I live in a camper van with a West Highland Terrier for company.
My passion is creating images but it is a work in progress.
I am always willing to share what knowledge I have and can be contacted through the comments on this post or e-mail ADRIAN

Wednesday 24 July 2013

I THOUGHT I WAS SAFE. (24/07/13)

We enjoyed a couple of sharp showers last night but by half five-sixish it was as muggy and as close as ever.

_V0G7230                      Nice light was blessing our pre-breakfast wander.

_V0G7232                        Not quite as nice as this……this had a seeing to.

I’ve not had the radio on nor purchased a paper since before the weekend. I really couldn’t face all the crap being spoken and written about one baby. As far as I’m concerned if it has the right number of appendages then good luck to the poor little bugger. He’ll need it!

They haven’t thought of a name yet, the only advice I can offer is keep it simple. Adrian was the very devil to spell. The number of times I was belted with a ruler for writing Adrain I can’t begin to recall, it started at primary school and lasted till A-levels. Teachers should realize that violence is not the answer. I should, in retrospect, have changed my name to Bil or Harri. Maybe not the latter. I don’t look good in good light with my kit off. Neither did he come to think.

If I had any say in the matter, which I should do as the Telegraph has eleven pages devoted to the matter, I’d call him Kevin. It scans nicely with Kate and Cambridge; King Kevin has a good ring to it. It doesn’t work with William or Wales but let’s face facts, it’s a wise child that knows it’s own father.

Talking of wisdom I’ve been on a nature walk. I went looking for butterflies and dragonflies. I saw a Small Tortoiseshell and Common Blue but they were being blown about all over the place. Whilst waiting in vain for them to settle I decided to snap some flora._V0G7237     Ragged Robin.


_V0G7240     Meadowsweet.

_V0G7245    Harebell…. Summer is really here now.

_V0G7242   I hope I got the first three correct. Adrain is uncertain over this one. In for a penny……..Yarrow.  I’m not into big flowers but do enjoy the tiny ones. I’m going to spend a while differentiating between Wild Carrot, Angelica, Cow Parsley, Hogweed and the half dozen others that look the same to the Adriannas of this world.

I would just like to congratulate all the unsung parents of new babies. Your time will come….come the revolution.


  1. it looks the same as Yarrow in my "eye spy " book Adrian, realy nice pre breakfast shots too. I bet that new baby will never have a paper round to do ,to get a few pounds pocket money, like i did.


  2. Peter, the new baby will have a helicopter to fly. I milked cows on a weekend for money. That's a really hard job.

    It is Yarrow....I was only acting daft. There are lots of tiny yellow flowers which I haven't a clue what they are. I'll e-mail them to Phil Gates he is a proper Bottamist.

  3. Hi Adrian I thought the first shot was stunning until I saw the second one. It was more atmospheric although he first one was peaceful. In you photo shop, can you cut some the the sea out of the 1st one aand then join the top sky and rest of the photo together again? I don't do photo shop, so I don't know! I read from yesterdays post that you had seen 3 chicks of the Divers, that would be wonderful to see them even without their parents. I have never seen one of the chicks before. Margaret

    1. The first is shot from a tripod at middling long exposure. Yes If I cloned out the bit of tide rip it would blend well. Or I could just compress the image in free transform. The latter would be quicker. One can get away with blue murder on the internet. I do have a snap of the whole family together. They didn't breed last year but have this so lets hope for a colony of them. They are grown up now so not sure whether these are chicks or not. I'm not very good with flora fauna or birds.
      I'm on the case now and will post as ' MARGARET'S WISHES.'

  4. spectacular shots, Adrian! It is amazing how long the reporters stayed around the hospital waiting for the royal birth! I wish him well.

    1. Nothing better to do haven't journalists.
      You are welcome to Kevin the King I. It will be one less for us to look after or drive away to the colonies.

  5. Hi Adrian...I am so far behind on my commenting and I have missed so much on your post's which always prove to be one of the very best I follow!!

    Been back about 4 posts, marvelous shot's , like that man eating or was that fly eating plant haha!! It looks like a beauty of a place you have landed on,and I am enjoying the history of the place !!

    Today's post wonderful, with those water shot's and marvelous wild flowers, all of which grow here to !! My favorite is Ragged Robin!!

    I do pity that poor baby boy,and his parents!! He was all over the TV shows last night!!


  6. Grace, I was helping at the birth of my son....He didn't look good...Apparently midwives are not equipped with tyre levers and a trolley jack to put the little buggers back till they look human.
    Even the Royals will have to get used to the realities of life.
    I thought they may have left the placenta in the wealthy lass. She still looked a bit fat to me.

  7. Adrian, the water near the shore looks like molten metal. I sat and stared at it a bit. That look and those colors would be so great for a fantasy game.

    Reading about the names was just fun. I never thought about Adrian being hard to spell but I can't remember what my mind was like at six years old or even if I had one.

    I'm trying to decide if I like the flowers with the fuzzy backgrounds. It seems to me a little like the first time I tasted coffee or pizza or beer. I think like those things I will learn to love it. It gives depth which pictures of flowers with everything in focus is lacking generally.

    1. David, you is Welsh American. You start with a serious disadvantage.
      The photos, well I did my best. Not good enough, that's fair enough.
      It comes with the territory on full frame Macro. Bridge cameras are much better at it; not to mention a fraction of the price.

    2. Oh Adrian, you misunderstood my comments. I thought they were all wonderful! I am not a photographer at all but I can go out and take a picture of water or flowers. The thing is my photos will look just like a million other people's photos. It takes an artist to do what you are doing.

    3. David it just takes very posh lenses. I looked at these and thought you had a point. They aren't good but they are middling good. Better than close ups. You keep knocking me and I'll maybe improve. Keep on. Just expect to get a good telling now and then.

    4. I wasn't knocking you but if my comments are worth anything, take them however you will.

      And no worries about giving me a good telling. I'll argue back if I think you are wrong and thank you if I think you are right.

  8. HI Adrian...I can't believe it they named that poor wee thing
    George Alexander Louis of Cambridge , bless his little heart, had to get a nickname out of that!! hahaha ; )
    And yes she does have a big pot there, perhaps a girl that they put back!!

    1. Grace I'm not a geneikologist but for a young un she doesn't look spot on. Had she been a sheep or a cow I'd have had a rumble round to see what I'd missed. Perhaps they aren't that fussed the Royals have a rather cavalier attitude to spouses.
      About par for the daft buggers. Can't think of a nickname but neither can I see myself mixing in such exulted circles so it matters not a jot.

  9. The flowers were rather good snaps as you put it but the first two -whether seen to or not I care not - really do it for me. I love to see the sea you see. Frankly I thought there was very little about the baby on the TV yesterday evening. I didn't even know it had arrived. I suppose if I'd switched it on then it might have been a different story.

    1. I just got the paper today. Bloody nightmare. I spend £1.20p for news a suduko and a crossword. If I wanted to look at a posh tarts kid I understand that Hello would cater for my desires.
      I've written a strong letter to the Telegraph signed Mr Angry of no fixed abode.

      Many thanks Graham, the first is a blend of two exposures one shot through an NG 4 stop filter and the second without it. I did take the tripod. As you saw in Glencoe I set up for some shots. It half works for me. I love image making. Most of all I love digital. Two bites at the cherry but it has to be there or there abouts from the camera.

  10. Now for a guy who's far off in the boonies, I thought you'd be without news and quite happy? With your flower pictures you must have been busy. You also Identified them . Great for guys like me. I didn't get much baby stuff as I don't watch TV. I follow stuff on Twitter so I can pick and choose.

  11. Red, I am in the back of beyond but Have news here. News is one thing but hysteria is quite another.

  12. You've captured two great seascapes there Adie. I really like the first one (a little more saturation in the sky maybe?)

    It's a shame you 'missed' the butterflies...but you did get the flowers...and their names!

    Good luck with the Umbelliferae ID's..there's nearly 4000 family species to choose from!!!

    It's a good job the new sprog wasn't a girl..Queen Georgie doesn't work very well! Mind you, perhaps he might turn...er!..maybe I shouldn't go any further down that road!!!...[;o)

    1. Trevor, 4000, perhaps I'll limit myself to the ones in Collins.
      I very much doubt he'll be required to be King. It will probably be compulsory to be gay by then.

  13. Your macro flowers are looking better all the time. Those rocky ocean shore landscapes are so dramatic. The second one is great!

    1. Maria, good days and bad days but thank you.
