It started out fine first thing. Then the wind came back and is currently gusting 50mph. I suspect it does it most of the time as there are few trees around. I saw two Divers flying in so off we went to the seaside. They must have gone to a different bit of seaside. So much for humping a rucksack full of Bertha and a tripod.
I also took the flashing gear and a macro lens but couldn’t concentrate. The dogs were being little buggers. I should have given them a much longer run before I started playing. The flash gun always excites them. They were dashing up to it and barking their heads off. I remonstrated with them in no uncertain terms but it makes little difference. It did shock the middle aged lady who I’d failed to notice. She looked as if it had been a long time since she’d heard so many expletives strung together. The dogs just assume they are terms of endearment. I was hoping that This cloud would go lenticular….it just cleared off.
The bright spot of the morning was stumbling across a young lady….Too young for me….she did look a real picture though….she was taking pictures of the Orchids. She thought they were Marsh Orchid but I was able to put her right. Had she been ten years older then I may have just agreed. I had found another Frog Orchid so showed her that one…she thought it was dead and wasn’t impressed with it.
Common Spotted Orchid and Birdsfoot Trefoil. This had the remote flash off to the right at 1/4 power. It was the only one that worked.
Here’s another view. These are posted at 1500 pixels so will enlarge with a click. I’ll go back with wellies on when it’s less windy as I got a trainer full of water taking these…. I have just been informed on the phone that they are Monkey Flowers. Mimulus is the posh name.
I popped the flash on a monopod and held it high in the air it does add a bit of light. This system has possibilities. Well it has to at the price it is. Mine cost two hundred and forty pounds but purchased new the Pocket Wizard kit would be over six hundred. I’ll now go to www. to find out how to get sand out of their works…..Dogs!…Who in their right mind would have them?
I’m going to play a bit more and then settle down with a book until this damn wind settles down.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend.
"Dogs!…Who in their right mind would have them?"...Well Koreans of course! A canine goulash with onions in rich black bean sauce is a real treat. By the way, I notice now how your photography is just a front for drawing unsuspecting women into your campervan! Naughty Adrian!
ReplyDeleteYP...I'm trying to read a book!
ReplyDeleteThe lass is doing a degree in plants and things at Durham University. She can't have started yet or she'd be able to recognise a Common Spotted One.
She would also have learnt not to bend over wearing leggings and a mini-skirt.
What do teachers teach children these days?
They teach them to beware of sixty three year old men in campervans who say, "I've got a frog orchid for you to look at my dear!"
DeleteYP. They know they are fit from eleven years old. They have heard all about dirty old men. She now has to learn about vegetation.
DeleteI wouldn't have said no to her taking me home to meet her mother though.
The common Spotted purple orchid is fabulous, and the fill-in off camera flash gives it a real pop. This the real good advantage of getting the photos correctly exposed while "in camera". I get tired of Photoshopping to brighten up things. It's better to get the exposure right while "in camera". The beach is just fabulous. You are in a beautiful place. I envy you.
ReplyDeleteMaria, I'm half happy six went in the bin. I got the Mimulus using Hysync and E-TTL. It does work and once I get used to visualising the light from the flash it will work better. The camera has a FEL* button. I tried using it on the Orchid but the flash didn't fire. I'll press it harder next time.
DeleteI could spend the rest of the summer here.
Hi Adrian, gorgeous landscape , excellent blues and wonderful exposure...I love the jagged rocks , the unique clouds ...lovely floral images with superb selective focus points!
ReplyDeleteLinda, good to hear from you. The yellow flowers were selecting themselves. It was blowing half a gale.
DeleteImagens maravilhosasssssssssssss!!!!
ReplyDelete°º✿✿ Bom fim de semana!!!
°º✿ Tudo de bom!!!!
º° ✿♥ ♫° ·. Beijinhos do Brasil.
Magia, obrigado, una bom fim de semana para ti.
ReplyDeletedouglas mcfarlane has left a new comment on your post "ONE OF THOSE DAYS. (06/07/13)":
ReplyDeleteI thought I was bad....
I had to copy this across Douglas. It has been happening now and then that comments show in my e-mail in box but not here.
DeleteI'm very good...had I been bad then I'd have enjoyed the view for longer before saying good morning.
Oh, the Orchids sure are beautiful. What's the matter with the wind, we didn't have any, laugh.
ReplyDeleteBob, you don't have Red and Black Throated Divers. The Orchids are wonderful.
Deletegreat photos Adrian.
ReplyDeleteCheers Peter.
DeleteOh dear Adrian you must have missed all the Mimulus in my garden. OK it's the 'cultivated' variety but looks pretty much the same to me. Sounds to me as though you need an assistant to hold your equipment.
ReplyDeleteI did Graham, I also missed your pond on the way out. Is it a northern plant? It looks like an Iris but with funny leaves.
DeleteVery confusing are plants.
Mimulus guttatus : Monkey flower is a non-native, garden escape, óriginally. It has spread along rivers and streamsides.
DeleteThanks John.
DeleteThe flash has given your photos a nice 'pop', Adrian. I was going to guess they were Monkerflowers, but then I saw your phone correspondent got there first!
ReplyDeleteJeremy, I thinks it's worth the effort.
DeleteYou may not have trees but you certainly have flowers. I know I've said it before but the area you are in reminds me of the arctic which is covered in flowers. It's always easier to learn something when there are two of you!
ReplyDeleteRed, two heads and four hands are always useful.
DeleteHi Adrian...Yup I could have told you that they where Monkey Flowers, but I didn't get my butt in gear to read post's, since sticking to the computer keys is not my idea of fun. and, John beat me to it hahaha ! I know then as a garden flower!
ReplyDeleteYour flower shot's have been just marvelous!!
I must have spent sixty three years going about with my eyes closed. I am a dumb cluck!