I was awake earlier than usual this morning……….excitement over the Olympics…..NO!
A person who shall remain nameless gave the dogs her BBQ ribs, not her ribs you understand but pigs ribs she had cooked and gnawed at in an unseemly fashion prior to treating the dogs. Their delicate tummies couldn’t cope so I was up two hours into the new day taking dogs walkies………..I was up again four hours into the day walking dogs. I stopped up had a shower and a coffee and there was still a good hour and a half to go before the paper shop opened.
I wish it hadn’t. I get the Daily Telegraph……….it is a touch right wing for me but generally well written and it’s always good to keep an eye on the opposition. I enjoy their sports coverage, enjoy several of their comments pages, enjoy their recipes and am addicted to the cryptic crossword………….I’m Mr Angry today, £1.20p for a forty page Olympic supplement and then the first seven pages of the paper were also devoted to the Olympics….Broadsheet pages at that. One of the pages was devoted to a lady who is not even competing, Paula Radcliffe, I have no medical training but she has always looked fit enough to me.
The pictures today are………..just messing around.
Indian Balsam…………It keeps raining so I started playing around…………I just can’t help it.
I did find this growing wild…………………………………
I don’t know what it is but it is impressive and grows to about four feet or over a metre tall.
I’m going into Darlington tomorrow so will spend an hour in the market. The indoor market is always good for vibrancy and colour…………I’ll do my best.
Have a good week.