I live in a camper van with a West Highland Terrier for company.
My passion is creating images but it is a work in progress.
I am always willing to share what knowledge I have and can be contacted through the comments on this post or e-mail ADRIAN

Wednesday 11 July 2012

REBIRTH (11/07/12)

This has been a long time coming, I’m not sure that it’s worth posting but I have to start again somewhere. I hope to be back on a regular basis but I have decided to post less frequently than before. We will see how it goes.

I would like to thank you all for your comments and enquiries. I’ve had a troubled and hard few months, I can now see the light at the end of the tunnel and fervently hope it is the tunnel mouth and not a train heading my way.

The past week I have been out with the camera and have a trio of images to share.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA    A Meadow Brown butterfly feeding on bramble flowers. I have had one fine day since I finished work. The same hot and clement weather also produced a first for me……………………………..

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA      A Small Skipper………they stay still for a fraction of a second. Though not a big or bright butterfly it was a grand find.

This mornings wander again in sunshine had me bump into a wonderful plant.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA   A Giant Hogweed. I recognise these monsters are not to everyone's taste.  If you come into contact with their stems they either send one blind or ones naughty bits shrivel up and drop off……reminds me of the dire consequences of masturbation propagated by a choir master years ago. Despite these negative properties I love the things, this one was well over two metres tall. Like Angelica, and Hogweed they are related to the carrot.

Before I go I’ll leave you with this…………………………………………..

Ship-Aqueduct-optical-illusion And this…………………………………

steelwork-illusion The latter is a really nifty bit of Photoshoping, I wish I could credit it but also wish I’d produced it.

All the best and I hope to be back in a day or so.


  1. I'm so glad to see you're back!
    Thanks for sharing these beautiful shots.
    Take care.

  2. A lovely series, excellent work.

    I'm so happy you're back to blogging.

  3. Glad to see you back! Excellent photos as always.

  4. Good to see you back my friend; we've missed you.

    Had some sun here this morning, but it soon turned to a few showers.

  5. Great to have back from your long holidays, really good.

  6. Delighted that you're back Adrian - I really enjoy you blog. Haven't seen a small skipper in this neck of the woods this year.

    1. Phil, it was at Strensham just outside York. So they shouldn't be far away.

  7. Hi Adrian...Did so miss you, your stories and wonderful photos..nice to have you back!
    Here's hoping it is not a train coming toward you ; }!!
    First one is lovely...and the last..ya sure would be nice to have had ownership on that one : }}}!

    1. Grace the last is a beauty. The Penrose triangle I believe it's called. It can be drawn but not manufactured. Follow the lines of the girders.

  8. Adrian, lovely to see you back!!!!! I missed your splendid pictures and posts. I love the hogweed pic!! Cheers and take care, Ruby.

  9. Welcome back Adrian....You and your images have been missed by many..!


  10. Adrian, so glad you are back in touch, I have been worried about you. Hope that is light you see now.
    Love the butterflies, so hard to photograph because they don't stay still.
    Best wishes to you,

  11. Welcome back Adrian. You have seen more flutters than I have in recent times.

  12. Good to see that you are back, hope everything stays good for you and that we see more posts in the future. Take care and be well.

  13. Good to see you back, Adrian. I am full of admiration for the butterfly pics, having so often tried myself to photograph the things without any success!

  14. The light you see is the end of the tunnel, they canceled the train :) Welcome Back.

  15. So good to see you back. And, characteristically, to give us a poser or two. It took me a few minutes to see the girder 'problem' with the last one.

  16. Good to see you - and your butterfly finds!

  17. Welcome back Adrian. I hope you have only great days ahead of you.

  18. Good to see you back and look forward to your posts.

  19. Glad you're back! I like the looks of the hogweed, it's a great upward shot.

  20. Adrian,so glad to see you back,I really missed your blog posts and your comments on my blog.
    Love the shot of the Hogweed and glad you got a shot of the butterfly,I have not even seen a butterfly this year,the weather has been so awful,the delicate wildlife and the wild flowers are almost nonexistent.

  21. What a welcome back. Many thanks for all your kind comments. I'll answer queries individually but general comments I will just enjoy. Thank you again.

  22. Yay! You're back! We were all getting quite worried about your absence. And of the doggies, Molly and -- sorry, can't recall what the other one is called.

    Anyway, we will alll look forward to seeing more of your travels and adventures.

    Take care, and God bless, Canadian Chickadee

  23. I love the hogweed shot. It's great to use the sky as a backdrop, it simplifies it and makes it more effective I find.
    Good to see you back, I wondered what was up. I hope you are ok. Troubled times, I know all about that at the minute !
