I live in a camper van with a West Highland Terrier for company.
My passion is creating images but it is a work in progress.
I am always willing to share what knowledge I have and can be contacted through the comments on this post or e-mail ADRIAN

Tuesday 22 January 2013

WELL!! (22/01/13)

IMG_0013_4_5_tonemapped_edited-1     This morning I waited for the light for our second walk. We went slip sliding about. Slip sliding up Well Street, slip sliding up Old Well Street. Could I find the sulphur well? Could I heckers like! We ended up in a wood I lost the dogs, I fell in a concealed hole. I said ‘Bless my Soul’ and having located the little darlings set off back to town. This is a bit of town….HDR processed and contre jour. A magical morning.

Back in the metropolis………..

IMG_0007_8_9_tonemapped_edited-1The Moffat Ram.  It is fenced and photographed . It is a deaf Ram it has no ears.

IMG_0010_1_2_tonemapped_edited-1  The Town Hall…..this used to be the spa where the waters from the well I couldn’t find were imbibed.

IMG_0004_5_6_tonemapped_edited-1We went to have a look inside St Andrews but once again folk were singing inside…..must be devout people here. It is a wonderful church. I’ll try and get inside tomorrow.

Thursday I have to head back south for a week.

Great weather here. I hope you are enjoying winter. School teachers are, bet the scallywags are all off skiing and sledging having shut the schools on Elf and Safety grounds. Break a Leg as the thespians say.


  1. Cracking first image Adrian...Good job the hole you found wasn't the well you were looking for!

    You didn't fancy a bit of a sing song in the church then?

    Times have changed!...the first time I got the cane at school was for missing one day when the roads were so icy that I couldn't ride my bike the 2 miles to get there!...[;o)

    1. Ta Trevor, The well is supposed to be in a shed. I think that is what the bloke in the campanology shop said.
      No! No church for me. I was a choir boy....spent ages resisting the advances of the choir master. I don't want to appear self promoting but I was a pretty boy.
      I used to walk over a mile to school. I got the cane for wearing wellies I was seventeen at the time. Ripped the cane from his hand and broke it over my knee.
      Perverts at church and school.

  2. Well, I can't laugh, hee hee. Well, the Ram, is out of this world. I hope you can make it to the south.

    1. Bob, no bother heading south. It is cruel to laugh at the afflicted. When your electric cart gets stuck I will admit to a wee snigger. I'm heading from Sheffield to Milton Keynes. If you fancy a day out then I can head your way and you can educate me. Bring a mallet and knock in Canon. I still reach for Olympus buttons that aren't there.

  3. Some excellent pictures today Adrian.
    The Moffat Ram looks interesting. Does it have a story?
    Maybe you should join the choir there, and gatecrash the church.

    1. It does that Keith. it was given to the town by a posh bloke after it had lost it's ears.
      I gave the church up at fourteen, real weirdoes. Even I don't think anal sex is acceptable or pleasant.
      Up Hill Gardeners they are.

    2. Hypocrites to boot.... they refuse to marry the proper funny folk. Show me a priest who is without buggery and I will lead you to a unicorn.

  4. Wonderful light in the first photo!

  5. Lovely HDR Adrian, I really love that view.

  6. I really like the first photo of the country side...beautiful.
    I'd like to see some more detail of the church. It's a very ornate structure. I'm sure that inside it is just as detailed. I always wonder how they can keep these buildings in repair ?

    1. The Church of Scotland must struggle a bit.

  7. Good read and photos Adrrian. Thank for the tip with the eye dropper in p/shop too.


    1. Peter thank you. The eye dropper generally works for colour correction. Life gets a whole lot more complicated when it doesn't. I shoot RAW so can adjust colour temperature.

  8. Hi Adrian....Wow that first one is a awesome shot, but they all are nice even the deaf Ram ; )
    Try to stay on your feet and those rascals in tow!!

    1. Grace, they are four leg drive. My walks are accompanied to shouted . "Stop Pulling!"

  9. Great pictures, the snow makes for wonderful light. Glad you were not hurt on the fall and the dogs weren't lost.

    1. Gillian, I'm fine. I'm glad that there was no one about to laugh. the dogs always come back eventually.

  10. Never was a choir boy. Never got the cane. I was a wiley chappie. I've been snowed in in Moffat. It's a good refuge with two small uns in a snowstorm.

    1. I could get out Graham. There isn't much snow here.

  11. Well, (ha) you have discussed some adventures in this post...

    1. Busy day here Katherine. Busy for me anyway.

  12. Gorgeous light in that first image, especially. You always know how to make it work for you.

    1. Not always Hilary....I'm still not confident with the Canon.

  13. Well to you too.

    I never knew it was ‘heckers like’ and not ‘heck-as-like’. See, you learn something every day.
    Hope you make it south today; it’s still a bit hairy round here in the west. But you’ll be glad to know the little blue pills have arrived.

    1. Friko, don't rely on me for the spelling of colloquialisms, you could be right. I've made it to Derbyshire for a long weekend. I don't actually use Mexican 'Blue Pills' I have got to an age when I could use the efficacy but am a touch worried that what the body can't do it probably oughtn't.
