I live in a camper van with a West Highland Terrier for company.
My passion is creating images but it is a work in progress.
I am always willing to share what knowledge I have and can be contacted through the comments on this post or e-mail ADRIAN

Monday 2 June 2014


There is never a day seems to pass without some minor irritation. I received and fitted the new van door handle, fitting the handle was easy but getting the inside bit to line up required lots of…’Well Bless My Souls’. I have defrosted the chicken so will have my Sunday dinner on a Monday.

I have only one outstanding job. There is a Midge in my camera. I’ve had a magnifying glass out and still can’t find it. It must have died during the night as yesterday it was in different places on the images. Today it is static; I only use static as I’m never sure which stationory to use and don’t want to look a Muppet.

It’s showery today. We got wet on our first walk. I thought whilst it was overcast I’d do a 360o Panorama of the campsite. I’ve been here ages so thought a little thank you present was in order. It is actually 360oxjust<180o . I have stopped shooting the azimuth and nadir shots as they are a pain and Photoshop can’t stitch them. Microsoft ICE can but it struggles with TIFF files. It takes three rows of ten images to cover the ground with the 24mm lens. Three times I got over half way into the job and the sun blasted out. On the fourth go it started raining. I ignored it. Out of the panorama I have made a Planet and a Tunnel. I’m pleased no join lines for once, and the only cloning needed was Midge removal and a quick dab in the centre. These are 2000pixels square so should look good on all but the largest monitor. They will enlarge with one click.


LNSPlanetPlanet   A SMALL WORLD. As usual the dogs had to get in on the act but they do sit still.

I’m happy with these. The only improvement would have been to use a longer lens but then I’d have needed lots more images. I’ll maybe give it a whirl if it’s cloudy and dryish tomorrow.

Have fun, I’m going to spatchcock my chicken and roast it with garlic, lemon and fresh coriander.

PS. Chicken flattened and roasting. I didn’t get coriander I got wide leaved parsley, posh or what? It is roasting away on parsley I gave it another lemon, an organic one. No worries. I’ll be a suvener drektly.


  1. The second one is really great. I love shots like these. If I find a suitable location I might do one myself. I can only imagine how good this look in full resolution.

  2. Mersad, You really need tall things to break the skyline. I don't like the Tunnel ones but do like the Planets. I see I have got a join line. I edit too quickly. I admire the city ones shot from the middle of a square. You will have to pop an ND filter on to get rid of moving people or cars.
    It's just fun.

  3. I have an ND filter and could find a spot in the city to do this. I'm still working on my big timelaspe video, so I think I might try this after that.

    1. Mersad, you have plenty of beautiful assistants to choose from so shooting in town shouldn't be a problem. If you can get down to 1/4- 1/2s exposure moving people should hardly show up. I got a spherical tripod head ages ago it was used and about a hundred pounds with a Manfrotto levelling base. A bargain. They are the very devil to set up but once set you can swing and shoot fast. If you find one buy it. I may shoot this again with the 50mm. You want to find somewhere with an interesting skyline and a uniform foreground. I have the latter but a bit too much of it. Have fun.

    2. PS, shoot full manual. I guess you knew that bit. If you look on Flicker there will be a load of groups for inspiration. I don't do Flicker, Facebook, Circles or tweeting. I just do Blogging and e-mail.

  4. Whooooo, its a spiral world..................

  5. Arian, fond as a I am of you, I have NO idea what the post or photos mean.( But I do understand about chicken.)

    1. Frances it's what I see if I stand outside the van and spin round. The second is what I see if I spin on my head.
      The chicken was wonderful even with Parsley and not Coriander. I must start reading labels in supermarkets and relax over how much a 100g it costs.

  6. You know what I felt? the same feeling as when I played as a child and I turned to circle faster and faster and then I stopped and looked at the sky .. everything was spinning like this photo

    great!!!! you are very creative

    1. Laura, to save spinning, drink a bottle of wine quickly and lie down. The world will spin.
      I just enjoy playing and refining playing.

  7. Alice down the rabbit hole .... :)

    1. CC. Yes it is slightly surreal. I have another idea which I will try when the light is right.

  8. You have done a good job of these Adrian, what a talent and a good cook too.


    1. Peter, I've just finished my tea and it was grand....It lacked the coriander but I'll start reading what I'm buying. the lens did the job. I can get sharp front to back with the tilt shift lens. It takes a fair while to set up but only ten minutes to shoot.

  9. Much as I admire your work the images remind me of an incident when I was 18 (or just less than perhaps). It scared me then. It confuses me now.

    1. Graham, I have selective amnesia so can remember very little of my teenage years. I can't recall anything remotely like this though.
      Spill the beans. If it is good then write a post.

  10. I've never wondered what the world would look like if I spun around while standing on my head. And now I won't need to. Your image is cool but I imagine the experience might be too much for me.

    1. Pauline, I have done these before but I hve refined the technique a bit. It could still be better. I'll see what I can do before I leave on Thursday.

  11. I like these type of image's as they always make you look twice or a bit longer.
    About the midge, I got a small bug in my camera I can see it through the viewfinder as yet it's not showing in the images I can't locate it when I have a look for it though. Is it safe to use a blower do you reckon?

    1. Douglas, as far as I know you can use a blower but not the aerosol ones.
      If it isn't on the sensor and it won't be if you can see it through the viewfinder then it will be on the mirror or hopefully the viewing screen. The screen is easy enough to take out but you will need the little plastic thingumy to avoid touching it. I have had the little devils wandering about before I tend to leave them.

  12. Don't see many of the tunnel variety. For me that looks better for that particular vista. The green surround is more dynamic than the insipid sky.

    1. John I trimmed about 15% of the grass away on the re-edit. before squaring it up. It is much better for it. The beauty of overcast is that the sky has much less chance of blowing out.

  13. I can imagine these in gigantic format on otherwise empty walls in an art gallery, Adrian. (And you could be sitting in a little kiosk next to them, giving fake information.)

    1. Monica, they are big files. they will print in hight resolution at about 1.5m square. I would have no trouble mis-informing people.

  14. And I missed this post too! I really like the tunnel vision effect. I'm going to go back one more post and see if I missed it too.

    1. Red, no you didn't you are up to date now. I prefer planets to tunnels. The tunnels are easier to do there is one click of the mouse less. I use a graphics tablet but it is the same thing.

  15. Looks like you are over the moon ... about digging yourself out of a tunnel.

    I'm impressed with the way you eat, living the high life ... or the highland life as the case may be !

    1. Jay, I like to cook properly one day a week. My staple diet is porridge and cheese sandwiches.
