I live in a camper van with a West Highland Terrier for company.
My passion is creating images but it is a work in progress.
I am always willing to share what knowledge I have and can be contacted through the comments on this post or e-mail ADRIAN

Monday 8 February 2021


 This morning I dug out an infrared heater as the temperature is forecast to drop to minus silly degrees in a couple of days, needless to say it is broken and I can't find anything obviously wrong. I decided to have a run into Cupar to get one of those ceramic heaters with a blower. The electrical shop is shut and Tesco only had a small aircon unit....I suspect they'll have that for a while. I came back and ordered one from Amazon, I debated whether to have it delivered here or to the stables and as heavy snow is forecast decided on the latter. If the glen road is shut or even looks a bit white the delivery folk take the package back to either Dundee or worse Dunfermline.

The roads this morning were lethal, melt water running off the fields into clogged ditches had flowed over the road and frozen. To add to the joys of life it had then snowed on top of the ice. At nine thirty nothing seemed to have been gritted but that is the norm these days. I did pass a Gritter on my way back but he was doing the A91 and didn't divert to give Muchty a sprinkle. I struggled to complete the last half mile home but succeeded which is all that matters.

It has been showery all day with beautiful sunny spells.
The glen this morning, it looks great.

The snow seems to have settled in now and the wind is blowing it about. I can see me having to manage with the heat I've got as unless the Highways decide to salt, this road will be impassable. 
 Not to worry I'm supposed to stop in anyway.


  1. Pity about the electrical shop being shut after doing the drive. Ours are open if you ring first and order what you want. I hope you can keep warm. I wouldn't want to go out now though as it has been snowing rather a lot all day.

    1. Rachel, I guess that is probably true here but I never gave it a thought. I suspect had I rung them then they would have delivered or maybe not for forty pounds worth of heater.
      I'll not freeze, a pound to a penny I'll be on the genset anyway as if the grid gets stretched they will switch us off. It wasn't a wasted journey as Fife Tractors are open and I needed a lift pump. I also had a quick Aldi shop so have plenty to eat.
      I enjoy driving on snowy roads, it makes an exciting change from wet and potholes.

  2. Well, good luck with the heating. I hate being cold although you are much hardier and less of a cold wuss. We've had a beautiful sunny and cold day.

    1. Graham, I don't like being cold either but having the right clothing helps. It just takes me twice as long to get dressed these days. It looks as if tomorrow and Thursday are going to be bitter, -8°C is forecast but the wind is going to drop so that will help. Anything is better than wind and rain.

  3. you live a dangerous life Adrian ! Ice and snow ! here rain rain and rain again and floods !

    1. Marty, you have rain which I hate. New snow is beautiful but it is nasty when it's thawed and frozen a few times.

  4. jenmonaghan56@gmailc.om9 February 2021 at 20:37

    You have two lovely fluffy dogs to keep you warm

    1. Jen they keep me warm when they aren't covered in snow. They also keep me awake shuffling about and arguing which is sleeping where.
