’m feeling a bit off colour. Not blue more a sort of jaundiced yellow.

I suspect I’ve been eating too well. I have also managed to cook and consume a Ham Hock or Hough as they are called in Scotland. I boiled that for three hours then shredded the meat from it and made peas pudding. Great with malt vinegar but it does make for a windy night._MG_3335

_MG_3334 Two views of Loch Sunart taken this morning. The sun almost made it out but it is lashing it down again now.

I am moving down the road five miles or so to Strontian for a couple of nights. I will then come back here as there are several things I’d have fun snapping if I’m lucky enough to get some early morning light to snap in.

Have a good week.


  1. Yes, it has been wet all over these islands. Nothing we can do about it though. Nice little ponds Adrian.

  2. Bob, I see you caught a Smew. I think there are half a dozen Red Poll here. Red Poll are a bit small for me. I like the big birds. The weather is awful it has barely got light for days and the wind today is horrendous.

  3. Adrian, you've had the fish and you've got lots of water all you need now is a beautiful Mermaid to enjoy it with!...[;o)

    1. Trevor, all I need is less water. It is warm but dare I say it too warm.

  4. A jaundiced look to match your jaundiced views of our young Royals perhaps?

  5. Pat, not jaundiced I have been up here for ages and will move further north. I don't like the southerners take on acceptably wild life and I don't like Prince Willy Wonka shooting boar in Spain and defending Rhinoceros. Idiots; and idiots we could well do without. The royals breed like rabbits. They never do anything to do anything that is edifying. They are thick. See you in a month or two and we could have a lively chat. I'll cook but won't bite, shoot or poison you.

    1. Now there is an invitation I can't resist.
      I do hope you are feeling better after all that bile. Not only is it bad for your digestion but it isn't too helpful for the blood pressure ya know! Incase you haven't realised not only am I Royalist (capital R), but a Tory to boot - BUT - I will talk to anyone!! There goes my dinner invitation me thinks.

    2. Pat, your rather extreme predilections are best kept extreme.
      I detest the monarchy and right wing politicos. Come by all means if Graham will have us. I'll cook but will not serve game birds or bit's of them or rotted seagull which I know you islanders regard as a delicacy.

  6. You sound like meals on wheels Adrian, you know your way around food. Have a good week.


  7. Peter, meals on wheels would be more expensive. If more folk knew how to cook and buy then we wouldn't have a problem and we wouldn't be exposed to the revolting sight of Dithery Dave trying to look good four stone fat Jogging with bored minders.

  8. I like that last photo. Unusual sea view with the waves coming in sideways...

    1. Monica, it isn't nice even the wind is backwards way on.

  9. Isn't it about time they gave Loch Summat a proper name? How about Loch Cameron after your favourite politician? Take care in Strontian. I have heard that there are gangs of marauding young women up there gaining bestial pleasure from unsuspecting Englishmen in camper vans. Lock yer door!

    1. YP, It's Sunart as you well know. There is an island we could pop him on. It's only small but small would suit him. He could spend the rest of his life looking for badgers.

  10. Scallops ~ I would have to concur! sounds like you are eating too well. Hope you are feeling better soon.

  11. I suspect they are poor mens food. Ask Willy. While you are at at it ask him what his brothers willy is doing these days, Last time it was looking a bit shrivelled in America. Yanky women aren't to everyones taste.

  12. Oh dear, Adrain, you do sound a bit out of sorts. I hope the new location brightens your outlook. I really like that last shot with the sideways waves and the weak sun barely touching the hill.

    1. Pauline, it is wet and dank but I suspect I had Man Flu. Even my ears hurt. The dogs still need to go out three times a day and preferably all day. It's a good place.

  13. That's gourmet food! What a cook! You must have a van full of supplies like spices etc.

    1. Red, I have the odd herb tucked away and a bottle of lemon juice. I had to get a fresh lemon for this.
      I like a good feed. This lot I got for nine pounds sterling. It did me for three days with a couple of pounds worth of vegetables.

  14. I prefer the views to the fish, Adrian. Are you trying to emulate Jamie Oliver?

    1. Frances, fresh fish is wonderful, if it isn't that fresh then salt it and smoke it. Nothing worse than wormy, slimy cod. A cod left to air dry from the ice is better than fillet steak.

  15. The weather sounds grim Adrian at least you have some quality food, those scallops looked nice.

    1. Douglas, the scallops were hand dived. They were perfect and well cheap at nine pounds fifty for all that what you can see....Cool innit.
      A great GP and full marks for Mercedes for letting them go.
