I live in a camper van with a West Highland Terrier for company.
My passion is creating images but it is a work in progress.
I am always willing to share what knowledge I have and can be contacted through the comments on this post or e-mail ADRIAN

Wednesday 6 February 2019


Life can be a little depressing at times. I am struggling to master Blender 2.8 but I am making progress. It does crash now and again. Not that often unless I confuse it.
 It reminds me of the time years ago when I went to work in France, I spoke all day in French to the best of my ability. After work we used to go for a beer and after I had got used to their custom of two tiny glasses and not our custom of three or four pints, it was grand.....Almost....I can speak languages but can't write them. This is how the conversation went. After the first round.
Rigger. " questque tu prend?"
Me.       " Un autre si vous plait."
Rigger. "Que désire?"
Me.      "Uno cerveza por favour?"
Rigger. " AAH.... Le meme chose......Graci.
So language is learnt. Everything else for that matter.
A week later we entered the same cafe and It was my turn to get the first round. I asked what they would like, Keska eel prendez. They said, Cinq, something different to biers but it was Saturday lunch time so I thought it was a special drink they had taught me. I recited it twice and in I went. The lassy didn't bat an eye when I conveyed their wishes but when they followed me she flew from behind the bar and thrashed them with a wet towel. I did ask what they thought she was capable of giving me five of and more to the point could I survive it. They were all in convulsions so I never did find out. My French wasn't up to it. So language is learnt.
School should be for the three Rs. No good asking a teacher to teach this 3D malarkey. No good asking me but I have had a request or five and I don't bull shit. I can sort simple stuff for folk. Teachers seem to demean pupils to cover their own inadequacies. (that was a hard wurd; Thank the Google for spell chucker)
Blender 2.8 is a lot like this. I went back to 2.79 and was struggling. The new interface is so much more intuitive that I am in awe of the work and effort involved. It will take ages for the manual to catch up so I am doing what I always do; click on stuff, pray and try and remember what worked and what didn't.
This morning I downloaded a new Beta version and low and behold it gets better. Silly things like fonts are now easily legible in the font viewer, the bevel tool is silky smooth, the video editor accepts image sequences without any hassle. If you drag and drop HDRIs then it is a disaster zone that takes twenty minutes with Mapping to sort...Half sort.....I can get it something like. If you load them sensibly through the node they work fine.  It will get sorted. I am on my third iteration of 2.8 Beta and if you see anything below I've done summat.
I definitely did summat.
I got both screens full to overflowing with PNG images. Bastard! I saved them to a file on my desktop as is my wont but it ignored the file bit. Not only that it ignored my sparkles! See no sparkles. Bastard EEVEE and bastard Blender.
You aren't supposed to see the cone bit and the lighting needs a shove. EEVEE is good but it will Take me an hour or several to work out what to push where. I am pushing it as little as possible the particles are this shaped.

I use the funny thing on the right as a particle, it has two fewer vertices than a cube and two more faces to react with light. It's only four days to her birthday, Help.
That's all.


  1. A strange thing, Adrian, with that first image. If I look at it on the screen without 'click the pic' it seems to move when I look at different areas. It must be a knob-tickle allusion as, when I click on it to enlarge it, it looks quite stable. ;-}
