I live in a camper van with a West Highland Terrier for company.
My passion is creating images but it is a work in progress.
I am always willing to share what knowledge I have and can be contacted through the comments on this post or e-mail ADRIAN

Tuesday 12 May 2015

LYING IN THE GRASS. (12/05/15)

It’s an ill wind that blows no good. This morning I met a lady I have seen several times whilst we are out walking our respective dogs. I e-mailed her all the awful raptor images as she is a member of some sort of nature group, has wonderful legs, a pretty, expressive face and I needed an excuse to get her contact details. I think I’m in love again. It is a Goshawk what I seen but I haven’t seen it about for a day or two. She had noticed my blog and on her farm she has some cleggs. She unzipped her jacket and hoicked up her shirt to show me the bite on her tummy to prove it. I must look old and harmless as it was a very nice tummy despite a nasty red bite mark…..she was close to getting a companion to it. I’m going down there tomorrow as I would like to get to know her better and I also want some pictures of a clegg’s eyes. I just hope I don’t get bitten as they are vicious little devils though attractive with it.

In between a couple of rain showers I nipped out to see what I could find. I settled down next to a dandelion and was trying to get some pictures of the tiny flies that feed on them. _V0G8272 This is just over half a dandelion. I gave it a squirt from my glycerine sprayer to simulate the earlier rain.

_V0G8252 This is another with my quarry on.

_V0G8263 I need much more practise as this is far from sharp. The little devils don’t like the strobes and fly off or words to that effect. The sun came out for these and though it helps to focus it does make for a cluttered background. I have tried focussing with live view but I think there is a time lag, I can’t get on with it so will continue using the prismatic screen. There’s a time lag there but that’s my brain and the signal it sends to my finger.

I have read so many howtodoits on macro and those that use a tripod, cable release, mirror lock up have either frozen the subjects or need to be told to FLY OFF. There just isn’t the time to mess about. It is clean living and practise and practise some more that will eventually get me the shot I want.

_V0G8257  I was getting fed up with my lack of success and the attention of the dogs who were convinced that my lying on wet grass was a new sort of game and until I told them to FLY OFF were pouncing on my jacket and grabbing my Levi hems and shaking them. Then this monster flew in, you can just see it’s bum.





_V0G8259    It’s a Saw Fly I think. I’ll go for an ID; Dolerus spp., Hymenoptera, Tenthredinidae. Whatever that means. I always assumed that sp or spp meant that nobody knows. Little black flies are the very bugger to sort one from another.

There are the really attractive ones with black and white hooped abdomens but I couldn’t find one to show you, they are much quicker than this one. I’ll try and catch one before it has warmed up tomorrow as there are plenty about.

That’s all for today.



  1. You never ceased to thrill me, the last photography is awesome, thanks Adrian.

    1. Bob, almost there with that shot DOF fine but I didn't manage to fit it in the frame. It is the very devil of a job.

  2. Adrian ~ how do you do it? Hahahaha

    1. Carol, I'm hoping that she can remember. Be blowed if I can.

  3. Details are unbelievable on your last images. I meant pollen on its head. Awesome!

    1. Kovacs, it is a superb lens. I am slowly getting to know it. It is the Canon MP-E 65mm. with the MR14-EX macro light. All shot at f16. I wish the lens would go to a tiny aperture but it is good.

  4. This is a confusing post. Was the lady a goshawk? You fancy a goshawk? Oh dear.

    Lovely photos.

    1. Frances, you edit it. I was writing whilst overcome with lust.

  5. The last few shots are fabulous Adrian.

    1. They are heading in the right direction Margaret.

  6. Adriaan last photo's he's from head to toe in pollen. What a beautiful sight

    1. Bas, he is covered and seemed a bit drunk.

  7. "I’m going down there tomorrow". Oh yeah? If you try it I bet she'll clout you with her handbag but hey - nothing ventured, nothing gained.

    1. YP, I suspect I'd get a belt with a shovel.

  8. You could be on to a winner there Adrian! I hate Cleggs having spent an unpleasant day being hounded by them when walking in Scotland.

    1. Adam, they are nasty insects but worth a picture or two if I can find any.

  9. YP nicked my comment lol. I like the detail of on the saw fly covered in pollen. Great to see you managed to see a Goshawk. You're going to have to venture into any woodland to find it again though or scan the tops of the wooded area for any possible displaying etc

    1. Douglas the hawk is in the wood at the back of the van. I would love a clear shot of it.

  10. Awesome camerawork, Adrian - AWESOME.

    1. Thank you McGregor, I will keep plugging away.

  11. I think it's dandy, and I'm not lyin.

  12. So patience pays off when you want a good macro shot. I can tell what's coming next! Insect bites on someone's tummy or else we just won't hear Adrian for a while.!

    1. Red, time is something I have plenty of.

  13. I agree with the others who liked the last few shots. They are fascinating! I wonder if the lovely lady will find you so, too?

    1. Thanks Pauline, I doubt she will but she does make cider so at least I should get a drink out of her.

  14. The pops of yellow are simply gorgeous. I'd say they are sharp enough!

    Mersad Donko Photography

    1. Mersad, I am slowly getting better at macro but I have a way to go yet.

  15. I also find that a camera LCD screen just isn't sharp enough for accurate focussing. Depth of field is the main problem but there's not really a lot you can do about that coupled with the way the little blighters are such fidgets. No consideration at all for the poor old photographer.

    1. John, tethered to the laptop is not so bad but the LCD is a waste of time and angle viewers don't seem much better.
      DOF is just about acceptable at 3:1 and f16 at 4:1 the lens is too close to allow the ring flash to let light in. I'll have to rig a flash bracket if I want 4X or 5X. the 100mm macro is better as it stops down to f32. Even with extension tubes I am only getting 1.56:1 so dof is fine at f25.

  16. Estupendas estas series!!!
    Un abrazo.
