I live in a camper van with a West Highland Terrier for company.
My passion is creating images but it is a work in progress.
I am always willing to share what knowledge I have and can be contacted through the comments on this post or e-mail ADRIAN

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

TWO OUT OF THREE. (26/03/14)

For once there is just a gentle breeze and it’s warm and almost dry. Yesterday I was without internet but the weather was damp and dismal. I decided to get stuck into Twelve Years a Slave. It is hard work reading it but without doubt much easier than being a slave.

This morning dawned much the same and it wasn’t until I’d got two spoonfuls into a bowl of porridge that I noticed a wonderful rainbow.

_MG_3245         I decided it was time for a panorama but didn’t dare risk wasting time with a tripod.

KEPPOCHPAN6 Six shots hand held……It’s better than nothing.

Back in the van to finish a lukewarm breakfast then out for a wander. I took a macro lens as I fancied having a look at some Sea Urchins. I only found one and it was too dark to get an image of it. I settled for Lichen.

_MG_3258 This I think is one of the Caloplaca. Which one I haven’t a clue.

_MG_3257 I thought this was Crabeye but it is Verrucaria maura and grows just above the Barnacles on rocks.

_MG_3256 This is Sea Ivory. Ramalina siliquosa. It grows a bit higher up but must be very tolerant of salt. I ought to get some and stack it. Any corrections or help with ID will be appreciated but I think I got two out of three.

It has the makings of a beautiful day now so I’ll take Bertha for a wander.


  1. Is that really a perfect rainbow? No digital manipulation Adrian? You will have me believing in leprechauns and pots of gold next.

    1. Carol, I stitched it in Photoshop from six shots. Saved it as a TIFF file and then dropped it back into PS, raised the colour temperature and vibrance used the clarity slider a bit and that was it. It is not straight out of camera but then what ever has been?
      It is as I saw it and as it was.

  2. Cracking shots of the rainbow Adrian, I don't think I've ever seen a 'complete' one? As for the Lichen, I've yet to delve into the mysteries of what I suspect is going to be a confusing subject? At least I now know where to come to for my ID's. I hope you have a great time walking out with Bertha!...[;o)

    1. Trevor, It would have been better with more time but they don't last long.
      Some lichens are so similar that it appears they test then with acid or alkalis to check. That's way beyond me.

    2. Trevor come and visit the Outer Hebrides. We have frequent complete rainbows.

    3. Graham, so does Scotland. It's due to the frequency of the rain.

  3. Wow the panoramic image of the rainbow is stunning. Is there any life in those rock pools, I haven't done any rock dipping for ages it looks the perfect beach for it

    1. Douglas, it was a lucky find.
      The rock pools are not full of anything much but water. I've had a good root round and have not been nipped for my trouble.

  4. Compliments on the panorama. It's wonderful!

    Mersad Donko Photography

    1. Thanks Mersad, right place at the right time.

  5. The panorama is a cracker Adrian.

    I'll agree on your ID's for the sea stuff and lichens.

    1. Cheers Keith.
      The Calapaca is almost impossible for me to tell one from another. They rarely say under photos of them what stage of development they are at

  6. Amazing rainbow, Adrian. I heard recently that the rainbow makes a complete circle, but I'm not quite sure how...

    Hope the porridge wasn't too cold. You're getting into three bears territory there.

    1. Frances, it was a good start to the day. I have never seen a full circle except as a halo.

      You can read all about them HERE

      The porridge could have done with warming up but never mind. I took the dogs out with me otherwise it would have been a case of the Two Dogs.

  7. El traductor hoy está vago Adriany no quiere funcionar.Como
    me entiendes te contesto en castellano sin saber que has escrito.Me imagino que son fósiles.
    Lo que más me gusta es ese pedazo de arcoirís que has pillado!!!!
    Buen miércoles;-)
    Un abrazo

    1. Laura, el arco iris fue una buena sorpresa.
      No, no son los fósiles. Son plantas pequeñas. Los llamamos líquenes. que crecen sobre las piedras y los árboles viejos. He mirado liquen en mi diccionario. no es una palabra que el se utiliza muy a menudo.

  8. Those rainbow pictures are spectacular. Congratulations on your steady hand. Doesn't look like you need a tripod.

    The pictures of the things growing about are really good too. The first one is pretty; the other two I'm not sure what I think but they're interesting.

    1. David the tripod helps with anything over three separate shots.
      The lichen are tiny. If your air quality is good enough you will have them there.

  9. The rainbow.. Simply magic Adrian!

  10. Some shots are almost like an emergency. They are there and right now you have to get them or they're gone.

  11. Hi Adrian Wow! What a cracking shot of the total rainbow and the macro shots of the lichens etc are stunning. Glad the weather is picking up for you so have a great weekend.

    1. Margaret given planning time then it could have been better. Lichens are hard to identify but they are beautiful.

  12. Wow, rainbows are so hard to get, and you make it seems so easy. Lovely shots of all the nature phenomena surrounding you.

    1. Maria, I spend many fruitless hours looking at landscapes.Then when I see a good one i don't have time to compose properly. This one is okay.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. My fiancee and I watched 12 Years a Slave recently - I thought it was great; she thought I was crazy. We seldom agree on movies. I would be interested in reading the book.

    Those last shots of the lichens are wonderful: I love the vibrancy of the colors, and I guess it goes to show that there is always something beautiful around, if you have the right eye (and maybe lens) for it.

    1. Nathaniel, it is only a short book but I am struggling with it.The book is a few cents on Kindle.
      If you have a point and shoot camera it will have a macro setting. There are no end of wonders in minute flora and fauna.

  15. You undersell yourself with that rainbow ... it's quality.

    1. Jay, I had to clone a bit of foreground in. I should have used a tripod but didn't dare wait.
