I live in a camper van with a West Highland Terrier for company.
My passion is creating images but it is a work in progress.
I am always willing to share what knowledge I have and can be contacted through the comments on this post or e-mail ADRIAN

Friday 7 August 2015

CATCH UP DAY. (07/08/15)

The internet here is every which way at the moment. The sun is out and it is scorchio. A couple of weeks ago I could hear a pair of young Buzzard calling for food. a few days afterwards I found one on the ground flapping about so picked it up and put it on a branch. When I got back with a sensible lens it had gone. Yesterday I saw two young Buzzard with a parent. They can fly properly now so I will try and get some pictures. I have dug out a 400mm lens and have heard them but not seen them since. The silly thing is I know to within yards on a horizontal plane where the nest is but can’t find it. I would expect bits of dead animals and a big pile of poo but this birding is harder than you think. It’s not as if I’m hunting for a Goldcrest or a Wren.

Here is Catch up.


This one has me baffled it looks a bit like a female Yellow Dung Fly but it is too yellow. I have searched and searched but have no idea what it is.


I know what this is. I don’t but it is called set aside. It gets a grant here. It does not appear to get any insects.


The road into Auchtermuchty from the north.


Just playing


Oilseed rape ready for harvest.

Have a great weekend.


  1. Love all your landscape shots!

  2. YOu have a great weekend too. (hugs to the pups)

  3. Good luck with the Buzzard quest Adrian, looking forward to seeing the pictures soon!!

    Can't help with the fly ID...perhaps it is a dung fly and has acquired it's bright colour from dining on some rather rich fare?

    Check out Common Chicory (Cichorium intybus) for the set aside flowers.

    Is that a shot of the Auchtermuchty rush hour...looks busy?

    Enjoy your weekend...[;o)

    1. Trevor, I really ought to be able to et close to the Buzzards as they are around several times a day and i can hear them much more often. I'll have a determined effort.
      I think it is a small dungfly.
      Thanks Common Chicory.
      It gets busier on a Monday as that is bin day.

  4. You're in a very beautiful area. Now the cars in the photo...they're on the right side of the road??? what's going on. Has Great Britain changed the side of road cars drive on???

    1. Red, most of the rural roads are single track so here there isn't a left and right. They park where they want I'm afraid.

  5. The hill in he last photo almost looks the right shape for an extinct volcano.
    Good luck with the buzzard hunt.

    1. John it is one of the Lomand hills and they are as there is an awful lot of basalt around the area.I have been sitting for an hour listening to the Buzzard but only a brief sighting.

  6. Hi Adrian That looks like rush hour in an Irish village! Now you will just have to keep loking for thata Buzzard as wedo expect results here!!! Have a lovely weekend.

    1. Margaret, I'll do my best but doubt it will be good enough.

  7. That one weed/flower looks a lot like what we call chicory. I really like the shot going in to Auchtermuchty.

    1. John, it is chicory although I wouldn't have known.

  8. I'd call that chicory, too. I know nothing about flies!

    1. Thanks Frances. For someone who spends hours taking photographs of bugs and plants I recognise very few.

  9. The landscape shots look great. The streets are very narrow in Auchtermuchty. Is that usual?

    1. Lynda, that is the widest street. It depends on the town but it is normal.
