I live in a camper van with a West Highland Terrier for company.
My passion is creating images but it is a work in progress.
I am always willing to share what knowledge I have and can be contacted through the comments on this post or e-mail ADRIAN

Tuesday 19 April 2016

SEEDING PART TWO. (19.04/16)

This video shows a New Holland 8360 with an air seeder and initially with an pneumatic fertilizer feeder, the latter works fine on the flat and uphill but hasn't got enough blow to work well downhill. The bit in front of the seeder is a power harrow.
My video editing seems to take one step forward and two steps backwards. I like the idea of the titles in this but I'll have to have a serious think to get rid of the colour cast in the alpha channel and generally smooth the animation up. Blender introduced 2.77 in early March but I didn't swap until last week as I was worried I wouldn't be able to find anything. The VSE has a much better white balance corrector and the compositor has a very fast blur node. No doubt lots of other bits and bats that I've yet to find.
This video is full 1080 so if you have a yen to see it perfectly then click the little gearwheel and select 1080. I didn't do anything with the sound apart from import it and sync it. 
I still have enough video for another three minutes of fillum and will try and clean up the titles before I post it. 


  1. I was afraid for the man walking by the tractor. Such dangerous work on a farm. Also I didn't think all that seed was going to fit in that hopper but it did. He sure did a grea job on the rows.

    Great video! The sound and graphics were great. I enjoyed the video!

  2. Marie, they watch one another. The hoppers are designed to take seed in multiples of full bags. That's the theory anyway.

  3. Excellent. I enjoyed watching that. Very professional looking.

    1. Thanks John. Mostly in focus but the colour cast and black splodge in the title needs sorting. It's a sunbeam node but I may try a blur node with streaks to get rid of the colour cast over the alpha channel. I could just forget this title but I like the effect.

    2. Ah, you see the title possibly not being as you wanted it but we just see a finished result and the effect looks fine to me.

    3. John, it is a bit annoying all the same. If I don't colour the god rays then it just leaves a sort of fog over the image. I am going to try and pop a soft mask on. Inverting a mask in blender is a pain as there is no one tick box on the mask node so I add a colour ramp and flip the black and white ends.

  4. I agree with you on the title images Adrian and I hear your dogsgot in on the act as well. well edited video.

    1. Margaret, I'll get there in the end but suspect that there is no clean solution using the sun beam node as it generates fog and the only thing I can alter is the shade of the mist.

  5. Interesting video Adrian, it's good to sit back and watch other people working!...I hope you're paying your cast a decent rate?...[;o)

    1. Trevor, I can't afford to employ a makeup artist so the cast have no chance.

  6. I enjoyed this immensely, Adrian. Played it at full volume and it scared the crap out of me when your dog barked in my right ear!

    'Scuse my ignorance, but what's the function of those disc outriggers?

    Best wishes - - - - Richard

    1. Richard, that's good. The discs just mark the ground so that you have something to aim at. the seeded side one you lift up and the ploughed side one just makes a groove for your next pass.

  7. It's like a huge and graceful insect. (I watched at full quality.)

    With regard to the beginning and the end - especially the beginning. I found it frustrating that the bit which said 'Adrian's Images' is in the middle of the screen so instead of thinking that it's you who did it, I'm thinking 'oh get that out of the way, I want to see the picture!' Perhaps it could be at the foot so we can read the words and see the film at the same time?

    And the flashing . . . it's an interesting style but I feel it would be more suited to a film about an industrial plant at night.

    But I really enjoy seeing something slow and complete like this. It's not just a 'now' film but one which people will want to see many generations of seed-sowing machines down the line.

    1. Lucy I have just been playing with those titles as I have another six minutes worth of seed drilling by night. I'll pop it out of the way and speed it up.
      I enjoy making the titles more than editing the video. Blender is free and excellent but it does have limitations. Fusion is now free and I'll see if that can get rid of the colour wash on the alpha channel.

  8. Very enjoyable--- I happened to watch it at work (I still go in a couple mornings a week) and people wondered what the heck I was listening to....

    1. Bill, I bet they did..We are a bit strange this side of the pond.

  9. Personally I thought the titles were OK Adrian. Why is that bloke walking beside the tractor?

    1. Douglas I like doing titles but some get overcomplex.
      He is checking that the fertiliser is flowing at something like the required amount. The system needs some modification for next year.
