I live in a camper van with a West Highland Terrier for company.
My passion is creating images but it is a work in progress.
I am always willing to share what knowledge I have and can be contacted through the comments on this post or e-mail ADRIAN

Monday 23 June 2014

NERDY THINGS. (23/06/14)

I’m having trouble with Blogger. About a month ago I was seriously considering switching to Wordpress as Google are a continual and right royal pain in the arse. If I miss reading any of your blogs this is the reasonimageThis is what my Dashboard looks like. It just displays the most recent post from someone on my reading list. If I click ‘View More’ it just refreshes the same page. I’ve thought about sending feedback by clicking bottom right. I’ll wait before I do. I might say something I’ll live to regret. I feel like calling them useless, annoying, fat, Yankee tossers. I would but I can’t really be sure they are all fat or, if I’m honest that they are all Yankees. In ante Google days Blogger Buzz was worth a look now and again. It’s not even worth a look once a decade now. I’ll content myself with the observation that for a country with three hundred and twenty million people it displays mind blowing confidence or arrogance not to have the word ‘Wanker’ in their lexicon.

On a happier subject I now have a manual lens for the Canon. I wanted to try one for time lapse as the auto lenses on EF fitting can’t do manual. The aperture even when set to manual in the camera menu is selected electronically. I suspect it selects it slightly differently and this causes a bit of a flickering effect. I know, I know but either use my posts instead of a Valium or read the title.

_V0G3638    The first bit of kit to arrive was this adaptor ring. It’s a nicely made item and includes a lens which will enable the FD lens to focus at infinite. Today the lens arrived.

_V0G3633    I thought Whoopee I’ve got a 28mm Nikon lens for £35.00p. Nikon have never altered their lens mounts so it would be worth five times that and I’m sure SRB-Photographic would have exchanged the adaptor.

_V0G3635    I never win. It is a Canon lens but has an Nikon lens cap. It also won’t be 28mm with the adaptor it will be 33.6mm but that’s fine. I’ll lose a stop or two from the lens in the adaptor but light gathering isn’t the problem it used to be with film. The important thing is it is manual focus and has a manual aperture ring on the lens.

_V0G3634     See.

_V0G3636    It all fits together just perfect.

_MG_2536   And it works. Not that Molly was as impressed as I was. I’ll give her a poke with a stick.

Have fun.


  1. I'm getting the same dashboard view as yourself Adrian.
    I did click on the send feedback button, and sent feedback. I doubt anything will come of it.
    I'll give it a few days and see if things improve; if not I think it's time to give blogger the old heave ho.
    It's been fun while it lasted.

    1. Keith, when blogger was blogger it was fine with the occasional hiccup. Now I just get pestered to join things like circles and rings.
      I'll not give it the Heave Ho as I really enjoy using it as a diary.

    2. It could turn into a very private diary the way things are going though.

    3. Keith, that's life. I could always try Arsebook....NO.

  2. Hey, I'm a Yank! And, no all the Google people are not Yanks.
    Now.... you Adrain and Keith stay here on blogger so I can continue to find you.

    1. Dale, can you have a quiet word with the ones who are Yanks. It would be much appreciated.
      ps. Did you manage to get a Grizzly to sit on a mirror?

  3. HI Adrian SNAP! I also am getting only the most recent blog and that is your one at present. I am sure Blogger is trying to sort it out so 'patience is what is required even though a pain in waiting it to happen. For what I hear, Wordpress has also had problems from time to time. Lens look good.

    1. Margaret, I'm happy to here it isn't just me. I thought I might have to go to the quack for some anti-paranoia pills. There are some wonderful old lenses out there. I hope this is one.

  4. I see/ hear you ... smiles

  5. me too, Adrian, so it is not you alone. I've thought of moving too, but I've been unable to decipher if Word Press is free, as is Blogger. Although I enjoy blogging, I don't make any money from it. Let me know what you decide, please.
    As to 'wanker', in the USA, that word has a sexual connotation so you won't find that word on my blog or Facebook page!

    1. Norma, I will.
      I like sex....it's been a while but I seem to recall it being fun.
      I worked in America for years and never heard the word used. They used a much more offensive term Mo...r F...r. I thought that was a really bad two words.

  6. It would be interesting to see what happens if five or more of the blogs I follow, all published at the same time. My dashboard could potentially go into meltdown, and that would be the end of Google.
    Serves the buggers right.

    1. NAH Keith, it only pops posts up one at a time on the dashboard. I sometimes have to wait ages before my own gibberish appears.

    2. It's happening to me as well Adrian, and flaming annoying. You would think in this age of technology that glitches wouldn't happen. As for leaving blogger, I have thought about it a few times, but heard negative things about the other blog provoders as well, so sticking with it for now, as it's generally quite an easy one to work with.

    3. Gary, I compose in Live Writer so as I have a Wordpress account could send it to both. It just seems that every few weeks now I'm being asked to join circles or some such and when I don't I get hit. I must get a grip.

  7. Ditto same issue. Perhaps the CIA/MI5 are stealing our posts you have been anti-tory of late lol.
    I think Molly has the right idea. If you migrate to WordPress(something I have been thinking of doing too) I am sure you can still link up with blogger users... I hope

    1. You can link up Douglas. It took me ages to work out how and I've forgotten again. Wordpress is not as easy to use. On Blogger I have stopped sharpening images they do it and also colour correct. They are after the I-Pad, I-Phone lowest common denominator market.
      I can't recall saying anything bad about that self serving, smug bastard Cameron. I have a sneaky yearning to get to know his misses. I am a realist. It wouldn't last, her dad would disapprove......Last; ten minutes would be nice. She is a Tory. I don't despise all of them.

  8. Neeto, the lens fits. nice to know. I may go the same way with a 100 mm macro.

    1. Horst there are several cheap FD lenses. I'm not sure all will fit but this one does.

  9. Blogger has been a real pain recently. The number of times it failed when auto saving or trying to publish. Molly looks cheesed of 'cause she's clean and white. She wants to wallow.
    Look forward to seeing the new results. Doesn't the Canon have a fully manual setting where you can fix shutter speed and aperture?

    1. John, I suspect Google are not staffing it properly or at all.
      The cameras do but EL lenses don't. The aperture is set for every shot. It doesn't matter for real time video as it is effectively one shot. For time lapse I suspect aperture varies a slight bit. I'll see. I'll go and do a time lapse a bit later.

  10. Same problem with Blogger here Adrian. As for Google + ?!*! I wish it would just leave me alone.

    1. Graham, I have tried to avoid Google+ but it is impossible. I just delete everything that appears via it. Doesn't stop them sending it though.
      Apparently the problem is now world wide. Whether they will bother doing anything about it remains to be seen.

  11. Oh no, it is blogger, I don't feel it, maybe, it me, I'm teachers pet.

    1. Bob, you lucky devil. They must have heard your camera was broken. It seems to affect the rest of the world so you are the pet.

  12. I'm having the same problem. I think that we have to wait and they will repair the situation. It's a royal pain in the ass. I go to my reading list and click on each individual blog so I might miss some posts. Give em hell Adrian.

    1. Red, if you go to Layout on the dashboard and then when it loads you will see a little box that says add Gadget click it and then a window will open with a long list of gadgets or widgets. The one you want is MY BLOG LIST. load it up withe your reading list and it updates as people post. If you have trouble then e-mail me at adrianwrd@gmail.com and I'll send you some screen grabs with instructions. Have fun.

  13. Ah. If I'd read your post before I wrote mine, I wouldn't have bothered. Not sure your remarks about our friends across the pond will go down that well, but can't help but agree.

    1. Frances, it took me a while to realise it wasn't me. I don't have many American readers these days. The ones that are left are a tolerant bunch.....They must and need to be.

  14. I see that Google listened to you and fixed our Blogger problem. Good on you Adrian for getting on to them to fix that.

  15. Carol I don't have many readers but that is hardly surprising. They must have read it; all was fixed within twenty four hours.
    What happened to your last, last post? I guess you deleted it. I never delete mine because I'm incapable of working out my lunacy and my sensible moments. I need a life editor and a blog editor.

  16. Wow, I've got some catch up to do on your page ... haha
    The Nikon / Canon looks like an interesting combo :-) don't see that kind of image advertised that much !!
    Nice to see with the passage of time that the blogger situation has rectified itself ... for the moment.

    1. Jay, there are lots of Canon FD lenses going for a few pounds. I may try a zoom 70-200mm.
