I live in a camper van with a West Highland Terrier for company.
My passion is creating images but it is a work in progress.
I am always willing to share what knowledge I have and can be contacted through the comments on this post or e-mail ADRIAN

Wednesday 6 May 2015


scrap  Which way will you waste your vote tomorrow? You have a choice of red, yellow or blue and many hues in between. You may think you are taking part in democracy but that is fallacy. There are over seven hundred and fifty members of the House of Lords who are not elected but there by birth, religion, have very fat wallets or having ‘brown nosed’ their way in. The final arbitrator of governance is the Queen. What qualifications does she have? If she had the nerve and humility she would stand for election; she surely doesn’t think that folk would be bold enough to vote for anyone else. Who else can look snooty and flap their hand like she does, only show emotion when a horse she couldn’t and never could ride can do a good job at Cheltenham or Ascot.

The latter two are the arbitrators and in cahoots. To top it all the House of Commons is governed from Europe. The EEC hasn’t a clue where the money has gone and hasn’t filed accounts in living memory. It’s time to get rid of them all. Start afresh,  have fun, ban anyone from politics that doesn’t think Dennis Skinner should be president.

_MG_3489 Pop them in the bin along with the ballot paper.

Let us have a system where local councillors are elected then sent down to a retreat in the middle of nowhere on a diet of bread and water and made to sit there until famine is no more, folk are taught and disease is cured. Okay there would be a lot of them but the ones we have are breeding like flies.

I bet fifty percent would drop out which would help. We then pay the last ones as much as they want: no change here this lot vote their own remuneration.

I know this is simplistic but we are being led by simpletons. Lying greedy simpletons for the most part. Burn your ballot paper. Show them that you can think. If you doubt my words then remember that we have been without government for five weeks. Has anyone noticed?

Happy polling day.


  1. Ooh ~ I like these photos today if farm machinery. Such interesting subjects and a diversion from your usual subject matter. I like your people photos too ~ though very rare.

  2. Carol, I just typed your name three times as I thought I had typed Caroli but it turned out to be a bit of shit on the monitor. Don't you get the words as well as the pictures? I was trying to be restrained in my writing but as Oz is better governed than we are I can understand you not knowing what it is like to be a peasant.
    I can do most sorts of pictures but only middling good.

    1. I did read your words and my sympathies go out to you and the voters of the UK. I would never say Australia is better governed. We may not have peasants per se, but we have many working poor like myself and people even more unfortunate than myself. I consider myself one of the lucky ones ~ I have a job. Youth unemployment is 40% here in Cairns ~ that concerns me.

  3. To be honest all the press coverage has got on my wick. Not one party brave enough to talk to actual members of the public. Sadly the best MP's seem to belong to the small parties that under the current system don't have much of a chance to get elected. A change would be welcomed, perhaps more honest and representive. Annoyingly the only way to change things in my opinion is to get stuck in. I'd like to see on the ballot paper the option of "none of the above" that in itself could send a message...perhaps.

    1. Douglas, the None of the Above party exists. I am a bit anarchist but am sick of being told what to do by by folk that have never done anything. I detest Churchill but at least he found time to write middling well, make walls, and paint badly. This lot can do nowt but blather.
      I am the master of blather so take it as gospel. I start buying the paper again on Monday. Have heard nor read nothing about it.

    2. Douglas, there is. http://www.votenone.org.uk/

  4. Tomorrow's colour? It will be either blue, red or yellow Tories or any combination of the money grabbing skivers who have longer holidays than anyone else, can vote their own pay levels, buy TVs and other 'essentials' and have their homes decorated at public expense.

    Old joke:
    Q: How can you tell when politicians are lying?
    A: Their lips are moving.

    1. John even longer holidays than teachers. I looked it up and they do. They also get a bloody good whack Don't Start till noon.. I couldn't have been a teacher but ended up as one. Teaching spherical mathematics to nineteen olds. Little wonder so many ships died in the last war through lack of basic mathematics.

  5. Great idea, Dennis Skinner for president, yeah. For life, or too old. I love your photos, antiques.

    1. Bob> get rid of the royals and let honest and just men dictate. Dennis isn't daft. but unless Queeny Died she would be out. No more listening to my Minister. Off with her head. hen we are supposed to drop down on bended knee to that complete wanker Charlie....No thanks.
      I do feel sorry for her these days as she doesn't look quite in touch. She never was nor had to be.

      It;s a bit like the Kim Yong Ung.

  6. Adriaan what a good photo, s again and yes politics there always remains at least a smell sit.

  7. I might be mistaken but this blogpost appears to contain a wee hint of cynicism about our nation's politics. In spite of everything I shall do what I have always done by voting LABOUR tomorrow. It is the only party that ever did anything of note for ordinary people. I would rather be a participant than a spectator sticking his fingers up from the sidelines. VOTE LABOUR!

    1. YP, I am afraid Moribund has done for me.

  8. Pace, Adrian!
    You have a bad case of election meltdown. It'll all be over soon.
    I think the queen is wonderful ( but I've already told you that).

    1. Frances, I listened. I've been trying to be good.

  9. Adrian, like it or loathe it, agree with it or disagree, we are all better of in a democratic country than not. No parties may appear to be trustworthy, but give away your right to vote and the consequences will be no laughing matter. You could always vote for the green party...if you didn't drive everywhere ;-)

    1. Gary, I like much of what the Greens say but then they come out with totally impracticle ideas.

    2. Lol....that's true enough.

  10. Nice photos Adrian as for politics I can only vote for someone who I believe in, so it's a cider and a good film for me.

    1. Picturit, I fall asleep during films.

  11. Kick the bums out. We have to get smart and change our vore. Yesterday , in alberta we did just that. The finally threw out bums who'd been in for 44 years. The poor bums were absolutely devastated.

  12. I don't talk about politics in this country, let alone someone else's. But I do like the old tyres and rusty burner.

    1. Pauline, I'll take some more of these discarded things.

  13. Too much talked about politics in this post.I prefer to lok at youor colourful photos.

    1. Margaret, you are correct. I'll stick to the day job.

  14. I seldom talk about politics, but .....

    A vote is never wasted. It's the only way to bring about a change.
    Some members of the House of Lords are ex MP's, and the House of Lords do not have the same powers as the elected government.
    By tradition, the monarch does oversee everything, but has never rejected or questioned a government decision or policy; certainly not in my lifetime.
    A lot is said about the interference from Europe in our government, but without it we would not have some of the environmental laws we have today. A couple that concern me are; we'd still be pumping out toxic industrial gasses like we did in the 50's and 60's. Carbon emissions have been tightened up by Brussels, although this country is still dragging its heels on that one, and dealing with climate change would be very much on the back burner.
    Without a democratically elected government, I guess anarchy is the way. A few tough people making their own rules and laws and forcing the rest of us to follow.
    A bit like ISIS.

    I'll be voting. I always have and always will. It's not wasted.

    1. Keith, I admire your faith and tenacity. I only wish I could share it. I'm away out looking for insects. It suits me better.
