I live in a camper van with a West Highland Terrier for company.
My passion is creating images but it is a work in progress.
I am always willing to share what knowledge I have and can be contacted through the comments on this post or e-mail ADRIAN

Saturday 28 July 2012

PORK CHOP. (28/07/12)

I was up with the lark this morning and by seven o’clock had come round sufficiently to risk a walk into town.


Barnard Castle-castle and the river Tees. I have been here many times before and so has this blog. The Postvorta thingamajig should be able to find further pictures of this town for your delectation. It is a grand if breezy day. I stopped on the way through the woods to get a picture of what I thought was a bumble bee on Hogweed. Odd place for a bee, I noticed it only had a single pair of wings so it was a hairy hoverfly. I followed it around for a while, then fell down a bank so gave the stalking business up as a bad job.

I purchased a paper and notice that the opening ceremony went just fine. That’s alright then. it must have come as a relief or maybe surprise to the organizers……..don’t they know it’s not British to do these things properly? Congratulations to you all.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA I cannot finish the crossword…………….Help!

Barnard castle has one of my favourite butchers, having been almost vegetarian for the last couple of weeks I decided a purchase was in order………..

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA   The pork chop, complete with a slice of kidney. The offal is usually removed from the carcass at the abattoir just in case the unwary fall foul of mad pig disease. I’ll risk it, it’s a rare and welcome purchase.

Back to the paper and a cartoon that tickled my fancy………………….

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA    David Cameron and Boris Johnson…………..If you don’t know who they are then you are truly blessed.

P7282685_6_7_8_9_tonemapped_edited-1    We are on our way home now. The footbridge over the Tees to Lartington lane. Summer is here and the flowers are blooming.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI thought this to be a Giant Bell Flower but suspect it is something else. It has hairy leaves. A grand plant whatever it is.

Enjoy your weekend and keep your fingers crossed for Lewis in the Grand Prix.


  1. 14 Down - pianostool? (piano being "soft" in musical terms.

    1. Thanks Hilary, wot it is to be brite and educated.

    2. Pretty tricky Hilary! I gave up on that one.

  2. Couldn't like the pork chop, I am a vege. But, its the best of many bridge o'er river Tees. And, I'll be with Lewis too.

  3. Bob, the Tees has a plethora of wonderful bridges. It is the bridge watchers nirvana.

  4. The Pork Chop looks good, but the Kidney I could do without. ;-)

  5. I tried the Web. It appears Chokkie had the same problem ---
    "Just two left this morning ....
    14d soft seat? (5,5) ?i??? stool
    18a token loan arranged covering very short time (7) ??m?o?l"

    Unfortunately no answer except the paino stool so I'm no wiser about the loan. Whatever it is can I have one?

    1. Yes.....Piano Stool and the other is nominal. 3 Down is collecting box. Nominal---Token, An Anagram of loan around Min.

  6. Beautiful trek. I love your routine. Never was any good at crosswords. Much too smart for me:)....now pork chops sound good. And I haven't heard much from people about kidneys in a long while....that was refreshing.

  7. Hi Adrian..The flowered plant looks like Canterbury Bells, but the crossword is not my thing...haven't got the patience for that!! : ]
    I was reading your beginning thinking what's up with the bee thing, and dear me you are to funny ..did you hurt yourself!! I guess the local ladies are safe from you stalking them ; }
    I guess I am truly blessed...and the Olympics I don't watch!!
    Hope you have some great days coming !

  8. This was a very good walk . You showed us a great variety of good stuff.

  9. CollectINGbox and noMINal account

  10. Did you bother taking a dip, or is it too nippy?

    Grand looking stretch of water.
