I live in a camper van with a West Highland Terrier for company.
My passion is creating images but it is a work in progress.
I am always willing to share what knowledge I have and can be contacted through the comments on this post or e-mail ADRIAN

Wednesday 18 July 2012

CREELS AND CRAIL. (18/07/12)

Yesterday we toddled off to the sea side. The seaside was busy so I will return in winter and hope for good light and a proper explore.

The dogs had an exciting day, a hair cut in the morning followed by a run on the beach in the afternoon.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Zoe, Rosa, Molly and Alfie sampling the not so temperate waters of the North Sea it looked freezing but where there is little sense there is little feeling, they enjoy it.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Alf has the stick……………………………..

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Team work…………………………

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA I rounded up the wee beasts and headed for the tiny fishing village of Crail.

P7172484_5_6_7_8_tonemapped_edited-1 It’s a very photogenic place and warrants a good seeing to on a sunny quiet winters day.

P7172479_80_81_82_83_tonemapped_edited-1This small fishing vessel is a long way from home. She is registered in Oban which lies on the opposite side of the country.


P7172494_5_6_7_8_tonemapped_edited-1  There are half a dozen similar ports on this bit of the Fife coast. I’ll be back as I'm going to concentrate on Scotland this autumn and winter.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA   No fungi today but this little fern caught my eye. I hope it’s Maidenhair Spleenwort.

The rain is bucketing down and is forecast to do so for the rest of today so Osprey watching has been put on hold.

That’s all I trust you are enjoying better weather than I am.


  1. Lovely to see the dogs having so much fun Adrian.

    Crail certainly looks a picture perfect place.
    The harbor wall looks lovely.

  2. Welcome back Adrian. I see from your posts since your 'rebirth' that you are still on top form, some excellent images and your 'take' on the world in general is still as sharp as ever. Great stuff..keep it up. And the dog count has gone up as well!!

    As you say Crail looks photogenic, in the right weather!...it's raining here as well.

    Have a great time in Scotland...[;o)

  3. I am both relieved and happy to see a post from you. The dogs' antics are fun to see, especially the team work.
    Your photos of Crail would make lovely "paintings" to hang on my wall.
    Welcome back!

  4. Then there were four - your pooches are multiplying at an alarming rate Adrian ;)

    Interesting overhanging construction on what looks like a castle.

  5. The little dogs seem to be having a blast.
    Crail is a very photgenic place, wouldn't mind paint it.

  6. Did you get another two dogs? Where, if so, will they sleep Adrian? Nice port, to live in, not a drink, mind you...............

  7. That is a wonderful little village on the sea. I would love to go photo crazy in that place. Have a great day and hope the rain stops for you to enjoy this lovely place.

  8. Crail is just beautiful.. like stepping back into the past. And your dogs.. particularly the JRTs are a hoot. I love that photo of the two of them retrieving the same stick. Too funny.

  9. Lovely to see the pooches so happy.

    Good to see that Crail hasn't altered that much in the last 40 years. Even the boats look pretty much the same.

  10. Good to see you're enjoying Crail - the Crail Festival has just started, so hopefully there will be plenty to keep you there. Thought you might be interested to know about 'Wild Crail' a blog in which local nature enthusiast Will Cresswell writes about his sightings. http://aboutcrail.wordpress.com/

    1. Thanks for the link.......I will be back when these villages are quieter. I prefer places to myself. it's a wonderful area.

  11. You've found an awesome area to photograph with the stone walls and house. Someone like you can play with the colors light and shape. Have fun.

  12. Okay...maybe your weather isn't the greatest but your pictures are beautiful. Love that little town....but I especially love all the puppy love going on in the ocean. Very happy:) Have fun!

  13. Thank you one and all. It's a place with lots of potential.
    We are staying with the two Jack Russels so i don't have to find room for them.

  14. It does look a lovely place Adrian. I know I would enjoy exploring it. Lovely to see the dogs again and their friends!

    The weather here has been appalling for about four months now with torrential rain again yesterday. However, we are promised Summer next week....at last!

  15. A very picturesque place. Those Jack Russells are as cute as your pair. Bet you couldn't repeat that teamwork shot if you tried!

    1. Pauline I could. only one of them swims the other paddles. they do it all the time......Daft dogs.

  16. Excellent shots of the harbour.
